Observing the universe with SkyVoyager and SkyGazer for Free [AppStore, Free]
SkyVoyager and SkyGazer are two wonderful Carina Software applications that you can download for free only today, because of the 40th first landing on the Moon anniversary. Here are brief details of these two appplications:
SkyVoyager (regilar price is $14.99, AppStore
SkyVoyager is a planetarium that precisely shows the sky from any location on Earth, at any time in the past or future. It contains informative descriptions of the planets, stars, and constellations; and includes hundreds of images from both NASA and leading astro-photographers.
SkyGazer (regular price is $2.99, AppStore
SkyVoyager and SkyGazer are compatible with iPhone and iPod Touch, require firmware 2.2 or later and are localized in English.