
Play Xvid AVI Videos on iPhone and iPod Touch Right Now!

VerizoniPhone4Can not wait for the official release? Do you want to get CineXPlayer for iPad on your iPhone and iPod touch right now? For those of you who do not know, CineXPlayer is an iPad application that allows you to download Xvid AVI files using iTunes, so you can easily reproduce the format that Apple won’t. Because the developer has not invented version of the application for the iPhone, the hacker decided to do everything by himself.

It is a complete step by step tutorial on how to install it on your iPhone or iPod touch available here. You just need to jailbreak these devices, because the process involves SSH (SSH program for secure file sharing on the network) to access the iPhone, but it's worth it if you want to get it right now!

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  1. Прошу прощения, ну что то не вижу Я пошагового учебника. Где он?


    admin Reply:

    спасибо, поправили. ссылка на учебник: http://www.mediafire.com/?i1pa7smxl56wh7k



    19 Aug 10 at 3:00 pm

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