News tagged ‘app’
Apple Magic Mouse review [CNet Video]
iDon't Care: The answer to Verizon and the Motorola Droid [Video]
There was an Anti-iPhone advertising campaign from Verizon called "iDon't" and designed to publicize the new Motorola Droid listing all the shortcomings of the iPhone. Today a new video was published obviously in favor of the iPhone, called "iDon't Care".
Obviously it was not made by Apple, which usually responds with irony only to Microsoft. The author is Jon Anderson, a simple Apple fan as well as admirer of the iPhone.
He's the original video from Verizon:
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CoughMultitasking: The first video demonstration
Here's the first video preview of CoughMultitasking, the application from Steven Througton-Smith that will allow us to switch between different applications, leveraging the multitasking.
The application is only in early stages of development, but we already see 4 thumbnails per page and multiple pages.
Dropbox for firmware 3.0 released
iPhone application DropBox has just been updated and is now compatible with Firmware 3.0. So a lot more users can install it and enjoy its excellent features.
DropBox is a service that offers 2GB of free web space to store your documents, pictures, videos, music and more. Using the iPhone application you can access this information and view all files. If you have not tried the service, I recommend you to do so.
You can register and download the application for your desktop computer here (Windows, Mac, and Linux). Here is a
Apple Reports $1.67 Billion Profit for Q4 2009, Most Profitable Quarter Ever
Apple today announced financial results for the fourth fiscal quarter (third calendar quarter) of 2009. Apple posted revenue of $9.87 billion and net quarterly profit of $1.67 billion, or $1.82 per diluted share, compared to revenue of $7.9 billion and net quarterly profit of $1.14 billion, or $1.26 per diluted share, in the year-ago quarter. Gross margin was 36.6 percent, compared to 34.7 percent in the year-ago quarter, and international sales accounted for 46 percent of the quarter's revenue.
The numbers represent the most profitable quarter in Apple's history and include record-breaking Mac and iPhone quarterly sales.
Conference Call Notes
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Quickly add files to iTunes [CNet Video]
Here is a new tutorial from CNet specialists. They will show how to add media, downloaded from other sources, to iTunes.
How to re-enable internet tethering on 3.1.2 firmware?
With internet tethering enabled you can use iPhone internet connection on you desktop or notebook. Here is a quick tutorial for experienced users. For everybody else - just wait for the new version of PwnageTool or some other utility.
Here it is:
A bsdiff patch to apply to CommCenter in 3.1.2 to re-enable tethering is available
USE THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK! Your carrier may end up charging you for unauthorized tethering access.
Update #1 It looks like a lot of people have been looking at CommCenter lately because IRC user CleanAir
had a similar tethering patch. Meanwhile over in the 2G CommCenter, WhiteRat
and geniusan
Update #2 A few
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Sn0wbreeze: New Teaser Video
iH8sn0w has just released a new teaser video showing Sn0wbreeze, application for Windows that would basically be a clone of PwnageTool, equipped with the ability to create custom firmware and unlock the various devices.
Many users believe that Sn0wbreeze is just "fake,".. Hopefully iH8sn0w did found an exploit and will finish Sn0wbreeze soon.
Let's watch the video:
TomTom Car Kit: video demonstration on-the-road
Specialists from have tried TomTom Car Kit and created a wonderful video in which we can see all the features. There is also a comparison with an iPhone without a kit.
Eliminate the FPS game from ngmoco will be free!
Good news for all users who look forward to the release of elimination, the First Person Shooter multiplayer game by ngmoco. The game should be approved by the end of October and it will be free! And this is not a limited time promotion. Let's watch the video about the game:
Apple extends the In-App Purchase to free applications
Apple has just announced that all iPhone developers can now use the In-App Purchase in free applications! In the past the use of these APIs was reserved only for commercial software.
This is great, because developers can completely eliminate the Lite version, creating only a limited free version with full function unlock through an in-app purchase. All this is also intended to provide greater security for developers.
New updates on the SpringBoard Exposé [Video]
Steven Troughton-Smith continues to work on the new draft of SpringBoard Exposé. Today he published a good quality video demonstration:
We can see the application is complete and it works very well. The next step is to improve the graphics and, finally, develop a caching system.
Jelly Car 2: first video of the next update
Jelly Car is an amazing iPhone game. If you like it, surely you'll be glad to know that a new version with many changes is coming soon. There will be ability to change a car, to attach to any surface, to fly with a balloon and much more. The Level Editor will also be updated.
Stack 3.0: new video
Steven Troughton-Smith has released a new video about the next version of Stack 3.0 which will have a new function, the ability to run the scrolling within the stack. The application is really lightweight and does not need much RAM or battery. The app will be avaliable in Cydia.
Here is a video demonstration:
via ispazio