
News tagged ‘app’

Disney CEO receives $84K in shares for joining Apple board


Earlier this week, Disney Chairman and Chief Executive Bob Iger received more than $84,000 in stock for joining Apple's board of directors. According to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission, Iger received 75 shares of common stock and 142 restricted shares that will vest in February of 2012. It amounts $84,376 in cash.

This week Apple announced that Iger became member of Apple’s board of directors. He will serve on the company's audit committee. His compensation for joining Apple's board is comparable to what others who joined received in the past. For example, Andrea Jung, who joint Apple’s board in 2008, received 77 shares of common stocks.

Iger’s relationships with Apple have quite long history. In 2006 he was responsible for acquisition of Pixar. Moreover, he is a Disney CEO. He was one of the first people who expressed condolences to Jobs’ family after he passed away. "With his passing the world has lost a rare original, Disney has lost a member of our family, and I have lost a great friend," Iger said.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Saturday, November 19th, 2011. 22:51

AnandTech Compared Galaxy Nexus And iPhone 4S performance


The first smartphone with Ice Cream Sandwich, Galaxy Nexus, was released in the UK this week (launch in U.S. coming soon) and website AnandTech has benchmarked the new Galaxy Nexus vs. iPhone 4S.

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Apple reportedly prepped AMD-powered MacBook Air


SemiAccurate claims that Apple developed a MacBook with AMD Fusion Llano processor last spring, but postponed mass production because of some issues. According to report, such notebook running AMD's low-power Llano chip was Apple’s original “plan A” while the current thin-and-light MacBook Air is actually the company's "plan B”.  Charlie Demerjian, the author of the report, believes that a machine with AMD processor would have lost some CPU power in exchange for "many times the GPU power."

The current-generation MacBook Air has Intel Sandy Bridge chip. Apple ultimately went with Intel because AMD was having trouble producing enough of the "premium" parts to meet demand for a refreshed MacBook Air, though multiple sources reportedly told the publication that supply was "only one of the reasons" that Apple decided not to release move forward with the machine. As far as we know, Apple is still interested in AMD processors. "Sources indicate that ARM CPUs are still on tap as soon as the 64-bit chips show up," Demerjian wrote.

Moreover, last year AMD and Apple representatives had met to discuss implementation of AMD processors into Apple’s Macs. It seems that Apple is indeed planning to begin adopting AMD's processors within the next few years.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Saturday, November 19th, 2011. 20:44

Motorola Is Likely To Win German Injunction Against iCloud In February


According to FOSS Patent’s report, a pending legal case in Germany could have a profound effect on Apple with a possible injunction barring the iCloud service in this country over violation of Motorola Mobility patent.

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Written by maxim

Saturday, November 19th, 2011. 16:13

Three Best Technologies, According To Popular Science Magazine, Are Found In Apple Macs


Popular Science Magazine has once again declared its 2011 Best of What’s New Awards , and it is not so surprisingly that this year’s top three places in the category “Computing” are all technologies found in the latest lineup of Macs.

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Written by maxim

Friday, November 18th, 2011. 22:25

Typical iPad buyer is male, pet-owning video game player


Marketing firm BlueKai compiled the profile of the typical iPad buyer. So, a typical iPad owner is male, has pets and buys video games. Scientists or health care workers, international travelers, apartment dwellers and proponents of organic food are also among those people who are highly likely to purchase the iPad. The firm also found that vitamin takers, domestic business travelers, married couples and college graduates are typically owners of the iPad.

BlueKai created an infographic (below) to reflect its findings, including information received from other research firms. According to comScore, 45.9 percent of tablet owners belong to households earning $100,00 per year or more, while Nielsen has discovered that 70 percent of all iPad use occurs in front of a TV.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, November 18th, 2011. 16:28

Replacement Devices For First-Gen iPod Nano Are Now Arriving


Last week Apple announced a replacement program for first-gen iPod nano. The program was initiated due to battery defects that could cause overheating of the devices. While Apple officially states that users may wait up to six week to receive the replacement devices, some customers are reporting that they have already received their replacements. And while some had expressed hopes that Apple may replace their devices with newer-generation iPod nanos given a possible shortage of devices that went out of production five years ago, customers still receives first-gen iPod nanos.

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Written by maxim

Friday, November 18th, 2011. 15:20

Apple Pulls Back on iPad 2 Display Orders as iPad 3 Production Begins to Ramp Up


Digitimes reports that Apple has reduced its fourth-quarter orders for iPad 2 display panels. That might mean that Apple has already started preparing for the launch of the iPad 3 early next year. The second reason might be the reduction of customers’ interest in the device.  Moreover, Apple stockpiled components for an extra 4-5 million iPad 2 units, so that allows it to reduce its orders for the fourth quarter.

Sales of iPads at the end market totaled 11.12 million units in the third quarter of 2011, according to data released by Apple. However, inventories of parts and components prepared by the makers in the supply chain for the production of iPad 2 in the quarter are sufficient for the production of 15-16 million iPads, leaving a stockpile of 4-5 million units of iPad 2 in the supply chain, the sources noted.

Digitimes also notes that the reason for stockpiling of iPad 2 components may be preparation for the iPad 3 launch set for the beginning of 2012, suggesting that  suppliers of both display and touch panels for the iPad 3 have either already begun or will soon begin shipments to Apple.

While Apple is adjusting panel inventory for iPad 2, Samsung and Sharp already began shipping panels for the next-generation iPads to Apple in October, and Taiwan-based touch panel makers TPK Holding and Wintek will begin to ship touch panels for the new iPads to the supply chain in November-December, the sources noted.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, November 18th, 2011. 14:37

More than anything, kids want Apple's iPad, iPod touch & iPhone for Christmas


In October research company Nielsen conducted a new survey among 3,000 U.S. children at the age from 6 to 12 ahead of 2011 holiday season, and found out that the iPad is the most-wanted gift for kids, while the iPod touch ranks second and the iPhone comes in third. 44 percent of kids are interested in getting an iPad, 30 percent want an iPod touch, while 27 percent prefer to get an iPhone.

Apple's popularity among children is likely driven by gaming, as the most popular applications on iOS have consistently been games since the App Store first debuted. The iOS lineup beat out a number of popular gaming machines in the survey, including the Nintendo 3DS, Kinect for Xbox 360, and the Sony PlayStation 3.

The iPad dominates among teenagers: 24 percent of those polled said they are interested in buying an iPad in the next six months. Apple's iPhone is in the seventh place with 15 percent, while iPod touch is in twelfth with 8 percent.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, November 18th, 2011. 12:04

Mac passes five percent global market share


According to a new analysis, first time for 15 years Apple’s worldwide share of PC market passed 5 percent up from 4.7 percent in June and 4.4 percent a year ago. Analyst Charlie Wolf of Needham & Co. reported that in the third calendar quarter of 2011 Mac shipments outpaced the PC market for the 22nd straight quarter. Apple’s growth was 24.6 percent, while growth in total PC shipments was 5.3 percent. During this quarter Apple sold 4.89 million Macs, there are the record numbers of Mac sales.

"More impressively, the growth in Mac shipments in the past year represented 20% of the growth in worldwide PC shipments," he said. To further put things into perspective, Wolf noted that Apple's September quarter Mac shipments exceeded annual Mac shipments for all years prior to 2006.

Mac shipments significantly increased in both the home and business markets. In home market Mac shipments showed 25.6 percent growth, while the overall increase was only 4 percent. Shipments to the business market were an impressive nine times the market pace: 43.8 percent versus 4.8 percent. Wolf suggested that Mac success could be attributed to halo effect from the iPad and iPhone.

However, Apple didn’t show great performance in the education and government markets. In the third calendar quarter of 2011 Mac shipments to education customers for the quarter grew on 2.9 percent, compared to 16.9 percent for the PC market. Such situation might be caused by the iPad cannibalization of the education market.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, November 18th, 2011. 10:41

Developer Found Code Strings Suggesting iChat In iOS


TUAW reports that a developer John Heaton have found some hooks (showed above) in the iOS code suggesting that additional instant messaging or iChat-like services could be supported in iOS devices. Such integration would allow people who own iPad, iPod touch, iPhone or Mac to exchange messages with each other.

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Samsung modifies, rebrands and relaunches Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Germany


New Galaxy Tab 10.1N (top) vs. Galaxy Tab 10.1 (bottom)

Samsung tries to bypass patent infringement from Apple, modifying the design of its Galaxy Tab 10.1 touchscreen tablet in order to re-launch it in Germany. Moreover, Samsung decided to rename the device. The new product is known as the Galaxy Tab 10.1N. The most obvious difference from the front of the device is that the metal frame around the edges of the device now wraps around slightly toward the front along two of the edges. We are not sure that such device will definitely steer clear of infringement. Anyway, it’s up for the Court to decide.

"But without a doubt, Samsung has upped the ante fro Apple and its lawyers in case they wish to request a new injunction or allege that this constitutes an infringement of the existing one."

Germany seems to be a really important battleground in the fight between Samsung and Apple. Last week, Samsung filed a new complaint against Apple in the country. And it’s obvious that the company decided to redesign its device because of permanent ban from selling the Galaxy Tab 10.1 in Germany.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Thursday, November 17th, 2011. 20:11

Sony Seeking To Bypass Cable Providers With Web-Based TV Service


Last week it was reported that Sony was actively working on changing the way users view and interact with content on its TV sets, with company’s CEO Howard Stringer acknowledging that they was seeking the way to compete with Apple’s ecosystem that is planned to include TV sets in the near future.

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Written by maxim

Thursday, November 17th, 2011. 16:29

Enterprise adopting Apple products as company becomes 'easier to work with'


The New York Times published an article by Nick Wingfield where Apple’s growth in enterprise sector of the market was revealed, noting that the current Apple’s CEO Tim Cook is "more at ease" meeting with enterprise customers, while Jobs disliked working with businesses.

"While corporate technology buyers say Apple does not try to hide the fact that consumers are still its top priority, they note that the company has gotten easier to work with in recent years, adding features to its devices that make them more palatable to business," author Nick Wingfield wrote.

Under Jobs guidance corporate customers were often rubbed the wrong way. Tim Cook, even before being appointed Apple’s CEO, was said to engage in more communication with the company's enterprise clients.

"(Cook) met more frequently with corporate customers and seemed to appreciate their needs, even if he did not deviate from Mr. Jobs's views about making consumers the priority when making Apple products," the report said.

Apple's new success in the enterprise belongs largely to the iPhone and iPad. According to the recent reports, 93 percent of Fortune 500 companies are deploying or testing the iPhone, while 90 percent are deploying or testing the iPad. Macs also have found its place in enterprises. Moreover, as it was found out, Mac business users are more productive than their PC counterparts.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Thursday, November 17th, 2011. 16:07

Apple, Chinese environmental groups meet to discuss supplier pollution concerns


On Tuesday Apple held a meeting with five Chinese environmental protection groups in Beijing. While a three-and-a-half hour meeting Apple and representatives from Chinese companies were discussing domestic supplier pollution and reports, criticizing the company for using loopholes in the system.

The representative of EnviroFriends, Li Li, who took part in the meeting, claimed that the company continues to put the burden of responsibility for pollution on its suppliers. But Apple refuses to reveal its suppliers, thus, the groups decided to carry out their own research to discover suppliers working with Apple. During the meeting Apple admitted that 15 out of the 27 suppliers accused of excessive pollution were suppliers for the company.

"Apple said they had already spoken to 11 supply firms and asked them to reform, and they’re in the process of initiating communications with the other four," Li said.

"Apple is committed to driving the highest standards of social responsibility throughout our supply chain. We require that our suppliers provide safe working conditions, treat workers with dignity and respect, and use environmentally responsible manufacturing processes wherever Apple products are made," said spokeswoman Carolyn Wu.

Remind you that this year Greenpeace ranked Apple as the fourth-greenest device maker, up five spots from last year.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Thursday, November 17th, 2011. 14:49

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