
Apple Releases iOS 8.0.2 With Important Fixes

Apple on Thursday released iOS 8.0.2, which contains fixes for the bugs found in iOS 8.0.1 that disabled cellular service and Touch ID fingerprint sensors on the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus models. Apart from these improvements, the update contains those fixes that were originally included to iOS 8.0.1, namely, fixes for Phone, Keyboard, Safari, Sharing, SMS/MMS messages, Photo Library and VPN on the iPhones and iPads.

Moreover, alongside the iOS 8.0.2 release, the guys from Cupertino issued an apology to users, who downloaded iOS 8.0.1 and encountered bugs.

iOS 8.0.2 is now available for users, it fixes an issue that affected iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who downloaded iOS 8.0.1, and includes improvements and bug fixes originally in iOS 8.0.1. We apologize for inconveniencing the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus users who were impacted by the bug in iOS 8.0.1.

It should be noted, however, that a wide number of users in Australia are still reporting issues with cellular service and Touch ID sensor, so I honestly don't know if you should update or not.

Are there any people here that have successfully installed iOS 8.0.2? What can you tell me about this update?

[via MacRumors]

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Written by Andrey

Saturday, September 27, 2014. 1:52

7 Responses to 'Apple Releases iOS 8.0.2 With Important Fixes'

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  1. iPhone 5 iOS 8.0.2
    стала лучше работать после 8-ки. не глючит, не лагает))


    Nick Tarasenko Reply:

    А что с временем автономной работы?


    Jack Reply:

    да оно особо и не меняется со времён iOS 7



    27 Sep 14 at 12:10 pm

  2. Многие пользователи жаловались, что после обновления до восьмерки батарея стала жить заметно меньше. Вот почему я спрашивал.


    Jack Reply:

    у меня почему-то не стабильно интернет работает и другие приложения. жаль, нет возможности на 7 уйти обратно((


    Nick Tarasenko

    28 Sep 14 at 6:23 pm

  3. Есть проблемы с ios8.0.2. При просмотрах видео . При поворотах значку поиск улетает куда-то в правый угол за батарейку. А клавиатура вообще не разворачивается обратно да и батарею стал жрать (((( ужас когда исправят именно 8.0.2 глюков полно . Верните 7..


    Nick Tarasenko Reply:

    Вот это да. Кто бы мог подумать...



    29 Sep 14 at 6:13 pm

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