
Samsung Galaxy S7 Shows Better Benchmark Results Than iPhone 6s

A popular benchmark app AnTuTu made a comparison of 10 most popular chips in smartphones. Qualcomm’s 820 model that is used in the new Samsung Galaxy S7 has achieved the best results. The second place belongs to Apple’s A9 processor.

This rating only shows only average results, which doesn’t necessarily mean that the 820 beats A9 in everything. Nevertheless, one has to admit that these results are good for both Samsung and Qualcomm, since the last chip, Snapdragon 810, showed really bad results and didn’t do well on the market. Unlike the previous version, Snapdragon 820 is two times faster and it doesn’t have overheating problems.

As to the Apple A9, it has just lost the first position of the ranking. It’s not a major defeat for the company though, because both Samsung and Apple have different release dates of their processors. As a matter of fact, Apple might have won the competition, but the chip that powers the iPad Pro wasn’t included to the rating.

This ranking shows that Apple’s next processor that will be released with the iPhone 7 can easily take the first spots of popular benchmarks. Still, rivals don’t look terrified at all.

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Written by Andrey

Tuesday, March 8, 2016. 0:41

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