News tagged ‘4.3’
iOS 4.3.1 jailbreak news: Apple closed comex kernel exploit
Comex, famous iPhone hacker, tweeted today that the kernel exploit for jailbreak he had found long ago was closed by Apple in recent iOS 4.3.1. This exploit could be used to jailbreak iPad 2.
As noticed by @0naj, my kernel exploit was fixed in 4.3.1.
I try not to be paranoid, but it is really hard to explain this as anything but a leak.
The funny thing is that my "new" kernel exploit is actually the kernel exploit used by JailbreakMe 2.0. It was never properly fixed.
It stayed there from 4.0.2 through 4.3, but was magically found in time for 4.3.1. well, go go @MuscleNerd and @i0n1c I guess
This is not good news. However we have recently seen working untethered jailbreak video. There are other vulnerabilities in iOS 4.3.1.
iPod Touch 4G iOS 4.3.1 untethered jailbreak video
Here is a nice video for all jailbreakers. Hacker used sn0wbreeze to tether jailbreak iPod Touch 4G. Than he installed new untether exploit using SSH. Watch the result:
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Apple Releases iOS 4.3.1
Recently Apple released the iOS 4.3.1. The iOS 4.3.1 is available for the GSM iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPad 2, iPad, and the third- and fourth-generation iPod touch. The update doesn’t available for the CDMA iPhone for Verizon. The build has number 8G4 and contains the following improvements and bugs fixes:
- Fixes an occasional graphics glitch on iPod touch (4th generation);
- Resolves bugs related to activating and connecting to some cellular networks;
- Fixes image flicker when using Apple Digital AV Adapter with some TVs;
- Resolves an issue authenticating with some enterprise web services.
You can download iOS 4.3.1 here.
Gevey hardware unlock works on iPhone 4 iOS 4.3 with 04.10.01 baseband
Today we have received a video, that shows that recently discovered Gevey hardware unlock for iPhone 4 works fine with the latest iOS 4.3 and 04.10.01 baseband.
Take a look:
This method of unlocking is not recommended due to the legal issues in certain countries.
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New AppleTV iOS 4.3 firmware released
Apple issued update to AppleTV firmware that is meant to fix a few bugs. The file is named 4.3 build 8F202, but on AppleTV you will see firmware version 4.2.1.
Here is the list if fixes:
Feature | Summary |
TV compatibility | Addresses issues that may cause the screen to flicker or display incorrect color on some older TVs. |
Wake from sleep | Addresses an issue where Apple TV may not wake up from sleep. |
Audio | Addresses an issue where audio may not be heard on some TV models after switching from another input. |
Stability and performance | Apple TV Software Update 4.2.1 includes stability and performance fixes for Apple TV. |
You can download new firmware
iOS 4.3.1: what to expect
BGR have got their hands on the next iOS release - iOS 4.3.1. This new firmware will contain mostly minor bug fixes. Here are the changes from iOS 4.3:
- Baseband updates for the 3GS and iPad (original)
- Fixed memory hang that results in memory corruption when reading large files from USIM filesystem
- Fixed problem with NTLM authentication in apps and on websites
- Fixed issue with the Springboard and 3rd party apps not recognizing the gyroscope on the iPad 2
- Fixed iPad 2 jailbreak vulnerability
This is not the final changelog, but still quite interesting. No information on whether or not it will be available for Verizon iPhone 4.
The new iOS 4.3.1 firmware is expected to be released in 1-2 weeks.
iOS 4.3.1 is still vulnerable to jailbreak
We still have not seen good untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3. However hackers already confirm, that future iOS 4.3.1 is still vulnerable to jailbreak. Good news, but where is our jailbreak?
Hardware unlock for iPhone 4
Gevey has released a SIM Interposer which can unlock the iPhone up to iOS 4.3 by force activating the baseband using the emergency dialer.
SIM Interposer works by adding a EEPROM chip to your SIM card just like a TurboSIM. The unlock uses the ability to call 112, a number that can be called from any GSM phone.
To unlock you need to insert chip with your sim card, dial 112, once it connects hang up, toggle Airport mode on and off - that's it, you unlocked your iPhone 4. We do not know yet if this is completely legal solution, so you might want to wait for DevTeam software unlock.
Here are couple screenshots from redmondpie, showing iPhone 4 unlocked using Gevey SIM on 2.10.04 baseband, running on T-Mobile US network.
And here are two videos, proving it is real:
Sn0wBreeze 2.3: tethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3
Hackers released Sn0wBreeze 2.3 beta 4 utility, which is able to jailbreak the latest iOS 4.3. This jailbreak is tethered for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS new bootrom, iPad, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G. Tethered means that every reboot you will have to connect device to a computer and boot it using special utility (iBooty). Sn0wBreeze 2.3 beta 4 provides untethered jailbreak for iPhone 3GS old bootrom.
Sn0wbreeze also preserves your baseband, which is very useful for unlockers. Using Sn0wbreeze you can update firmware iOS 4.3, while preserve old unlockable baseband. It also works with iPhone 3GS with 06.15 baseband.
You can download Sn0wBreeze 2.3 beta 4 for Windows here.
iPad WiFi model gets GPS when tethered to an iPhone
Apple has finally brought wireless tethering functionality with iOS 4.3. It is called Personal Hotspot and allows users to share iPhone’s cellular data connection with other devices over WiFi connection.
For instance, you can connect your iPad WiFi only model to the internet via iPhone. There's one less reason to pay additional $130 for a 3G iPad. There is another difference between iPad WiFi and iPad 3G - GPS. Well, it looks loke WiFi-only iPad inherits GPS positioning capabilities when you tether the tablet to an iPhone via the Personal Hotspot feature.
Kyle Carmitchel from TabletMonsters discovered this by accident and posted a video to prove it.
iOS 4.3 Requires Password Reentry for In App Purchases
Apple’s new iOS 4.3 includes change that requires reentry of your iTunes Store password to make in-app purchases, even if the user had just entered the password to download the application. That change was made to address concerns over incidents when children managed to pay lots of money for games and prevent children without knowledge of the device's iTunes Store password from accessing in app purchase content.
Parents had complained to the The Post that in the 15-minute period after an app was downloaded, children were buying sometimes hundreds of dollars of purchases on games such as Smurfs’ Village and Tap Zoo — popular iTunes games that are also among the highest-grossing programs for in-app purchases.
Untethered jailbreak discovered for iPad and iPhone with iOS 4.3 (video)
Hacker with nickname I0n1c has demonstrated an untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3 using his iPad.
I0n1c posted the video below on YouTube. Current untethered jailbreak is alpha, it is not finished. So no due dates yet. We do not know when untether will be available for public. We'll keep you updated.
Jailbreakers and Unlockers - save your iOS 4.2.1 SHSH blobs now!
Apple will soon disable restoring to iOS 4.2.1 for iPad and iPhone. In order to preserve jailbreak and unlock save your SHSH keys now! 4.3b keys might also help you in future untethered jailbreak.
You can do that using TinyUmbrella utility. Download it for Mac or Windows
The other way is to save SHSHs via Cydia. Run Cydia and make sure the keys are saved (green line on the top).
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Safari 5.0.4 pwned at hacking contest in five seconds
As far as we know, the Apple’s browser Safari was always the subject of intense criticism for its various security weaknesses. A couple of days ago Safari got pwned again at the hacking challenge pwn2own. It took the French team consists of specialists of security firm Vupen just a few seconds to exploit an unpatched Safari vulnerability. “We pwned Apple Safari on Mac OS X (x64) at pwn2own in 5 seconds,” they tweeted. Just a few minutes before the contest, Apple released Safari 5.0.4 alongside iOS 4.3. Vupen said that the update 62 vulnerabilities, breaking “some exploits but not all.” The winners were awarded $15,000 and a MacBook Air. In addition to Safari, Microsoft’s Internet Explorer 8 was also hacked pretty quickly.
iPhone 4 unlock news - no unlock yet
MuscleNerd recently tweeted some news regarding iPhone 4 unlock. Unfortunately:
Sorry, there's no news on the i4 unlock for those who lost 01.59 (or never had it). It's taking longer than we wanted
This means that users have to wait more. No due date was given. If you need unlock just remember to save your SHSH keys using Cydia or TinyUmbrella and do NOT update to iOS 4.3.
This news are for users with locked iPhone 4 with baseband 02.10 or 03.10, iPhone 3G/3GS with baseband 05.14 or 05.15. For 05.14 and 05.15 there is a possibility to update to 06.15 and unlock, but there are special risks.
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