
Battery For iPhone 5 Has Only Slightly Higher Capacity


9to5Mac posted photos of the new battery for the next iPhone showing only a slight increase in capacity from 1430mAh/3.7V/5.3Whr in the iPhone 4S to 1440mAh/3.8V/5.45Whr in the iPhone 5. No dimensions are given to compare the size of the new battery with the current iPhone battery.

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Written by maxim

Friday, August 10th, 2012. 12:03

Photos of rumored next-gen iPhone display shielding surface


iColorOS (via Nowhereelse.fr) posted on Thursday more photos of the alleged next-generation iPhone parts, showing the protective glass cover, internal sensors and external buttons like the volume rocker, but the most interesting piece is a thin sheet of metal seemingly intended to be a protective shielding for the 4-inch screen's back.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, August 10th, 2012. 1:05

Valve Will Expand Steam To Include Non-Game Software On September 5


Today Valve announced that starting September 5 it will expand its gaming marketplace Steam to include non-game software. The expansion of Steam store to other types of applications could pose a serious competition for other software marketplaces such as Mac App Store. From a press release:

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Written by maxim

Thursday, August 9th, 2012. 2:33

Apple's New Dock Connector Even Smaller Than Originally Thought


In February, iMore reported that Apple would introduce a smaller dock connector for its iOS devices. Now these rumors are confirmed by various sources and the evidence revealed recently shows a much smaller opening in the casing of what is claimed to be the next-generation iPhone.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012. 23:26

Apple Releases New iPad Television Ad: "All On iPad"

Yesterday Apple released a new television advertisement for the new iPad with the Retina display. The ad is titled “All on iPad,” made in the same style as the previous ad “Do It All” posted in June. The new advertisement also focuses on the high-resolution Retina display, with a number of different apps sharing the spotlight.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012. 17:38

Apple Temporarily Stopped iCloud Password Resets Over The Phone


According to Wired, Apple has temporarily stopped processing changes of Apple ID passwords over the phone. This step comes as a response to the experience of reporter Mat Honan whose iCloud account was hacked, which resulted in the wipe of his MacBook Air, iPad and iPhone. Wired reports:

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Written by maxim

Wednesday, August 8th, 2012. 11:06

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