News tagged ‘paper’
Wallpapers for iPhone: Space
Here is a great collection of wallpapers for iPhone. Today’s topic is Space:
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Wallpapers for iPhone: Nature
Here is a great collection of wallpapers for iPhone. Today's topic is Nature. There are 89 items:
Wallpapers for iPhone: Apple
Here is a great collection of wallpapers for iPhone. Today's topic is Apple. There are 115 items:
Wallpapers for iPhone: Abstact
Here is a great collection of abstract wallpapers for iPhone. There are 110 items:
Cydia apps on firmware 3.0: working and non-working apps list
It is always good to know what is working and what is not. This list will be changed quite soon, becasue developers are trying their best to make apps work. But for now here it is:
SEMI-Functional Applications:
- Winterboard: This only works in some cases. The themes and can not be fully supported yet.
- iBluetooth
- MCleaner
- Categories (works well but the applications are no longer found by Spootlight)
- Status Notifier
- ibirthday
Applications not working:
- cydelete
- Backgrounder
- Cyntact
- iMobileCinema
- VideoRecorder for 3G
- Veency
- MobileFinder
iNap@Work: audio camouflage [AppStore]
If you don't work at home where you can permanently doze or beat off undetected, iNap@Work provides audio camouflage of papers shuffling, keyboard typing, etc. AppStore
via gizmodo
Grab Sudoku [AppStore, Games]
Grab Sudoku is a beautiful application in AppStore (
The characteristics of this application does not end there. You can also hit a "solve" button and get the answer. You can also take pictures of different sudoku, save them and play whenever you want.
The video below gives a quick demonstration:
iPhone's Wallpaper with notes and calendar events [AppStore, Free]
Wallpaper Labeler (AppStore
In the past you could only use Intelliscreen paid app on a jailbreaked iPhone.
via gizmodo, lifehacker
New Winterboard Feature: Per-Page Wallpapers [Cydia]
Here is the video preview of a new feature that will be included in the next version of Winterboard. It is the ability to create multiple themes with Wallpapers, or a different background for every page of Springboard. The Mod is called Per-Page Wallpapers and will apear soon in Cydia.
Saved from a ticket by an iPhone
TUAW reader Paul tells a nice story, how his iPhone helped him to avoid getting the ticket. He was driving on a Midwestern road covered with blowing snow. He slowed down for a car stopped on the side of the road, but the car behind him hit his rear bumper, doing damage to both cars.
The officer who arrived to investigate asked Paul for his insurance card. Of course, that was when Paul realized it had expired the month before, and he didn't have the latest card in his wallet. The officer said it would be $200 for not being able to prove insurance coverage, and since Paul didn't have the cash it meant putting his license up for bond.
While the officer was doing the paperwork, Paul used his iPhone to log into his Geico Insurance account via the web. He was able to request a PDF copy of his card, which was emailed to his iPhone; then he displayed it to the officer. Happily, the deputy accepted the card as proof of insurance and did not issue the citation.
Most police agencies wouldn't be so open to the idea of looking at a downloaded document, but in this case, at least, it is yet another reason to love the iPhone.
via tuaw
Bikini Blast [AppStore, Free]
This app is free through 1/31/09.
Bikini Blast gives you a great selection of sizzling bikini wallpaper for your iPhone, with new photos added daily. Categories include: Beach Babes, Blonde Bombshells, Beautiful Brunettes, Ravishing Redheads, Girl Next Door, Lovely Latinas, Hot Moms, Adult Swim, Thongs, Hot Rod Hotties and Exotic Beauties. Just for fun, we've even added some sexy lingerie photos in our new Pajama Party category.
Download as many photos as you want, set them as your wallpaper and even send them to your friends.
Here is AppStore
More photos:
Cardboard iPhone Dock
We wrote anout
Here is
via geeky-gadgets
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iFunBox updated to v0.7.224.86

1. Thumbnail view supported for wallpapers, camera and all other folders.
2. Support Symlink for the filesystem of firmware 2.0. All .app can be listed in Application folder.
3. Downloading music and movie from iPhone with filename encoded with album name and artist name.
4. Support E-Books, converting plain text to UTF-16 automatically.
Uploading music and movie to iPhone is now disabled on devices with firmware 2.x.
Cydia and Installer Sources (firmware 2.x)
BigBoss & Planet-iPhones:
iClarified: Repo:
South Park iPhone Application
The South Park guys have cooked up a killer iPhone application. It's not yet available in the iTunes App Store.
There is ability to stream clips, grab wallpapers for your device, read news, and browse the complete episode index. Also: choose character likenesses as "contact images" for your iPhone -- assign a face to the phone book entry of your choice. An incoming call from best friend displays Kyle or Cartman and more.
Here are couple screenshots:
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