News tagged ‘pod2g’
Evad3rs released Evasi0n 1.0.5 to jailbreak iOS 7.0.5
The evad3rs have released an updated evasi0n 7.0.5 that brings the ability to jailbreak iOS 7.0.5. The iOS 7.0.5 was released earlier this week for the some iPhone 5s and iPhone 5c models (the GSM + CDMA editions).
Pod2g noted the change on twitter
Hi there! evasi0n 1.0.5 with support for iOS 7.0.5 is up on .
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Evad3rs released Evasi0n iOS 7 version 1.0.1
The evad3rs team released evasi0n7 1.0.1 with the removal of TaiG App Store from the installer. No word on any other changes in the 1.0.1 version of evasi0n7. You can download the new version here.
Pod2g announced the news on twitter:
We have heard the community. Evasi0n 1.0.1 is available on TaiG has been removed from the package. Merry Christmas!
Hacker Pod2g Says He is 'About to Switch to an Android Device'
Pod2g, the hacker who has been an integral part of the last few jailbreaks, has announced that he is 'about to switch to an Android device' after spending some time testing iOS 7.
After a few days of iOS 7 beta 1 testing, I must admit that I am about to switch to an Android device.
IMHO, this version of iOS is the worst move Apple did in a long time.
iOS 7 design is awful, it's slow, battery life time is the worst ever, it's full of UI bugs and crashes. OK it's beta 1, but still…
I am pretty disappointed by the features I've seen in iOS 7. No revolution here. No big news. Just kid painting.
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iOS 6.1.1 beta does not fix latest evasi0n jailbreak
This is pretty interesting. Pod2g just announced that the new iOS 6.1.1 beta that Apple seeded to developers yesterday does not actually patch the exploits used in the latest jailbreak.
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Weather app does not work on jailbroken iPhones
Shortly after evasi0n was released this morning, we started getting reports that the Weather app no longer worked on iPhones. We did check ше out, and sure enough, it wouldn’t even open.
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Cydia errors - this is normal
Many users experience problems with Cydia. This is normal. Due to the release of untethered jailbreak for iOS 6.1 hundreds thousands of users started to do jailbreak and use Cydia. Cydia servers are having hard time right now.
Here are some of the most common errors we’re seeing:
The iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak is Called 'Evasi0n'
The Evad3rs Dev-Team has launched an official website for the jailbreak of iOS 6.1, called 'Evasi0n'.
The official evasi0n 6.1 jailbreak: -- Check regularly for updates! #evasi0n
The site currently indicates the following status:
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Untethered Jailbreak for iOS 6.0 and iOS 6.1b4 is Ready
Pod2g confirmed that the Evad3rs Dev-Team is ready with a jailbreak for iOS 6.1 and credits Planetbeing and Pimskeks for the accomplishment in an interview with iDigitalTimes.
"For your information and this is important to me that everybody knows about it also, this jailbreak will be @planetbeing and @pimskeks. I arrived at the end, gave ideas that pushed them to their maximum, I kinda unblocked the situation, but it would certainly have happened without me helping."
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Planetbeing Declares 'The Future is Looking Bright for Jailbreaking'
Another progress on the public jailbreak is reported by hacker planetbeing recently. Planetbeing has given us hope that a public jailbreak is near with his latest tweet.
Tons of progress the last few days. I think the future is looking bright for jailbreaking.
Pod2g and Planetbeing found two new vulnerabilities for iOS 6 Jailbreak
So here’s something we haven’t heard in a while: good news on the jailbreak front. Pod2g and planetbeing have found two new vulnerabilities for future iOS 6 jailbreak. Unfortunately the initial code execution for a public jailbreak release is still missing.
Made some nice progress today with @pod2g. I think I'll try to reward myself with a nap.
pod2g: @planetbeing oh yeah! 2 new vulnerabilities in a day, chance was with us. But we still miss that initial code execution for a public jb :/
It's great that progress is being made. Hopefully, the two find that last piece of the puzzle and are able to release their jailbreak to rest of us.
Watch the Jailbreak Dream Team Present at HITBSecConf [Video]
Here's some clips of the jailbreak dream team presenting at HITBSecConf last week posted by JailbreakCon.
MuscleNerd, Pod2g, P0sixninja, Planetbeing, and Pimskeks can be seen presenting. Full video will be posted by HITBSecConf soon.
iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak is almost ready
Pod2g has announced that iPad 3,3 support has been added to the Absinthe jailbreak utility, leaving only the iPad 2,4 jailbreak to be implemented.
OK just added iPad3,3 support to Absinthe thanks to @flawlessfox. Only remains iPad2,4 now but we need the actual device.
Any people of #HITB2012AMS has an iPad2,4? Model number: either MC954 or MC989. Please check in Settings / General / About.
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HITBSecConf2012 hacker conference
Tomorrow is the first conference day at famous hacker event HITBSecConf2012. The conference schedule shows that Chronic Team members Joshua Hill (@p0sixninja), Cyril (@pod2g), Nikias Bassen (@pimskeks) and David Wang (@planetbeing) will speak about Corona jailbreak and Absinthe jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1. iPhone Dev-Team member MuscleNerd will speak about "Evolution of the iPhone Baseband and Unlocks".
The iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak is rumored to be announced during this conference during Chronic Dev Team keynote. Stay tuned.
The HITBSecConf2012 schedule is available
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Paid iOS 5.1.1 untethered jailbreak released for A4 Devices [Video]
InteVyDis has released an untethered jailbreak for A4 devices on iOS 5.1.1 as part of Vulndisco Mobile 1.7. The module is vd_ios_untether_5_1_1. It works by creating a custom bundle you have to install via RedSn0w. Evgeny Legerov posted in twitter:
vulndisco mobile 1.7 is out with untethered 5.1.1
This jailbreak is not free and costs big money. It works only on A4 devices - iPhone 3GS, iPhone 4, iPad 1, iPod Touch 3G and iPod Touch 4G. It is not yet tested by other hackers. So this might be fake. However famous hacker I01nc notes that the company is a legit source of exploits:
You Can Safely Update to iOS 5.1.1 If You Don't Need an Unlock
Pod2g has announced that those looking to be ready for the iOS 5.1.1 jailbreak can now safely update if they don't care about an unlock.
You can safely upgrade to 5.1.1 now if you want to be ready.
Huge warning as usual for unlockers that want to preserve their baseband to keep their unlock.
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