News tagged ‘screen’
Speech recognition software for iPhone
Dragon Naturally Speaking is a popular speech recognition software application for PC/Mac. Soon it will be released for the iPhone and iPod Touch.
The program for the iPhone will capture a clip of about 20-30 seconds and turn into text everything that was said. Then you can send your dictation via email or SMS.
Here is a video demonstration:
Fring for iPhone Gets Updated With Video Calls
Fring has added video calling support to the iPhone and iPod touch via Skype. This is a huge step further. iPhone became a videophone!
It works on Fring to Fring, and Skype to Fring. Unfortunately, it's not bi-directional. You would be able to see whoever is calling you from a desktop, but you won't be able to transmit your image. The reason is because the iPhone doesn't have a front camera, so you can't do face to face. The application will support two-way video calling if the iPhone and iPod touch gain front-facing cameras in the future. The company already supports two-way video calling on several Nokia phones with such cameras.
A promotional video highlighting the new video functionality has also been released:
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Apple Takes Control of 'TabletMac' Trademark
A couple of years ago, a company called Axiotron announced an aftermarket modification for the MacBook that converted the Apple laptop into a tablet. The modification remains for sale at $699 and takes a stock MacBook, removes the keyboard and screen, and adds a Wacom pen-based screen to give the device a tablet form factor.
Axiotron originally began marketing the devices as a "TabletMac" and filed a trademark for the term. Sometime in the past year, however, the trademark was transferred from Axiotron to Apple, and Apple is now listed as the owner of the trademark:
Now Apple could potentially release a product called the TabletMac. So what name? iTablet, MacTablet, TabletMac or maybe MacBook Tablet?
Sn0wBreeze (PwnageTool for Windows) Teaser #3
iH8Sn0w has posted another teaser trailer for Sn0wBreeze, a windows utility to build custom iPhone ipsw files.
Another Teaser... I have no idea why Teaser 2 was removed. Anyway. Like always, its not done yet! GUI is subject to change. Like the window sizes
Take a look below...
iLingual Speaks Three Languages With Your Mouth
iLingual, an app that use your or anybody else's lips and uses them to speak.
Here's how it works: you snap a picture of a mouth, yours, your friend's or just a photo from a magazine. iLingual analyzes and converts it for animation. Then, you choose a phrase from the app's library, hold your iPhone over your mouth and there, you sort speak French, German or a little bit of Arabic.
iLingual is a sponsored app, so it's completely free. Here's an
Watch the demonstration video:
New iPhone Worm Wants User's Bank Passwords
A second iPhone worm virus has been found by security company F-Secure. It is specifically targeting people in the Netherlands who are using their iPhones for internet banking with Dutch online bank ING.
It redirects the bank's customers to a site with a log-in screen (
Here is a tutorial how to change the default SSH password and minimize the risk.
TV Show "Lie to Me" Lies to Us About Swipe-able iPhone SMS Notifications
The TV show
To the trained eye, of course, it was merely screenshots of standard model text dialogs over the Notes app, with swiping no doubt courtesy of the Photo App, and sound effects added in post. (The whole screen, not just the alert dialog, changed on swipe). Why did they do it?
TomTom now supports iPod Touch and iPhone 2G
TomTom navigation application updated to version 1.2. Added features include updates to maps and IQ Routes, advanced lane guidance, text-to-speech, integrated iPod player support and support for the iPod Touch and first-generation iPhone 2G.
To use the app on iPod Touch and iPhone 2G, TomTom's car kit is required. This is due to the fact that both devices lack an integrated GPS receiver. TomTom's car kit is a cradle which contains a GPS module, integrated speaker, charger, and line out. It is not required when the TomTom app is paired with the iPhone 3G and 3GS. The cost for the kit without the app is $119.95.
Full list of what's new in 1.2:
- Improved search and route summary screens
- Updated map from v8.30 to v8.35
- Updated points of interest database
- Updated IQ Routes database with millions of new measurements
- Added Advanced Lane Guidance in both portrait and landscape mode
- Added Text-to-speech in English US, English UK, English Australia, French Canada, Spanish Latin America
- Added Help Me! emergency menu
- Added iPod player support
- Added support for original iPhone and iPod touch (all models)
The TomTom app is available in App Store for $49.99-$139.99 (
Apple Releases Two New iPhone Ads: 'Song' and 'Gift'
Apple today posted two new iPhone commercials to its ad gallery and also began airing them on prime-time television. Here is a list of applications, that are used in these videos:
- Jamie Oliver's 20 Minute Meals [
- Credit Card Terminal [
- Facebook [
- The Sims 3 [
- Redfin Real Estate [
- Shazam [
- Target [
- ColorChange [
- The Snow Report [
- Monopoly Here & Now: The World Edition [
- HotelPal [
- Zipcar [
Watch the videos:
New iPhone lockscreen video concept
Walky: robot controlled by the iPhone [Video]
Here's a cute little Walky robot controlled via iPhone. It is able to walk, run, jump and kick a ball.
This video demonstrates that with a proper implementation of controls we can obtain better results with the touchscreen of the iPhone than with a joystick from a PlayStation.
Car Controlling iPhone App: Fake, But Fun Anyway
This iPhone application is not real, but the video is really well done and it's fun to watch.
via gizmodo
iDoor – iPhone Controlled Hydraulic Door
MIT student Chris Varenhorst developed a hydraulic system connected to some electronic components that allow you to open a door with the ability to control it with the iPhone.
The system is very simple, the mechanical part to open the door is connected to a PC with an Ubuntu Linux system from which it receives the commands. Application iDoor connects to a PC via an internet connection and sends the instructions for opening or closing the door.
Here is a video:
HTC Cydget: The HTC clock now on iPhone
HTC Cydget is a nice theme for the lockscreen that can be set by Cydget, the new application from Saurik.
As you can see from the images, this tweak transforms the classic lockscreen to an HTC clock. The app is avaliable via Cydia.
via ispazio
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Learning to develop for the iPhone
Couple days ago the developers of MitAPP held a lecture at the University of Bologna on programming for the iPhone and using the SDK. The entire mini-course consists of 3 classes. Here are the first slides about the development environment (XCode and Interface Builder):