
New Unlock works for all iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, all 5.x firmwares, all basebands

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A new unlock has been discovered that works for all iPhones and all 5.x firmware versions, all basebands are supported.

The method discovered by Loktar_Sun appears to exploit a logical bug in Apple's server and can be performed on any jailbroken iOS device. His procedure involves using Sam Bingner's SAM (Subscriber Artificial Module) package to perform a series of steps that unlocks your phone to use a specific SIM.

It has been confirmed working by iPhone Dev-Team member MuscleNerd who notes an update may be coming to SAM from @sbingner to make the procedure simpler.

We will post detailed step by step unlock instructions soon.

UPDATE: Tutorial is ready! You can find it here.

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8 Responses to 'New Unlock works for all iPhone 4S, iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, all 5.x firmwares, all basebands'

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  1. Щас попрут дешовые айфоны с америки на продажу :)



    22 Apr 12 at 3:29 pm

  2. Неужели мой айпод станет айфоном....


    admin Reply:

    шансы есть ))



    22 Apr 12 at 4:29 pm

  3. интересно долго ждать когда они скинут инструкцию


    admin Reply:

    наша инструкция готова!



    22 Apr 12 at 4:30 pm

  4. А смысл в ДАННОМ анлоке, если симку менять невозможно!!!!


    admin Reply:

    смысл очень простой - чтобы появилась возможность звонить. хотя бы с одной симки. можно прописать и несколько, но процедуру надо делать для каждой.



    22 Apr 12 at 11:13 pm

  5. Урра а то надоела гевей))



    23 Apr 12 at 2:26 pm

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