News tagged ‘app’
Evad3rs Release Evasi0n7 1.0.6 for iOS 7.0.6
The evad3rs have released new Evasi0n7 1.0.6. The updated jailbreak tool version allows to hack the devices running latest iOS 7.0.6. Looks like you don’t have to wait or search for alternative patches as I recommended yesterday. All you need to do is to upgrade to iOS 7.0.6 and then run the Evasi0n7 tool.
Another iPhone Bursts into Flames - Photos
Another iPhone caught fire due to faulty battery, which suddenly exploded. This time it’s iPhone 5s. It is not the first time when Apple’s handset bursts into flames, however, looks like this time nobody got any injuries.
Mac Users Are Likely to Choose Latest OS X Version
According to the latest estimates, Mac users are four times more likely to upgrade to the latest OS X version than PC users to the latest Windows version. To be honest, I’m not surprised.
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Apple occupies 45% of the U.S. smartphone market
The NPD Group's Mobile Phone Track reported that Apple occupied 45% of the U.S. smartphone market in 2013. Over the year 2013 the market increased by 21%, with the total figure of 121 million smartphones sold. In Q4 the growth slowed down and were only 10% higher than those of the previous year.
Winocm to Start Working at Apple Later This Year?
A well-known member of the jailbreak community nicknamed Winocm will soon start working at Apple. As he tweeted a couple of hours ago, he’ll take up his new duties “later this year”. As to his position at the company, it remains unknown.
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Apple Officially Releases iOS 7.0.6 and iOS 6.1.6
Apple has recently released iOS 7.0.6 to public. At the same time, the company from Cupertino seeded iOS 6.1.6 to users. Both updates contain a fix for SSL connection verification, so you should update your device. Be sure.
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AutoPause: Tweak for Those Who Love Music
If you like listening to music on your iPhone, then you might be interested in my article. It is about a new tweak that has been recently released on Cydia. The tweak is called AutoPause and, as you probably understood, it lets the user pause the music playback when the volume is decreased to zero.
Springtomize 3 Updated with Awesome New Features
One of the most popular iOS 7 tweaks called Springtomize 3 has been updated recently. The new version can boast of a number of serious improvements and bug fixes. As to the new features, these are the updated lock screen and scroll animations, icon labels customization and the ability to change the way the inactive apps are displayed in App Switcher.
You may take a look at how Springtomize 3 works in the video below (via
Tesla CEO Confirms Recent Talks with Apple
According to the latest reports from several sources, Tesla CEO confirmed that he had a talk with Apple executives. However, it is “very unlikely” that the company from Cupertino will acquire the electric car manufacturer.
Two-step verification is now available in selected countries
A two-step ID verification is now available in Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Italy and Spain.
The new verification is a n optional feature which boosts security of you Apple ID. In order to verify your identify it is essential first to proove it using one of your devices. Then you will be able to sign in to My Apple ID and manage your account, "make an iTunes, App Store, or iBooks Store purchase from a new device, and get Apple ID-related support from Apple."
Apple's New 5.6-Inch Smartphone Won't Be Branded As 'iPhone' - Rumor
According to a new report from Taiwan’s Economic Daily News, Apple will indeed release 4.7-inch and 5.6-inch handsets this year. However, the 5.6-inch device won’t be branded as ‘iPhone’. And this is a very interesting move from the company from Cupertino.
Apple Sells 1.6 Million iPhones in Russia during 2013 - Estimates
The company from Cupertino reportedly sold nearly 1.6 million iPhones in Russia during 2013, even though in the first half of the year Apple’s handsets were not available on Russia’s largest carriers - MegaFon, Mobile TeleSystems (MTS) and VimpelCom.
Apple Takes About 7% of Smartphone Sales in China
Apple’s market share on Chinese market grew one percent in the last quarter. Now the company from Cupertino takes about 7% of smartphone sales in the country, AppleInsider reports. However, I should say that these figures do not include China Mobile iPhone sales.
Snapper: New iOS Tweak that Lets You Take Screenshots Effortless
Good news for all those who often have to take screenshots from their iOS devices. A few days ago, a new tweak has been released that lets you take screenshots of various sizes using nothing else, but your finger. The tweak is called Snapper and below you can take a look at the video showing how this useful tool works (via
Apple Will Fix MacBook Air Issue Causing System Crashes
The company from Cupertino is currently working on a fix for MacBook Air issue that causes system crashes each time the laptop is wakened. As to the possible reason for the problem, it is reportedly a bug in the sensor responsible for detecting when the lid is being open.