Archive for June 11th, 2012
Spec comparison: 2012 MacBook Air vs the 2011 model
Apple released new line of MacBook Air with faster processor, graphics, USB 3.0 and more. Let's compare the specs:
New MacBook Pro [Video]
Spec comparison MacBook Pro: 2011 vs 2012 vs New Retina model
Today Apple introduced new line of MacBook Air and MacBook Pro. Apple also showed the new MacBook Pro with retina display. Let's compare the specs:
WWDC 2012 live blog
Thanks again! You guys are the best.
Apple TV Set To Include Motion Sensing Technology
Аnalyst from Topeka Capital Markets Brian White has published a new report, where he addresses some of his expectations for the product based on a recent visit to Computex trade show in Taiwan and talks with some supply chain companies.
White believes that the future television set will support several methods of interaction, including motion detection technology, maybe similar to technology found in Microsoft Kinect products.