News tagged ‘приложения’
The Ultimate X-Ray [AppStore]
Nice application to play and fool all your friends. Especially now, when the price dropped from $0.99 to $0. Here is an AppStore
Sygic turn-by-turn GPS navigation
One of the most elusive and desired apps for iPhone is turn-by-turn GPS navigation. We heard that TomTom was developing a GPS navigator. To date, it hasn't shipped. Recently, the focus has been on xGPS, an app that requires a jailbroken iPhone to work.
At Mobile World Congress 2009 (MWC09) in Barcelona, Spain, Sygic is demoing a version of their namesake GPS navigation software running on an iPhone 3G. The Sygic software uses maps from TeleAtlas, the same company that supplies map data for Google Maps. Sygic produces similar software for Windows Mobile and Symbian devices.
Applicatin has turn-by-turn GPS directions with voice prompts, points of interest, support for multiple countries, and locally-stored maps.
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Tap Tap Revenge 2 soon
Tap Tap Revenge developers anounced new version of this popular application:
"The wait’s almost over! The code’s been written, the music’s been added, and our thumbs are numb from all the ‘testing’. Tap Tap Revenge 2 is signed, sealed… and soon to be delivered. Sometime next week if all goes well."
Categories updated to v2.23 [Cydia]
Categories allows you to create folders on your desktop. It is a nice application from Cydia, recently updated to version 2.23.
Here is a change list:
- Fixed issue where users behind a proxy had the app close and safari open in some cases.
- Worked on memory usage. Fixed a large memory leak. (There is still a memory leak in the configuration part of the app, but it’s not as big. I hope I get time to fix it in the near future).
- The iPhone 2.1 and newer froze up when trying to respring with less than 7MB RAM. When memory got low, springboard would kill the app causing it to respring and freeze up. The respring flag should now be cleared in most cases when memory gets this low.
- The app will now detect if it gets closed due to low memory and allow you to continue your editing where you left off.
- Memory free and respring state are now in the status bar while the app is running
Stack 2.2 [Cydia]
Stroughton Smith is working on the new version of Stack, the handy application for quick access to iPhone applications. It incorporates the features of the stack of OS X. Here is a video showing the new ability to move the stack anywhere in the dock and the new pop-up that requires confirmation to remove an application. It will be avaliable in Cydia soon.
Las Vegas: regulators warn of card-counting iPhone app
Nevada gambling regulators have warned casinos about a card-counting program for Apple's iPhone and iPod Touch that can illegally help players beat the house in blackjack. Card counting by players is not illegal in Nevada but using a device to count cards is considered a felony. The Nevada Gaming Control Board warned casinos of the program last week. Nevada learned of the program from California gambling regulators who said officials at an Indian casino found customers using it. But board member Randy Sayre says the agency hasn't received any reports of the program being used in Nevada. Card counting can help blackjack players determine when they are likely to win a hand and should adjust their bets.
TapSB [Cydia]
Here's a preview of a new application TapSB. It will be avaliable in Cydia soon. This is a new Mod, which allows user to move from page to page of Springboard using a system of zoom in and out. Just double tap on a "blank" Springboard. You'll see up to 6 screens at once and will be able to choose with a click which of these need to zoom. Very practical.
via spazio
Enable Emoji for free via AppStore App
Emoji, emoticons and pictorial characters popular in the Japanese instant messaging culture, were introduced to Japanese customers as part of the iPhone 2.2 Firmware update, but have required workarounds to be enabled for non-Japanese users. There are many solutins to turn Emiji Icons (Get Emoji Icons for free), but the easy one required jailbreaking. Recently Apple approved an application that simplifies this process. App is called EmotiFun and it is free (AppStore
Everything is simple: get app, run it, exit and go to Settings -> General -> Keyboard -> International Keyboards -> Japanese and enable.
The iPhone Becomes a Web Server
This is a new iPhone application which just debuted in Japan's App Store. Called "ServersMan@iPhone", the application allows your iPhone to appear just like any other web server on the internet.
Once the app is installed, PCs on the internet can access the iPhone to upload or download files through a browser or they can use the webDAV protocol. If the PC and the iPhone are on the same network, the PC can connect directly. If they are on separate networks, then FreeBit's VPN software will engage the connection.
At the moment, the ServersMan@iPhone is only available in the Japanese App Store, but an English version is coming in March. A port for Windows Mobile devices is also under development.
via readwriteweb
Apple Rejects Obama Trampoline iPhone Game
This app probably violated the iPhone developer's terms of service agreement, which states apps may not ridicule public figures. This fact is questionable. Anyway, you can watch the video of what it is:
iPod Touch 2G is jailbroken
This is a screenshot of a jailbroken iPod Touch 2G. This means that users will be able to install unofficial useful software.
Screenshot is good, but video is better. Here are couple videos:
Touchpad Elite [AppStore, Free]
Control your computer wirelessly with the multi-touch features of the new MacBook line!
For both Mac and Windows:
- Wireless touchpad
- PowerPoint clicker
- Control your media
- Multi-touch access to Task Switcher
- Automated discovery
Specially for Mac:
- Zoom your Mac screen
- Multi-touch access to Expose
No install required on Mac, although free modified Vine Server will give you access to media keys (Play/Pause, etc.). For Windows, free modified TightVNC server will also give you access to media keys.
The price is dropped for a limited time from $4.99 to $0. AppStore
iFunBox updated to v0.7.224.86

1. Thumbnail view supported for wallpapers, camera and all other folders.
2. Support Symlink for the filesystem of firmware 2.0. All .app can be listed in Application folder.
3. Downloading music and movie from iPhone with filename encoded with album name and artist name.
4. Support E-Books, converting plain text to UTF-16 automatically.
Uploading music and movie to iPhone is now disabled on devices with firmware 2.x.
Google Earth for iPhone [AppStore, Free]
Google announced the release of an iPhone native version of their Google Earth application. The application is free, avaliable from the AppStore (
Record: one more free recoder [AppStore, Free]
Another nice application became free today. The price dropped from $1.99 to $0. The app is called Record (AppStore
- Launch and shake to start recording, or if you prefer, use the button on the lower right toolbar.
- Pause and resume recordings.
- Search recording titles.
- Organise recordings into folders.
- Setup smart folders based on keywords, or the location you recorded.
- Email recordings from your iPhone (15 minute recordings or shorter).
- Rename and reorder recordings.
- Seek and pause during playback.
- Compressed IMA4 AIFF format.
- Records when iPhone is locked.
NOTE: iPod Touch 2nd Gen users will need an Apple headset with microphone to use Record.