
Archive for June 11th, 2011

'Wi-Fi Sync' App Developer Accuses Apple in Stealing His Idea


Last year we told about Greg Hughes, who created the "Wi-Fi Sync" app, which allows to synchronize your iOS-device with iTunes wirelessly. After Apple's rejection the developer sent it to the Cydia Store instead. Since then the app was sold over 50,000 times. But as you know, this week Apple unveiled that it made Wi-Fi Synchronization with iTunes an inbuilt feature in iOS5. In response Hughes decided to accuse the company in ripping his work.

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Written by SimplyMax

Saturday, June 11th, 2011. 21:36

iCloud Communications Accuses Apple Of Infringing Its Trademark


This Thursday iCloud Communications filed a lawsuit against Apple. The plaintiff claims the Cupertino's company has infringed on its trademark and calls for an injunction, which would allow to block the launch of the iCloud service.

According to The Next Web, the suit was filed in the U.S. District Court in Arizona. This is the state where iCloud Communications is currently based.

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Written by SimplyMax

Saturday, June 11th, 2011. 19:15

iPhone 4S may get hybrid GSM-CDMA support


New report by MacOtakara claims that Apple may release the "iPhone 4S" that will sport hybrid GSM-CDMA functionality and a special SIM card slot for countries other than United States.

Besides that, the new smartphone will supposedly have a smaller hole for FaceTime camera and a "more narrow front receiver slit". It will also get a 5 GHz antenna for 802.11n wireless networking support.

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HTC May Become Top US Smartphone Maker Instead of Apple


DigiTimes sources revealed this week that HTC may challenge Apple's position of the top U.S. smartphone maker.

Here's the deal: HTC has smartphones available on all four U.S. carriers, while Apple partners only with AT&T and Verizon. The HTC Thunderbolt is reported as the second most popular smartphone on Verizon's network, while Apple's iPhone is the first one. The best-selling Android smartphone on AT&T is also of HTC (The Inspire 4G).

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Written by SimplyMax

Saturday, June 11th, 2011. 16:52

iOS 5 for iPad video walkthrough: Notification Center, iMessages, Music, Safari, Twitter, and more

9to5mac created an eleven minute walkthrough video of iOS 5 on the iPad. The video covers Messages with the iMessage service, Notification Center, new Music application, updated Safari, tweaked Mail, Twitter integration, updated Calendar, Settings, Reminders, the new keyboard, and more. Take a look:


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Written by admin

Saturday, June 11th, 2011. 1:10

FaceTime will be available via 3G in iOS 5


FaceTime videocalls are for Wi-Fi right now. And as you might remember we were able to use FaceTime over 3G only after installing a jailbreak tweak utility. Now Apple decided to enable 3G support in iOS 5. However it will be up to carriers to allow it or not. Guess what AT&T will do? We shall see.


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Written by admin

Saturday, June 11th, 2011. 0:52