Archive for November 29th, 2010
Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Jailbreak and Unlock Your iPhone 3GS Using RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 (Windows) [iOS 4.2.1]
UPDATE: Please think first, before you do something.
UPDATE 2: If you have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update to 4.2.1, use PwnageTool to create custom firmware!
UPDATE 3: If you have new bootrom and ios 4.1, do not update to 4.2.1 - you will loose untethered jailbreak.
UPDATE 4: WARNING: updating to iPad baseband for iPhone unlock may disable your GPS
This is step-by-step instructions on how to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.2.1 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 for Windows.
For iPhone 3G use this tutorial.
If you have an iPhone 3GS with the new bootrom you will only be able to perform a tethered jailbreak at this time. This means you will need Redsn0w's assistance to boot into your jailbroken device.
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
During this process you can update your baseband to the 06.15 version. If you are on 05.14 or 05.15 or higher you will need to do this to unlock. You do not need to do this for jailbreak only. Please read the following very carefully before deciding whether to do this.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Jailbreak and Unlock Your iPhone 3G Using RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 (Windows) [iOS 4.2.1]
UPDATE: Please think first, before you do something.
UPDATE 2: If you have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update to 4.2.1, use PwnageTool to create custom firmware!
UPDATE 3: WARNING: updating to iPad baseband for iPhone unlock may disable your GPS
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
This is step-by-step instructions on how to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3G on iOS 4.2.1 firmware using RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 for Windows.
For iPhone 3GS use this tutorial.
During this process you can update your baseband to the 06.15 version. If you are on 05.14 or 05.15 or higher you will need to do this to unlock. You do not need to do this for jailbreak only. Please read the following very carefully before deciding whether to do this.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Jailbreak and Unlock Your iPhone 3GS Using PwnageTool 4.1.3 (Mac OS) [iOS 4.1]
UPDATE: Please think first, before you do something.
UPDATE 2: If you have 05.13 baseband or lower - do not update! Use PwnageTool.
UPDATE 3: If you have 4.1 and 3gs with new bootrom, do not update to 4.2.1, create custom 4.1 firmware using pwnagetool.
UPDATE 4: WARNING: updating to iPad baseband for iPhone unlock may disable your GPS
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
These are instructions on how to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone 3GS on iOS 4.1 using PwnageTool 4.1.3 for Mac OS X. This tutorial will explain how to upgrade your baseband if needed for an unlock.
For iPhone 3G use this tutorial.
There is no unthethered jailbreak for new iPhone 3GS bootroms and iOS 4.2.1 yet, so you should stay at iOS 4.1.
Important: iPhone3GS users with old bootroms who want to go to 4.2.1 and unlock should not use this PwnageTool! Update to stock 4.2.1 first, then use new redsn0w to update your baseband.
Step One
Make a folder called "Pwnage" on the desktop. Download a couple of things:
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iPhone Dev-Team releases RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 for unlockers
The iPhone Dev-Team has released RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 for unlockers stuck at the 05.14 or 05.15 basebands.
The new redsn0w 0.9.6beta5 is out. It gives both Windows and OSX users the ability to flash the iPad 06.15 baseband on iPhone3G or iPhone3GS. It fetches the baseband files directly from Apple for now (the only IPSW you ever point it at is the stock IPSW for the FW on your iPhone right now). There may be a long delay while it’s doing this (their servers are currently getting pounded).
You can download the new version of RedSn0w here:
- Download version for Mac OS X:
- Download version for Windows:
Windows 7 and Vista users, please run redsn0w as Administrator in "XP Compatiblity Mode".
We will soon post step-by-step tutorials.
UPDATE: tutorial for iPhone 3G (Windows), tutorial for iPhone 3GS (Windows)
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
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Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Jailbreak and Unlock Your iPhone 3G Using PwnageTool 4.1.3 (Mac OS) [iOS 4.2.1]
UPDATE: Обязательно (!) думайте перед тем, как что-нибудь сделать. Читайте внимательно и еще раз думайте. Не понятно - читайте снова. Спрашивайте до, а не после.
UPDATE 2: Если у вас 05.13 baseband и ниже - она ломается старыми способами, не надо обновляться до 05.14, 05.15 и 06.15. Хочется перейти на 4.1/4.2 - тогда делайте кастом прошивку с помощью pwnagetool.
UPDATE 3: Обновив версию baseband до iPad для анлока iPhone можно потерять GPS
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
Данное пошаговое руководство позволит вам сделать джейлбрейк и анлок iPhone 3G на iOS 4.2.1 с помощью PwnageTool 4.1.3 под Mac OS X. Здесь также будут даны инструкции по обновлению baseband, если это необходимо для анлока (отвязки от оператора сотовой связи).
Для iPhone 3GS используйте руководство для iPhone 3GS.
Для пользователей Windows есть соответствующее пошаговое руководство.
Шаг 1
Создайте папку "Pwnage" на десктопе. Скачайте в нее все необходимое:
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Ultrasn0w unlock is being released
This is the tweet from MuscleNerd posted a minute ago. So it is just minutes to wait for new unlock utility ultrasn0w.
UPDATE: New ultrasn0w released! New PwnageTool 4.1.3 released. Read carefully
UPDATE 2: new ultrasn0w 1.2 supports the following basebands:
- iPhone 4: 01.59.00
- iPhone 3G/3GS: 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01, 05.13.04, 06.15.00.
UPDATE 3: Step-by-step Tutorial: How to Jailbreak and Unlock
Read the rest of this entry »
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