Here's what hackers say about new firmware iOS 4.0.1
Here's what hackers tweeted about new Apple firmwares 4.0.1 for iPhones and 3.1.2 for iPad:
As with *any* new FW, jailbreakers + unlockers must avoid this upcoming 4.1 update until our tools are updated
3GS, ipt3G, iPhone4 users (regardless of current FW or JB status) should backup 4..0 SHSH blobs soon
Obviously avoid today's 4.0.1 update until JB tools are updated. Luckily, no baseband change so ultrasn0w lives on
each FW version has unique blobs. But using you can get 4.0 blobs on PC while you stay at 3.1.2
Hah for those iPhone3G or ipt2g(non-MC) users at 4.1beta1: use redsn0w from 2 wks ago to JB
3.2.1 and 4.0.1 out. if you want an unlock, DO NOT UPDATE. No, the jailbreak is not ready the way, there is absolutely no reason to update to 4.0.1. it only improves the formula for _displaying bars_, not actual signal
There's no baseband update, so signal strength or radio performance cannot have improved.Hey guys, I recommend any iPhone 4 users who need jailbreak or unlock use to back up their SHSHs NOW, and not upgrade.
WARNING: 3.2.1 for the iPad is out. It KiLLS the Spirit Exploit. 4.0.1 is out too (not for the iPad though)