iPhone 5c is Getting Cheaper - only $45 now!
MarketWatch says that Walmart will sell the iPhone 5c for $45 on contract and RadioShack will give a $50 gift card to each plastic iPhone buyer. Take a look at the original report below:
Both stores are cutting prices on the iPhone, which costs $99 from Apple with a two-year wireless contract or $549 without. Starting Saturday, RadioShack customers purchasing the iPhone 5C in-store will receive a $50 gift card that can be used toward their $99 iPhone 5C purchase, a spokesman for the company told MarketWatch. That offer ends Nov. 2. Starting Friday, however, Wal-Mart will also cut the price of the iPhone 5c from $79—a $20 discount on Apple’s price—to $45 throughout the holiday season, a Wal-Mart spokeswoman says. Both offers beat Best Buy’s terms: It offers a $50 gift card on iPhone 5c purchases from Friday until Oct. 7.
Apple’s new smartphone’s getting cheaper and cheaper, so if you want to purchase one - it’s high time you did this.
А что значит с контрактом и без контракта?
Nick Tarasenko Reply:
October 6th, 2013 at 11:28 am
Телефон залочен под одного из операторов, при покупке вы заключаете с ним контракт. Как правило, на 2 года. За это время вы, пользуясь услугами оператора, выплачиваете остаток стоимости аппарата.
6 Oct 13 at 11:19 am