Archive for June, 2010
Learn iPhone 4 in 10 min: video quick-start guide
Here's a quick 10-minute video walkthrough of everything you need to know about new Apple iPhone 4:
For more on iOS 4, check out the iOS 4 in 10 minutes video.
[via tipb]
More iPhone 4 Problems with Possible Exchange
There have been a lot of trouble reports from new iPhone 4 owners, especially regarding the signal loss issue. However, there are some other minor factory defects which are less widespread, and it means that in this case you can exchange your phone. Here is a list of what you just might encounter:
Camera Tests for iPhone 4 And Other Devices
When the iPhone 4 was introduced at the WWDC, Apple especially noted the capabilities of the device, putting emphasis on its camera. The company said that, even though the iPhone 4 had only 5 megapixels, while 8 megapixels was beginning to be the norm for the latest smartphones, the iPhone 4 would have a far superior performance thanks to some special features that go far beyond the simple megapixel count.
Now the iPhone 4 is finally on the market, and so are samples of the new Droid X from Motoralla introduced on Wednesday. This made camera tests possible and this is what Macworld did in their series of tests aimed to compare 4 devices: the iPhone 4, it’s predecessor 3GS, the Droid X, the HTC EVO 4G, Samsung HZ35W and Galaxy, as well as basic Sony and Samsung point-and-shoot cameras. For the video test, the devices were also compared to the Flip Video M2120.
Apple adds featured iOS 4 apps section to iTunes
iTunes now has a
FaceTime Testing Hotline from Apple
One of the main iPhone 4’s innovations is FaceTime, a new video calling feature. Unfortunately, at the moment it is only limited to calls from one iPhone 4 to another, and it makes it rather challenging for people to try it out, since not all of them know other iPhone 4 users.
Apple has suggested a solution: a new testing and support hotline at 1-888-FACETIME. Before starting a FaceTime session with a representative from Apple, callers will be asked a couple of questions about their new phone. Then they can get more information about the new feature, ask some questions and test FaceTime.
The hotline currently works from 8.00 a.m. to 8.00 p.m. Central Time.
Steve Jobs: iPhone 4 Signal Probem Is a 'Non Issue'
The problem of signal loss with the iPhone 4 is still on, and users have begun to address the company itself for more information. Is it a hardware or software problem? What is being done to fix it? Steve Jobs is very laconic about it: yes, the problem is there but this is a “non-issue” and you should just avoid holding it that way.
Sounds incredible, but there it is, Apple’s official statement.
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iPad and iPhone Application from Barack Obama
A new application for the iPad, iPod and iPhone from US President himself has just been released: Organizing for America.
This is an ambitious plan to connect to the voters in this year’s election season and to reach out to those who were inspired by the elections in 2008. With the application you can always stay involved and up to date with the main political events no matter where you are. You can even find some local events and get in touch with OFA supporters in your area. With Organizing for America, you’ll have immediate access to the latest news, photos and video.
Organizing for America features:
The cost of iPhone 4 Compared to Top Smartphones
The prices for the iPhone 4, Droid Incredible, Evo 4G and Nexus One are very similar. But in this chart you can see how much you’ll have to spend on each of the devices during a 2-year period.
The results for the iPhone 4 are quite encouraging, especially in the Minimum Plan Total Cost category. However, you should remember that nowadays AT&T is the only carrier that offers tiered data. This means that for $2,000 you can only enjoy 200 MB a month, which doesn’t exactly compare to the unlimited plans of the other 3 devices. With the “unlimited” plan you’ll be able to use 2GB, which is enough in most cases. If it isn’t, be ready to spill out an extra $10 per 1GB each month.
Still, the performances of all the 4 devices are really very close, so you can do some research while waiting for the iPhone 4 to come into the market.
Launches of iPhone 4 in U.K., France, Germany and U.S.
In spite of the problems with ordering and receiving, the iPhone 4 has enjoyed a really successful launch across the world. The first place for the iPhone 4 to go on sale was Japan, with more than 300 people lining up at the main store for Softbank, the mobile carrier for the iPhone 4 in Japan. By early afternoon all the devices in stock had been sold.
The next countries to launch the new device were Germany, France and the UK, with the U.S. East coast following them shortly afterwards. At most of the places the lines were incredibly long – actually the longest for any iPhone release.
iPhone 4 Antennas May Be Not As Good As Announced
Some guy with a nickname FameFoundry posted a video where he shows that after taking new iPhone 4 in his hands the signal decreases so much it can totally loose connection. That's a bit shocking! (Or there are some magnetic problems with his hands)
iPhone 4 drop test video
iFixyouri did a drop test on the new iPhone. I'd never give these guys my iPhone Let's watch the results:
Twitter for iPhone now supports iOS 4
Keeping up with the times, the official Twitter application now supports iOS 4 in its latest build. The program can now run in the background, and you’ll be able to send twits while working with other applications. Nor will you have to start the application all over every time you want to check on the latest events.
The app is free and can be downloaded
iPhone 4 - Not as Indestructible as Thought Before
One of iPhone 4’s main design features is its front and black made entirely of glass which, according to Apple, is more resistant to scratches than ever. The company is so sure of the durability and strength of the new device’s glass that the only protection feature they are offering is bumpers for the edges, while the front and black are fully exposed.
According to some reviews from the iPhone 4’s new owners, the glass seems to be holding up quite well, and no effects were observed even after dropping the device. However, there are some new photos which prove that the situation is not as sunny as it is claimed to be.
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White iPhones Won't Be Available Until Mid July
According to Apple’s official statement, you won’t get any white iPhones until the second half of July as they have proven more difficult to make than it was expected. The availability of the black models, which are found to be more popular, will not be affected.
Strange as it might seem, producing white equipment is indeed more challenging than the black one. The reason for it is the fact that making the black back of the glass requires an electroplating process, which creates a smooth look. Consequently, to make the back of the glass white you have to paint the case, which makes it quite challenging to create a smooth opaque surface. If the paint goes on too thick, it could be rather difficult to glue the glass on, as the glue might stick to the paint and it’s possible that in the course of time the paint will peel off the glass.
A New User Guide for iPhone 4 and iOS 4
For those who are impatiently waiting for their pre-ordered iPhone 4 to arrive or are going to get one soon, Apple has released the user guide for iOS 4 and iPhone 4 (available
The guide covers a great number of topics about iPhone 4, such as its physical features, setup and various software installed by default. There’s a special section on the App Store, iTunes Store and the free iBooks application. In the user guide you’ll also find more information on the iPhone’s Nike + iPod capabilities.
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