
News tagged ‘app’

Apple wants to improve OLED technology for potential use in future iPhones


Apple demonstrates interest in improving OLED technology for future iPhone and iPad displays that will provide better battery life for such devices.  Earlier this week AppleInsider revealed a new patent application filled by Apple. The title of the patent is "Power Efficient Organic Light Emitting Diode Display" and describes different ways that could improve battery life, for example, displaying the color white.

OLED displays consume less power than traditional displays. This is possible because OLED technology is light emissive rather than light transmissive. But OLED displays, despite all their advantages, are less efficient that it is used for displaying a screen that is largely the color white, because an OLED panel has to utilize a range of color channels for every pixel on the display. Doing this can be power intensive and make the device inefficient.

For example, certain applications, such as word processing, spreadsheet design and use, database design and use, e-mail, and other business or productivity applications, typically utilize dark or black alphanumeric characters on a white background, such as to simulate writing or printing on a sheet of paper. As a result, these applications may cause the display of large expanses of white background with relatively little area devoted to the non-white alphanumeric characters. Such applications, therefore, may make the use of OLED displays unsuitable or undesirably power intensive for battery powered and/or portable electronic devices, such as handheld devices.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Sunday, November 6th, 2011. 20:02

Game makers say Apple, Steve Jobs have most influence on industry


A new survey of 1,000 people working in the gaming industry that was conducted ahead of the London Games Conference 2011, has found that 26 percent of respondents consider  Steve Jobs as the most influential person in the industry, and 46 percent included him in their top five.

Steve Jobs, the iPhone’s driving force, was the ultimate independent developer -- uncompromising in his vision, with unquestionable influence, and hugely artistic and commercial results.

However, Apple’s influence on gaming industry extends beyond Jobs. 17 percent of respondents said that the iPhone is shaping the future of videogames.  53 percent of respondents included the iPhone in their list of top five most influential devices in the gaming industry.

"In just over three years the iPhone and the App Store have transformed what consumers expect of games, and how the industry makes and sells them - today, download games have come to the fore," said Michael French, editor in chief of gaming magazine MCV.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Saturday, November 5th, 2011. 23:17

European Commission Opens Investigation into Samsung's Patent Threats Against Apple


According to legal documents filed by Apple, the European Commission is investigating Samsung's patent litigation to determine if its use of 3G-related patents violates competition laws. Apple has argued that those patents are essential to basic device operation and must therefore be licensed under FRAND (fair, reasonable and non-discriminatory) terms.

Samsung has launched an aggressive, worldwide campaign to enjoin Apple from allegedly practicing Samsung's patents. Samsung has sued Apple for infringement and injunctions in no fewer than eight countries outside the United States. Indeed, Samsung's litigation campaign and other conduct related to its Declared-Essential Patents is so egregious that the European Commission recently has opened an investigation to determine whether Samsung's behavior violates EU competition laws.

Moreover, the European Commission issued a statement related to the investigation, noting that it asked both Apple and Samsung to provide it with information on patents.

The Commission has indeed sent requests for information to Apple and Samsung concerning the enforcement of standards-essential patents in the mobile telephony sector. Such requests for information are standard procedure in antitrust investigations to allow the Commission to establish the relevant facts in a case.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Saturday, November 5th, 2011. 21:46

Apple Vice President of Global Security John Theriault departs company following lost iPhone 4S investigation


A large number of Apple senior executives have left the company this year. And Apple’s vice president of global security John Theriault is one of them. We’ve heard that the reason for his departure could be the lost iPhone 4S prototype, while the official reason is retirement.

In July, an Apple employee lost a prototype of the new iPhone at the Cava22 bar in San Francisco. Following the loss of the prototype device, Apple security personnel being escorted by San Francisco police visited a home to where the device had been traced. Apple security officials reportedly posed as police officers in their search of this prototype iPhone. Apple and the SFPD may face a lawsuit over the matter, as the resident claims that he was threatened by the police and was not informed that Apple's security officials were not actually officers.

Theriault, a former FBI agent and Pfizer vice president, joined Apple in 2007. Theriault was responsible for all of the Apple’s security operations and led an anti-counterfeit team in 2008 in a fight against China’s growing counterfeit product market.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Saturday, November 5th, 2011. 19:40

Over 10% Of Mobile Phone Users In U.S. Own An iPhone


Today comScore published the results of its latest research of mobile phone usage in the U.S., noting that Apple has surpassed 10% share of mobile phone market in U.S. As before, Apple again outstripped all of the largest phone manufacturers in growth over the third quarter, increasing its share by 1.3% to reach 10.2% of the mobile phone market in U.S.

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Apple Awards 1,000,000 Shares Of Stock To Its Seven Top Executives

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Apple awarded 1 million stock shares to its seven executives rewarding them for hard work over the fiscal year when the company for the first time earned more than $100 billion.

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Written by maxim

Saturday, November 5th, 2011. 13:03

Apple Continues to Increase Its Share Of Mobile Phone Industry Profits


Despite Apple has seen sequential decrease in iPhone sales in the third quarter of 2011 as customers waited for the iPhone 4S launch, the company again raked in more than half of the profits produced by the largest mobile phone manufacturers over the quarter, according to a research report (via Forbes) by analyst T. Michael Walkley.

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Written by maxim

Saturday, November 5th, 2011. 0:55

iPhone 4S Users Complaining of Audio Issues: No Audio on Outgoing Calls, Echoes, Static


A number of complaints regarding problems with echo on the iPhone 4S when used with a headset, with calls is growing. Moreover, the problem seems to appear on different phone models and carriers.

When using the Apple hands free headset with the phone during a call, I get an echo problem. It does not occur immediately. It can very from 30 seconds into a call and as far up to 9 mins in before it begins the annoying echo. If I unplug the headset it goes away but will return when I plug the headset back in. I have tried 3 brand new iphone 4s headsets with the same problems. So far I have tried rebooting, and also restored phone back to factory original settings as a new phone and still no resolution. I have been told by the other person on the line a screech sound is made then the echo begins.

Other issue that affects both incoming and outgoing calls is static on iPhone 4S call. The issue also occurs on multiple handsets as users exchanged devices at Apple retail stores in attempts to address the problem

The third problem involves users experiencing no audio on a subset of outgoing phone calls.

Picked up a Verizon iPhone 4S - 32GB and on about 1 in 10 calls I get no outbound audio when dialing. Call shows the timer counting as if the call is progressing but absolutely no ring back and cannot hear the party on the other end when they answer.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, November 4th, 2011. 21:43

Apple Opened Redesigned Fifth Avenue Store Cube


Construction crews spent the last few months revamping the 32-foot glass cube, which previously consisted of 90 glass panes. The new cube features 15 larger panes of glass, and it is almost “seemless” without nearly all of the hardware, which previously held glass panes together.

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Written by maxim

Friday, November 4th, 2011. 20:50

Apple to "Completely Overhaul" the iPad, iMac, iPhone and MacBook Air in 2012


Digitimes claims that Apple plans to completely overhaul its iPad, iMac, iPhone and MacBook Air lines in 2012, saying nothing about MacBook Pro, Mac mini, Mac Pro and iPod lines.

Apple plans to completely overhaul its product lineups, including iPad, iMac, iPhone and MacBook Air, in 2012 and is expected to finalize order volumes for key parts and components for the next-generation iPad in December, according to sources in the upstream supply chain.

The iPhone is most likely to be redesign. The iPhone 4S has the same design as the previous generation iPhone 4. So it is quite reasonable to suggest that the iPhone will receive a new design. As for iMac, its design hasn’t been changed for some years. And it’s unclear how drastically it would be changed. The iPad is expected to become thinner in 2012. Some analysts believe that Apple’s tablet could finally receive Retina display. Finally, the MacBook Air. The notebook will certainly receive new design next year. There are rumors about a 15" Air-like design. Moreover, the Air and Pro lines is expected to be merged into one, but the Air form factor will dominate the consumer market in the near future.


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New Apple Patent Application Describes Virtual SIM Card With NFC Technology


Yesterday US Patent & Trademark Office published (via PatentlyApple) an Apple’s patent application detailing how a future iPhone could use a virtual SIM card which based on Near Field Communication (NFC) technology.

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Written by maxim

Friday, November 4th, 2011. 16:52

How Apple Manages Its Supply Chain To Get A Competitive Advantage

Apple Reduces iPad

Businessweek gives an interesting view on Apple’s supply chain and how the company managed to streamline operations in it to get a competitive advantage. According to many interviews with executives at suppliers, former employees, management experts who familiar with the Apple’s operations, the company has created a closed ecosystem where it exercises full control over nearly every operation of the supply chain. Apple is known for its management of operations and much of this credit going to company’s CEO Tim Cook.

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Prada Outbids Apple In Auction For Retail Space In Milan


Apple has become known for its ability to get any landmark spot that it wants and its status as greatest retailer in U.S. is a persuading argument in negotiations. But as Macitynet.it reports, when the company wanted to secure one the Milan’s most prestigious landmark buildings in order to open a flagship retail store the company get outbid by the fashion label Prada.

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Written by maxim

Friday, November 4th, 2011. 3:04

Former Retail Store Manager Steve Cano to Succeed Ron Johnson as Apple Retail Chief


Yesterday we reported that Apple senior vice president for retail Ron Johnson left Apple and took CEO position at J.C. Penney. And Apple has been still looking for his successor. Cult of Mac now claims that Steve Cano has been promoted to the position of senior vice president for retail.

Apple’s new retail boss boss isn’t just some suit, though. He’s one of the first retail employees Apple ever hired, a California surfer dude who has climbed from the sales floor to the very top rung of Apple management.

According to our source, Apple is replacing Johnson with his long-time lieutenant, Steve Cano.

Cano began his career at Apple ten years ago as manager of the Palo Alto retail store, then he open the SoHo store in New York City, last seven years he worked on Apple's international retail efforts.

But Apple denies appointment of Cano. The company has said that the search for a replacement for Ron Johnson continues.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Friday, November 4th, 2011. 0:13

Apple Welcomes Low Priced Kindle Fire Tablet And Further Android Fragmentation


Barclays’ analyst Ben Reitzes just visited with Apple CFO Peter Oppenheimer and CEO Tim Cook in a meeting where they discussed Amazon’s new low priced Kindle Fire tablet running on Android. According to his research note, (via Business Insider), Apple’s executives welcome the launch of the Kindle Fire on the market as it will contribute to further fragmentation of the Android ecosystem. And the more fragmentation of Android ecosystem, the better for Apple, as more customers will turn to stable Apple platform. The Kindle Fire runs on Android and at the same time it has been modified by Amazon to interact with its services and products.

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Written by maxim

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011. 23:41