ultrasn0w 0.9: ideas from GeoHot, implementation from DevTeam
DevTeam updated ultrasn0w. They removed the daemon and used ideas of GeoHot's purplesn0w, but implemented these ideas in a better safer way. New ultrasn0w 0.9 uses 152 bytes of baseband RAM, which is 6900 timesless than purplesn0w. They also use mobile substrate to patch CommCenter, instead of patching the file itself.
Here is a list of features from DevTeam.
Works on both 3G and 3GS.
Works on hacktivated devices.
Works regardless of how you jailbroke your device.
Doesn’t patch any mach-o binary whatsoever. (Doesn’t require a separate patch as each new firmware comes out).
Doesn’t install any additional daemon
Has no race conditions, no popups about “Missing SIM”, no network issues
Is almost 7000 times smaller than its nearest competition