
Apple Store Robbed, 12 iPhones Stolen!

Screenshot20100827at12.17.32AMIt became known that this morning at 4:20 a.m. one of the Apple’s stores situated in San Diego, California, was robbed. The thieves were dressed in jeans and hoodies. They did it at night and stole a dozen of iPhones.

According to 10News, two guys were involved in the burglary. They robbed the store, which is located in a shopping center of San Diego. According to preliminary estimates, they stole 12 iPhone 4s and 3GS’, which were displayed there.

They smashed the glass door into small pieces, as you can see in the photo.

The investigation has already started, but there are no reports yet about who was involved in the robbery. It is strange that the guys have not taken any other device. Were they looking just for the iPhone is 4 and 3GS?


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