
The iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak is Called 'Evasi0n'

The Evad3rs Dev-Team has launched an official website for the jailbreak of iOS 6.1, called 'Evasi0n'.

The official evasi0n 6.1 jailbreak: http://evasi0n.com -- Check regularly for updates! #evasi0n

The site currently indicates the following status:

68%: Applications for Windows and OS X are finished. Remains linux and some testing. Come back soon!
Next step: private beta testing

A progress bar indicates the team is more than half way done the jailbreak. According to the team new Evasi0n untethered jailbreak is compatible with all iPhone, iPod touch, iPad and iPad mini models running iOS 6.0 through iOS 6.1.

The new team of hackers consists of Pod2g, Planetbeing, MuscleNerd, and Pimskeks. Following the release of iOS 6.1, Planetbeing confirmed that their untethered jailbreak works with the firmware and MuscleNerd hinted that the jailbreak could be released on Sunday.

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8 Responses to 'The iOS 6.1 Untethered Jailbreak is Called 'Evasi0n''

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  1. Со всеми устройствами? Что даже ipod touch 3g будет поддерживаться?


    admin Reply:

    все, на которые есть 6.0-6.1



    2 Feb 13 at 3:00 am

  2. тач 3 поколения уже не поддерживает 6.1


    admin Reply:

    это факт



    2 Feb 13 at 12:08 pm

  3. Щас же на сколько я помню последняя 6.1 и получается я могу обновится через wi-fi?


    admin Reply:

    да, но лучше так: http://iphoneroot.com/RU/jailbreakers-should-update-to-ios-6-1-using-itunes-not-using-software-update/



    3 Feb 13 at 12:53 pm

  4. через сколько времени он выйдет??


    admin Reply:

    пока статус готовности джейла 85%



    3 Feb 13 at 6:33 pm

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