
News tagged ‘прошивка’

Enable Emoji for free via AppStore App


Emoji, emoticons and pictorial characters popular in the Japanese instant messaging culture, were introduced to Japanese customers as part of the iPhone 2.2 Firmware update, but have required workarounds to be enabled for non-Japanese users. There are many solutins to turn Emiji Icons (Get Emoji Icons for free), but the easy one required jailbreaking. Recently Apple approved an application that simplifies this process. App is called EmotiFun and it is free (AppStore link).

Everything is simple: get app, run it, exit and go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards -> Japanese and enable.



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yellowsn0w updated to 0.98

DevTeam updated yellowsn0w to version 0.9.8. It will not work with regular 2.2.1 firmware. If you want 2.2.1, you need modified (!!!) firmware 2.2.1, in which old baseband from firmware 2.2 is preserved.

Version 0.9.8 adds strability and fixes some bugs. So If everything works fine, I reccomend just leave it like it is. For example, I use 0.9.6 and feel happy with 2.2 firmware.

Related posts:


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Firmware 2.2.1 is officially hacked

Yes, DevTeam released new version of their software. First of all, please, do NOT use unofficial software from unknows sites (f.e. quickpwm.com). We recommend to download from torrent or official mirors.

We regulary publish latets software and firmware links. Use them or the same ones from DevTeam site.


  • iPhone 2G and iPod Touch: update to 2.2.1 with iTunes and run QuickPwn to jailbreak, activate and unlock you device.
  • iPod Touch 2G: sorry, you need to wait a bit more
  • iPhone 3G + NO UNLOCK: If you do not need unlock, you are using your iPhone with one carrier or you hae factory unlcoked iPhone, just restore or upgrade to 2.2.1 using iTunes and use QuickPwn to jailbreak and add Cydia and Installer.
  • iPhone 3G + UNLOCK: you need to preserve current baseband software. Preserving the baseband will ensure that you can still use “yellowsn0w” the iPhone 3G unlock application. To upgrade your phone to 2.2.1 and preserve the state of the baseband you need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool. This custom .ipsw will not contain the baseband update but of course will still allow all the cool new stuff from 2.2.1. PwnageTool is only available for Mac OS X.

DevTeam updated yellowsn0w to version 0.9.7 to work with modified (!!!) firmware 2.2.1, in which you preserve old baseband from firmware 2.2.


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Next generation iPhone proof in firmware 2.2.1

MacRumors has discovered that iPhone's firmware has evidence of the next generation iPhone which has been designated "iPhone2,1". This new model number can be found in the USBDeviceConfiguration.plist in an unencrypted firmware.

Apple uses these models numbers to distinguish between different hardware models. The original iPhone carries the model number of "iPhone 1,1" while the 3G iPhone is labeled "iPhone 1,2". These numbers do not change for simple storage increases and instead represent functionally different devices. Similarly, the iPod Touch was originally introduced as the "iPod 1,1" and the most recent hardware revision was labeled "iPod2,1".

Meanwhile, at least one developer has noticed actual "iPhone2,1" models in use based on PinchMedia ad serving reports.

via macrumors


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iPhone 2.2.1 SDK

Apple has release an update to their SDK (software developer kit). This was done hours after apple releases their update to their iPhone iTouch firmware. To download the sdk you just need to log in to the iPhone Dev Center.


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Written by admin

Wednesday, January 28th, 2009. 16:39

DevTeam says do not update to 2.2.1

Here is an anouncement from DevTeam. They suggest to not update to the new firmware 2.2.1 yet. You can loose the ability to jailbreak and unlock. Just wait for them to check everything and release new software.



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New firmware 2.2.1

Apple has just pushed out Firmware 2.2.1 for iPhone and iPhone 3G, iPod touch, iPod touch 2G. You can download them here. Firmware 2.2.1 cannot be jailbroken at this time, so unofficial application users should wait for new version of QuickPwn from DevTeam. Unlock (yellowsn0w) also doesn't work for 2.2.1.

This update contains bug fixes and improvements:

  • Version 2.2.1 (Build 5H11)
  • Modem Firmware 02.30.03
  • Improved general stability of Safari
  • Fixed issue where some images saved from Mail do not display correctly in the Camera Roll
  • Fixed issue that caused some Apple Lossless (ALAC) to skip during playback
  • Unofficially Apple fixed SMS bug: users suddenly experience inability to send SMS text messages on the iPhone 3G, receiving the message "error sending" upon attempting to send.


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Get Emoji Icons for free

First of all these icons can be viewed on any iPhone with 2.2 firmware. But to be able to send these icons users need to perform additional actions. There are 4 ways to turn them on and 2 of them are free:

Solution N1 for $5.99:

In AppStore buy and install Touch Dial Emoji. Goto Settings -> Touch Dial -> Enable Smiley icon ON. Launch Touch Dial. Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards -> Japanese and enable "Emoji."

Solution N2 for $0.99:

In AppStore buy and install FrostyPlace. Play with the app for a minute to activate, click on a story, etc. Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards -> Japanese and enable "Emoji."

Solution N3 for Free:

Jailbreak your iPhone. Run Cydia and install Emoji application (iSpazio repository). Go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards -> Japanese and enable "Emoji."

This application adds boolean ‘true’ key KeyboardEmojiEverywhere edits in /User/Library/Preferences/com.apple.Preferences.plist. You can do it manually if you want.

Solution N3 for Free:

Step 1. Download the vcard.vcf here.
Step 2. Import it to your address book program. If you are using Windows, you may want to do it on iPhone directly. Send the vcard.vcf file to yourself. Open in on iPhone’s Email.app, click the vcf file and import all the contacts.
Step 3. Go into “Settings” > “General” > “Keyboard” > “Japanese Keyboard”. Enable the QWERTY keyboard.
Step 4. In notes or any other program you want. Type “emojia”, “emojii” or “emojiu” to select those :) icons.

I like Solution N3. It is free and simple. You do not need to play with contacts and etc. But you need to jailbreak an iPhone.


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iPhone 3G unlock tutorial

Dev Team finally made it. They created software called yellowsn0w, that unlocked iPhone 3G. Now you can use any carrier you want. I successfully unlocked my US version.It works much more stable than sim proxy method.

Please, back up everything on your iPhone before you start, just in case. Everything you do is your responsibility. I had to go through all 4 steps to make my iPhone 3G work. I used only my new sim without sim proxy.

Here are the steps:

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iPhone 3G unlock on Dec 31

Good news! DevTeam anounced release date for iPhone 3G unlock. It is December 31, 2008. Supported firmware is 2.1, modem baseband 2.11.07 and earlier.


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iPod and iPhone benchmark results

Here are the results for all 4 devices using benchmark from AppStore (link):

1 place – iPod touch 2G, firmware 2.2 – 145,20
2 place – iPhone 3G. firmware 2.2 – 104,23
3 place – iPhone, firmware 2.2 – 99,422
4 place – iPod touch 1G, firmware 2.2 – 99,039

This is because the second-generation iPod touch’s processor runs at 532 MHz, while the iPhone 3G’s processor runs at 412 MHz.


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QuickPwn & PwnageTool for 2.2 firmware

The new tools are out, thanks to DevTeam. Here are couple notes:

If you have a 3G iPhone and want potential soft unlock in the near future do NOT use QuickPwn, and do not use the official ipsw or the iTunes update process without using PwnageTool.

Preserving the baseband will give you the maximum chance for any upcoming software unlock. To upgrade your phone to 2.2 and preserve the state of the baseband you need to create a custom .ipsw with PwnageTool. This custom .ipsw will not contain the baseband update but of course will still allow all the cool new stuff from 2.2.

The ‘late 2008’ MacBook/air/pro line of computers have an issue with DFU mode.  While it’s possible to go from Pwned 2.1 -> Pwned 2.2 (using PwnageTool), you can’t yet go from stock to pwned.  If in any doubt use a different machine.

Here are download links:

Bittorrent Releases

  • PwnageTool 2.2.1 for Mac OSX is here SHA1 Sum - 3a91f2bf4f342baaa700ae7d35959d7ade186134
  • QuickPwn 2.2 for Mac OSX is here SHA1 Sum - 254b8af0e19870a4660b7b11e3b6f6ae1d6bc66f
  • QuickPwn 2.2 for Windows is here SHA1 Sum - ffdbc561224c61ffc2713cb6a6e696b6d429c4ca

Mac PwnageTool 2.2.1

Mac QuickPwn 2.2

Windows QuickPwn 2.2


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Unofficial Firmware 2.2 jailbreak

Do you want to jailbreak firmware 2.2? There are many tutorials, guides and howto's came out recently. But I recommend you to stay away from these advices and wait for an official utility with 2.2 support QuickPwn or Pwnage tool.


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DevTeam about firmware 2.2

DevTeam says that 2.2 update SHOULD NOT be applied using iTunes if you want the chance of a soft-unlock in the near future. Use new version of PwnageTool (not avaliable yet, but will be soon).

Some fact:

  • The 2.2 firmware for 3G contains a baseband update for the 3G iPhone
  • The 2.2 firmware for 2G (1st gen iPhones) doesn’t contain a baseband update and the baseband is still at 04.05.04
  • Pwnage technique (and therefore the Jailbreak) isn’t affected, but PwnageTool and QuickPwn do not support this release as yet, so DO NOT install 2.2 using iTunes as you will lose your jailbreak

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Firmware 2.2 released

Apple released new firmware version 2.2. Here are the direct links to all firmwares, including 2.2.

What's new in 2.2:

  • Enhancements to Maps
    • Google Street View - takes you on a virtual walking tour: Navigate street-level photographs of places you've located in Maps.
    • Public transit and walking directions - Get walking directions, find public transit schedules, check fares, and estimate your travel time.
    • Display address of dropped pins
    • Share location via email - Tap the Share Location button to send an email that includes a Google Maps URL.

Read the rest of this entry »


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