
iPhone 5 Does Not Recognize Rapid Diagonal Swipes

Following up the Tweet posted by UK developer CMA Megacorp, Recombu reported on an issue related to recognition of rapid diagonal swiping motions on the iPhone 5 and posted a video comparison that demonstrates the issue on iPhones running iOS 6.0.1 and iOS 6. Recombu noted:

“Using the Mail app to clearly demonstrate the quick scrolling action, we dragged our finger back and forth diagonally from bottom right to top left on each phone’s display. Sure enough, whilst both iPhone 4S’s handled the fast paced scrolling to aplomb, one iPhone 5 struggled to hold its concentration, dropping and picking back up touch input whilst the other stopped registering input altogether”.

The reports said that the cause of the problem is unknown. However iMore has confirmed that the issue also appears in the fifth-gen iPod touch, which suggests that its cause may be related to the in-cell touch technology used in the new 4-inch display.

Given the unusual fast diagonal swipe required for the issue to show up, most users will never notice it, but certain apps such as Infinity Blade and Fruit Ninja relying on such swipes could be affected by this glitch.

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4 Responses to 'iPhone 5 Does Not Recognize Rapid Diagonal Swipes'

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  1. Не так уж и страшен этот баг...



    11 Nov 12 at 10:26 am

  2. о боже! как теперь нам быть?
    Всё! уйду на андроид!


    admin Reply:




    12 Nov 12 at 4:18 pm

  3. здравствуйте, есть ли прога какая нибудь, чтобы я мог видеть номера анонимных вызовов или чтобы сам мог включить функцию аноним.Знаю что это можно сделать через оператора, но все таки есть сидиа.



    29 Nov 12 at 10:08 pm

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