News tagged ‘Apple iPhone’
New MacBook Air features USB software reinstall drive
Now Apple decided to supply with the just launched new MacBook Air a solid state reinstallation drive that plugs into the USB port. It looks like a mini USB dongle only without storage space and shielding. So, Apple is the first company, decided not to use ordinary CDs or DVDs as reinstall drives. And now the Internet is full of titles, which call Apple the “CDs killer”.
First Look: Apple's new Mac OS X 10.7 Lion
As already known, the new Apple’s Mac OS X 10.7 Lion is planed to be released next summer. New operating system will adopt some iOS features. Now Apple works to bring many of its mobile innovations into the next version of Mac OS X 10.7. So, Apple will add the following the mobile-optimized features to the Mac from iOS:
New 11.6- and 13.3 inch MacBook Airs Are Finally Unveiled
Few hours ago Steve Jobs presented two new MacBook Airs, which became the result of hooking up the iPad and a MacBook (according to his words). They have neither hard nor optical drive, as they keep all the data on the solid state drive. Here is how Steve Jobs explained such an innovation:
"MacBook Air is the first of a new generation of notebooks that leaves behind mechanical rotating storage in favor of solid state flash storage. We’ve taken what we have learned with the iPad—solid state storage, instant-on, amazing battery standby time, miniaturization and lightweight construction, to create the new MacBook Air. With its amazing responsiveness and mobility, it will change the way we think about notebooks."
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Step-by-step Tutorial: how to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone using PwnageTool 4.1.2 (Mac)
These are instructions on how to jailbreak your iPhone using PwnageTool 4.1.2 for Mac OS X. If you need unlock and you have not updated to iOS 4 you will be able to preserve baseband and unlock iPhone using ultrasn0w.
This guide will work for iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch 3G, iPod Touch 4G, iPad and AppleTV. Just use the right firmware and select the right device (step four).
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
Step One
Make a folder called "Pwnage" on the desktop. Now you need to download there PwnageTool 4.1.2 from here and iOS 4.1 firmware from here.
When downloading the IPSW file, it is best to download it with Firefox since Safari often auto extracts it!
Step Two
Double click to mount PwnageTool then drag the PwnageTool icon into the Pwnage folder.
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Live from Apple's "Back to the Mac" event (constantly updating)

Macworld: Live blog from Apple event "Back to the Mac"
Resuming the Apple's Q4 conference call
For those who have no time or desire to read the entire transcript of Steve Jobs’ Apple Q4 Earnings Call, here are the most interesting facts he revealed during the speech.
- Apple has sold 14.1 million iPhones, 3.89 million Macs (2,6 million notebooks and 1,29 million desktops) and 4.19 million iPads for the last quarter.
- The total profit in fourth fiscal period is $4,46 billion.
Appleinsider Live blog from Apple event "Back to the Mac"
PwnageTool 4.1 released
The iPhone DevTeam has just released jailbreak utility PwnageTool 4.1 for Mac OS X.
PwnageTool allows you to restore to a custom IPSW file. The main advantage of PwnageTool is for unlockers. It gives the ability to keep current baseband and preserve ultrasn0w unlock. This is only for those, who have not updated to iOS 4.1 by themseleves.
You can also add whatever packages you want in the “Expert” mode of PwnageTool, if you wish to pre-install something from Cydia.
Here is a list of supported devices:
- iPhone4
- iPhone 3GS
- iPhone 3G
- iPad (firmware 3.2.2)
- AppleTV 2G
- iPod touch 4G
- iPod touch 3G
You can download PwnageTool 4.1 here.
UPDATE: PwnageTool 4.1.1 is now available
Here is a step-by-step Tutorial: how to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone using PwnageTool 4.1.1.
Apple has a bad influence on the hard drive industry
John Coyne, who is a CEO at Western Digital, revealed yesterday that tablet devices like Apple's iPad are negatively affecting on the hard drive business. Talking in numbers, iPad may reduce shipments of low-end netbooks and laptops on 10-20 percent over the next few quarters. But Coyne tried to reassure investors the business will be still profitable:
"What I would say to investors is to look at the long-term demand for storage, the fact is the most appropriate solution for mass volume storage is hard drives and to look at the long-term progress the industry has made over the last 10 years".
Apple announces live streaming of "Back to the Mac" event
Apple has confirmed it will offer live streaming of its event today. The live video will be available here:
Media Alert
Apple to Provide Live Video Streaming of Today’s Event
What: Live video stream of Apple’s October 20 event
When: Wednesday, October 20, 2010, 10:00 a.m. PDT
Live Video Streaming
Apple® will broadcast its October 20 event online using Apple’s industry-leading HTTP Live Streaming, which is based on open standards. Viewing requires either a Mac® running Safari® on Mac OS® X version 10.6 Snow Leopard®, an iPhone® or iPod touch® running iOS 3.0 or higher, or an iPad™. The live broadcast will begin at 10:00 a.m. PDT on October 20, 2010 at
Apple's 'Back to the Mac' event is today
What can we expect today? Rumors say that there might be:
- a new version of Mac OS X (Lion)
- new tiny MacBook Airs (11.6" and 13")
- new version of iLife
- Verizon iPhone (probably not)
Don't miss it! Here's when it will start around the globe:
07:00AM - Hawaii
10:00AM - Pacific
11:00AM - Mountain
12:00PM - Central
01:00PM - Eastern
06:00PM - London
07:00PM - Paris
09:00PM - Moscow
02:00AM - Tokyo (October 21st)
New photos claim to show Apple's prototype CDMA Verizon iPhone
The bloger Richy Rich obtained some interesting photos of prototype CDMA iPhone in Device Verification Test phase. He believes that pictures show us the device run by the “Inferno” operating system. Same one was seen on photos and videos of iPhone 4 prototype. It is known that the rumored CDMA-variant of the iPhone 4 has code number "N92DVT", which you may see on one of the shots. New iPhone version is expected to be universal, support both CDMA and GSM standards.
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Unverified report claims Mac OS X 10.7 to adopt iOS interface elements
Recently an unconfirmed source has reported that mew Mac OS X 10.7 will adopt some iOS interface elements. The most noticeable change, which is rumored to appear in new Mac OS X 10.7, is that its current Aqua scroll bars will be replaced with the "more minimal look" of iOS scroll bars and scrolling behavior. The scroll bars may also adopt "rubber band" elastic scrolling from iOS devices and a native "pull to refresh" feature. The Mac OS X QuickLook technology may also change color (instead of its translucent black, it will be white) and will include support for popovers in the Spotlight menu.
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Greenpois0n jailbreak updated with iPod Touch 2G support
The Chronic Dev-Team has released RC4 of their Greenpois0n jailbreak utility which brings support for the iPod touch 2G.
Greenpois0n RC4 posted on - support for iPod Touch 2G, MC and MB, both untethered.
You can download Greenpois0n RC4