DevTeam released tethered jailbreak for iOS 5 Beta 5
The iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.8b5 that supports tethered jailbreak for the most recent iOS 5 beta 5:
redsn0w has been updated to 0.9.8b5, adding support for Apple's new iOS5 beta5 (point it directly at the beta5 IPSW). Please use this only if you're a jailbreak app developer with a legit Apple dev account, and remember it's a tethered jailbreak for now!
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.8b5 for Windows and Mac OS here.
А отвязный джейл пятёрки будет?
admin Reply:
August 10th, 2011 at 1:16 pm
думаю, что да. правда, уязвимостей пока не нашли необходимых.
9 Aug 11 at 2:56 pm