
Cydia 1.1.20 Released with Updates and Bug Fixes

The developer behind Cydia, saurik, has recently released an update for his application. This update contains a number of bug fixes that make Cydia more stable and efficient. That is why if you have a jailbroken iPhone or iPad, you can update Cydia to the version 1.1.20 right now. It is recommended to update if you have any problems with Cydia or if it causes problems to your device.

Cydia 1.1.20 can boast of fixes for incorrect display of available storage, Ignore Upgrades option and a bunch of other features.

Here’s what iDownloadBlog reporters write about the latest update:

In Cydia version 1.1.20, saurik has addressed many of these bugs in what he is calling a bug fix release. If you’re encountering problems while using Cydia, it’s definitely suggested that you upgrade to the latest version as soon as you can.

If you have upgraded to iOS 8.4 and plan to jailbreak your compatible device, you can use our instructions for Taig jailbreak, which are available in this post. Before hacking your smartphone or tablet, don’t forget to backup all the data stored on it. Good luck!

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Written by Andrey

Sunday, July 5, 2015. 17:36

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