News tagged ‘tethered’
DevTeam found a way to jailbreak all firmwares of Apple devices with A4 chip
The iPhone DevTeam have probably found a new method to jailbreak Apple devices with the A4 chip. This includes such devices as iPhone, iPad, iPod and Apple TV. This is great news!
MuscleNerd tweeted.
Think we've figured out a way to extend PwnageTool+limera1n+@comex hacks to untethered JBs for all future A4 firmwares
Geohot May Stop Producing His Tools for iPhone
Last Geohot's post on his blog reveals that he will not release any new tool for jailbreak or unlock in the near future. Moreover, he said that he misses those old days, when jailbreaking was a hard work to do:
“...Sorry, this post was probably a bad idea. Next time I won’t say anything. I miss when this blog was actually about technical things (I’ve been reacting too much to the feedback, which led it to the place it’s in now). I didn’t fully realize most of the current scene don’t care unless they are getting something. Now I do. It’s late tonight, I’ll think about what to do about this in the morning.
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Tethered iOS 4 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS with new bootrom
iH8Sn0w has successfully performed a tethered jailbreak for iPhone 3GS with new firmware iOS 4 and the new bootrom. Unfortunately this jailbreak requires users to have 3.1.2 SHSH blobs saved.
Alright... If anyone has their 3.1.2 SHSH blobs, NOT 3.1.3. Then I'll see if I can produce a tool that will do this job...
Here is a video demo posted by AKinGdom1:
The utility will be available soon. Might be as soon as tomorrow.
JailBreak for iPad is Finally Available!
Finally the jailbreak for iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch from the Dev Team is available for download. It's free and untethered and it's called "Spirit". The jailbreak supports every iDevice with firmware version 3.1.2, 3.1.3 or 3.2.
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iPad 3G Is Already JailBroken!
Wow! Hours after iPad 3G sales launch and it has already been jailbroken! Below is a video of MuscleNerd where jailbroken iPad 3G runs Cydia.
MuscleNerd used the jailbreak called "Spirit". It's a tool that makes untethered unlock of iPad, iPod Touch 3G and iPhone 3GS and DevTeam promises it will be available soon. Stay tuned for further instructions how to save your SHSH Blobs and then use Spirit to jailbreak your device.
BlackRa1n-fix For iTunes 9.1 Is Released
Yesterday iTunes update was found to have issues with those of iPod Touches and iPhones that were tethered jailbroken with blackRa1n. If you have one of these, you will be unable to rejailbreak your device after rebooting it with blackra1n. The problem is being experienced only by Windows users. iH8Sn0w has an explanation:
"Blackra1n hooks to the dll that has different offsets of what it is actually looking for".
Geohot is working on a new Untethered Jailbreak for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad
Geohot, the famous iPhone hacker and the creator of different jailbreak and unlock utilities (purplera1n, blackra1n and blacksn0w), is now working on a new jailbreak utility. It will support untethered jailbreak for all devices with the latest bootrom and the latest firmware. This includes iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 3G.
Here is what Geohot writes in his blog:
The jailbreak is all software based, and is as simple to use as blackra1n. It is completely untethered, works on all current tethered models(ipt2, 3gs, ipt3), and will probably work on iPad too.
Don't ask about a release date. You won't make it happen any sooner.
It is still unclear if he used one of the recent iPhone Safari hacks to gain control of the device or if this is something else.
Here is a teaser video:
Apple now offering iPhones contract free
Today Apple began selling iPhones without AT&T plan. Apple's new policy is that anyone can walk into an Apple Store and pick up an iPhone 8GB for $499, 16GB for $599 and 32GB for $699. They allow one unit per customer per day, up to 10 iPhones.
The iPhones are still locked to AT&T's network. Of course, these devices will be sold with the latest baseband which is not yet unlockable; however, you can use RedSn0w to perform a tethered jailbreak.
Gull1Hack: new demonstration video
A few hours ago we wrote about new group of hackers who claimed to have found a new exploit for the iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch with new iBoot. With this Gull1Hack utility you should be able to perform the untethered Jailbreak even on new devices. Here is a new demo video:
What do you think? Fake?
f0recast released: find out if your iPhone is jailbreakable and unlockable
As expected iH8sn0w released f0recast, the application that allows us to know a lot of useful information about all we can do with our iPhone.
Just connect the iPhone with the cable to see what is version of the baseband or iBoot. The utility will also give valuable information if we can perform a jailbreak (tethered or untethered). It will also tell if the Phone is unlockable and will give a suggestion what unlock software can be used.
You can download it directly from
MuscleNerd just posted interesting comment on Twitter, saying that the application is inaccurate regarding to the iPhone 3GS. There might be a new update soon. For all other devices the application works just fine.
iPhone Dev-Team Releases Jailbreak Utility RedSn0w version 0.9.2
Redsn0w is a cross-platform jailbreaking tool for iPhone and iPod Touch. New version redsn0w 0.9.2 supports the latest firmware 3.1.2.
redsn0w 0.9.2 supports:
All iPhones and iPod touches
Windows and Mac OSX (x86)
Apple firmwares 3.0 and 3.1.2
We expect to see Linux version quite soon.
If you need a carrier unlock, redsn0w will handle iPhone 2G by itself (by installing the BootNeuter utility). For the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS use Cydia after you're jailbroken to install ultrasn0w (baseband 04.26) or blacksn0w (baseband 05.11).
If you have a late-model iPhone 3GS, or if you have an iPod touch 2G whose serial number begins with “MC” (newer than week 40 of last year), or any iPod touch 3G, you can use redsn0w to jailbreak but you are currently restricted to “tethered” rebooting. That means you need to connect your device to a computer each time you boot it - so just try no to reboot.
You can download redsn0w 0.9.2 here.
DevTeam releases redsn0w 0.9b3
Redsn0w is a cross-platform jailbreaking, unlocking, and customizing tool for iPhone and iPod Touch. New version redsn0w 0.9b3 supports the latest firmware 3.1.2. The most recent release before this one was redsn0w 0.8, which targeted Apple firmware 3.0/3.0.1.
redsn0w 0.9 beta3 supports:
All iPhones and iPod touches except the iPod touch 3G
Windows and Mac OSX (x86)
Apple firmwares 3.0-3.1.2
When it's out of beta, it will support the iPod touch 3G, PPC OSX, and Linux.
If you need a carrier unlock, redsn0w will handle iPhone 2G by itself (by installing the BootNeuter utility). For the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS use Cydia after you're jailbroken to install ultrasn0w (baseband 04.26) or blacksn0w (baseband 05.11).
If you have a late-model iPhone 3GS, or if you have an iPod touch 2G whose serial number begins with “MC” (newer than week 40 of last year), you can use redsn0w to jailbreak but you are currently restricted to “tethered” rebooting. That means you need to connect your device to a computer each time you boot it - so just try no to reboot.
You can download redsn0w 0.9b3 here.
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BlackSn0w Unlock For 05.11.07 Is Now Available
Geohot has released his BlackSn0w utility. BlackSn0w is an unlock for the iPhone 3G and iPhone 3GS. It supports the latest firmware 3.1 and 3.1.2 with baseband 05.11.07 and enables official tethering. Available for both Windows and Mac.
Here is a quick tutorial:
If you havn't done the jailbreak: go to
If your device is already jailbroken - run Cydia, add repository and install blacksn0w. That's it!
The latest version of blackra1n is RC3. It now has hacktivation support, 15 second speed improvement, Tiger+PPC support.
PS: If you just bought a new iPhone 3GS or have one that was made recently (approximately after 40th week after iPhone 3GS release): your device has a new BootROM. Unfortunately it is impossible to run regular jailbreak with this new BootROM. There is a sloution - tethered jailbreak. Everything including unlock will work fine. However every time you restart your iPhone, you need to plug it to a computer with blackra1n installed.
Blackra1n RC2 supports tethered 3GS jailbreak
iPhone OS hacker, GeoHot, released Blackra1n RC2 today, an updated jailbreak utility for the iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch.
This version provides a tethering jailbreak for the new iPhone 3GS with the updated Bootrom. GeoHot lists these new features on his blog:
- Fixed 3G issues
- Tethered jailbreak for 3.1 OOTB ipt 8GB and new 3GS units
- Fixed Icy issues
- Both Windows and Mac
You can download BlackRa1n
iPod Touch 2G: jailbreak
DevTeam has announced that iPod Touch 2G is finally jailbreaked.
The raw patch to the firmware that transforms the “tethered” jailbreak into an untethered one was released