iOS 7.1b4 Blocks Kernel Exploit Used In Evasi0n iOS 7 Jailbreak
Do not expect iOS 7.1 jailbreak soon. Apple has reportedly blocked the kernel exploit used by the evasi0n 7 jailbreak utility. According to iH8sn0w the exploit was blocked in the recent iOS 7.1b4 firmware:
So the code sign bug that evasi0n7 uses still exists in 7.1b4. Kernel exploit looks patched though
meaning… Don’t expect an evasi0n7 update for 7.1b4+ support.
The news is unfortunate; however, we still don't know what exploits will be blocked in the final release of iOS 7.1 and what exploits the evad3rs have alternatives for.
Я так и не понял зачем они свои экспоиты слили до релиза iOS 7.1, очевидно же было, что пофиксят.
admin Reply:
January 24th, 2014 at 5:43 pm
ну если бы джейл выпустили после выхода 7.1, эпл пофиксили бы в 7.2.
23 Jan 14 at 1:38 pm