
‘New’ iPad 2,4 Uses 32nm A5 Instead Of 45nm A5 Found In iPad 2


Anand Tech reported on a detail in the new iPad 2 model that many have overlooked. When Apple launched the iPad 3 with Retina display and A5X chip, the company also released the iPad 2,4 model, which is almost identical to the iPad 2. However in this model Apple replaced a 45nm A5 processor with a 32nm A5. This is the most efficient Apple’s processor and its 32nm die size is likely to be used in the next iPhone’s processor. The same 32nm A5 processor is used in the 1080P Apple TV, however it is limited to a single core.

Anand Tech bought the iPad 2,4 model from a Best Buy, saying that most Apple Stores is still selling the 45nm version. As for battery life, the iPad 2,4 saw from 1,6 extra hours in web browsing to 3 additional hours in graphics and 3D video tests.

As you can see on the picture below, the processor in the new iPad 2,4 is much smaller than in the iPad 2.


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    admin Reply:

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    5 May 12 at 11:11 am

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    5 May 12 at 11:20 am

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