
'Wi-Fi Sync' App Developer Accuses Apple in Stealing His Idea


Last year we told about Greg Hughes, who created the "Wi-Fi Sync" app, which allows to synchronize your iOS-device with iTunes wirelessly. After Apple's rejection the developer sent it to the Cydia Store instead. Since then the app was sold over 50,000 times. But as you know, this week Apple unveiled that it made Wi-Fi Synchronization with iTunes an inbuilt feature in iOS5. In response Hughes decided to accuse the company in ripping his work.

The Telegraph reported the developer was "completely shocked" that Apple used his idea and similar logo.

"I'd been selling my app with that name and icon for a year. Apple knew about it as I'd submitted it to them, so it was surprising to see that they had pinched it for iOS 5”.

On the photo above you can see Greg Hughes itself, his app logo on the top and Apple Wi-Fi Sync logo on bottom.

Hughes told he's going to "stand up and defend" his work. Last year, when his app was rejected, Apple representative said that it didn't "technically break the rules" but did "encroach upon the boundaries" of what is allowed in the App Store. He also revealed the iPhone engineering team was "quite impressed" by Hughes' work.

This week Apple reported that there are 425,000 apps on the App Store now, and $2.5 billion have already been paid to developers.

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Written by SimplyMax

Saturday, June 11, 2011. 21:36

3 Responses to ''Wi-Fi Sync' App Developer Accuses Apple in Stealing His Idea'

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  1. Honestly, people have been asking for wifi sync for years. No one stole his "idea", it wasn't his to begin with.

    As far as the icon is concerned, a wifi symbol surrounded by a pretty standard way to indicated syncing.

    Apple can be shady, but in this case there's nothing to see here.



    12 Jun 11 at 5:00 pm

  2. Ur kidding right? Apple users have been demanding this since the beginning. I can't think of a more obvious feature that Apple could roll out and that in and of itself is all the legal defense Apple would need.



    12 Jun 11 at 8:35 pm

  3. I think Greg Hughes was just offended by the fact that Apple didn't involve him when it was developing that feature. But, really, who cares except himself?



    12 Jun 11 at 8:40 pm

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