
Archive for April 22nd, 2012

Unlock iPhone using SAM [Video]

You might seen our step-by-step tutorial here. Here is a video from iDownloadBlog showing all the process:


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Step-by-step tutorial: How to Unlock Your iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS Using SAM [iOS 5.0, 5.0.1, 5.1]


UPDATE: SAM was updated. Our new tutorial is available here.

UPDATE2: Apple is blocking SAM unlock

These are instructions on how to unlock your iPhone using SAM. This method will work with the iPhone 4S, iPhone 4 and iPhone 3GS on iOS 5.x. All modems are supported.

Step One
Jailbreak your iPhone. You can find instructions on how to do that using the Jailbreak Tutorials.

Step Two
Tap to launch Cydia from your SpringBoard.

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What country does your iPhone belong to?


You can determine the country by iPhone Model Number. Here is the list of country codes used by Apple devices.

MB123XX/A or MC123XX/A is the device code and XX is the regional identifier (or however it is called). This code you can find in this list:

  • AB Egypt, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates
  • B Ireland, UK, also used for some replacement phones
  • C Canada
  • CZ Czech Republic
  • DN Austria, Germany, Netherlands
  • E Mexico
  • EE Estonia
  • FB France, Luxembourg
  • FD Austria, Liechtenstein, Switzerland

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Written by admin

Sunday, April 22nd, 2012. 17:02

New Unlock works for all iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, all 5.x firmwares, all basebands

unlock1 unlock1

A new unlock has been discovered that works for all iPhones and all 5.x firmware versions, all basebands are supported.

The method discovered by Loktar_Sun appears to exploit a logical bug in Apple's server and can be performed on any jailbroken iOS device. His procedure involves using Sam Bingner's SAM (Subscriber Artificial Module) package to perform a series of steps that unlocks your phone to use a specific SIM.

It has been confirmed working by iPhone Dev-Team member MuscleNerd who notes an update may be coming to SAM from @sbingner to make the procedure simpler.

We will post detailed step by step unlock instructions soon.

UPDATE: Tutorial is ready! You can find it here.


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