
News tagged ‘app’

Apple Retail Stores Opening This Week in Paris, Charlotte, and Little Rock

The store fronts on to George St

This Saturday Apple plans to open other three stores, continuing its push to open a total of 30 new stores between July and September. Two stores will locate in the United States and one – in France.

  • Carré Sénart (Paris, France): The store is Apple's fourth in the Paris and eighth overall in France.
  • Northlake Mall (Charlotte, North Carolina): The store will be the second in Charlotte and fifth in North Carolina.
  • The Promenade at Chenal (Little Rock, Arkansas): The new store is Apple's first in Arkansas.

After the opening will leave just six states (Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, West Virginia, and Wyoming) without Apple Stores.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011. 15:19

Apple Reportedly Still Uninterested in OLED Technology for iOS Devices and Potential Televisions


The most long-standing rumors regarding Apple's future products are rumors about television sets. The Australian site Smarthouse reported last month that Apple was in discussions with LG about producing a panel for a 55-inch TV based on OLED technology.

The Korea Times now reports that these rumors are groundless.

“It’s true that Apple has keen interest in TV, allowing users to stream music, videos and TV shows via iTunes, though that needs some iPhone and iPad integration, however, Apple is still pessimistic about using OLED displays,” said one source.

“Because Apple is worried over higher costs and technology-related issues linking to large-sized OLED displays, it is groundless that Apple has asked LG Display to supply its OLED screens for its upcoming televisions,” added the source.

Sources also added that Apple is likely to stick with more proven LCD technologies for any such television products.

“Apple has no interest in using OLED screens on its popular devices. The upcoming iPad 3 will also adopt picture quality-enhanced LCD screens, while the next iPhone will follow suit. Three or four more years will be needed to see OLED-embedded digital devices from Apple,” said a top-level executive from one of Apple’s suppliers.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Wednesday, August 24th, 2011. 14:06

iH8Sn0w released Sn0wBreeze 2.8b6 to jailbreak and hactivate iOS 5 Beta 6


iH8Sn0w released Sn0wBreeze 2.8b6, which adds support for the latest iOS 5 beta 6 firmware.

Sn0wBreeze is a quite useful jailbreak utility. It creates custom firmware and allows users to preserve baseband for unlock. This new version also adds hacktivation and removes UDID developer check. This means that you can try iOS 5 without developer account from Apple.

You can download Sn0wBreeze 2.8b6 for Windows here.

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Samsung’s argument against iPad design is a clip from a sci-fi movie

Maybe you have already encountered a term “prior art”. This term is used in patent law and means all information that was disclosed to the public about an invention before a date of filing application. So, if an invention has already been described in prior art, the patent will not be valid. Samsung decided to make use of this law and has put forward a sci-fi argument in its legal dispute with Apple. It has gone so far as to cite a movie ’2001: A Space Odyssey’ by Stanley Kubrick as prior art against iPad.

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Written by maxim

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011. 23:01

Seas0nPass updated for Apple TV 2G iOS 4.3 build 8F455 jailbreak


Apple TV 2G jailbreak utility Seas0nPass has been updated to support an un-tethered jailbreak of the latest firmware 4.3 build 8F455. Seas0nPass is one of the simplest jailbreaking tools available for the AppleTV, and is the first to support the new 4.3 build 8F455 software version.

You can download Seas0nPass here: Mac [10.6 or later] | Windows [XP or later].

You can read our step-by-step tutorial for Apple TV 2G jailbreak using Seas0nPass here.


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Dual-Mode iPhone 5 Shows Up in App Developer Logs


At least one developer reportedly has found evidences confirming fact that Apple is testing the dual-mode iPhone 5, supporting both GSM and CDMA in one phone, against current App Store apps.

The logs show that the app has been briefly tested by a handful of people using what is almost certainly an iPhone 5, evidently running iOS 5, sporting two distinct sets of mobile network codes (MNC) / mobile country codes (MCC). Those codes can be used to uniquely identify mobile carriers.

Sure enough, some registrations for the app – which the developer also asked not to be named – were logged from a new Apple device, using the MNC/MCC codes from both Verizon and AT&T.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011. 16:46

iPhone 4 and 3GS Rank as Best-Selling U.S. Smartphones


Research firm NPD has recently announced results of its Mobile Phone Track report for the second quarter of 2011. Android is still leading the U.S. smartphone with 52% of the market; Apple's iPhone has 29% while BlackBerry devices only 11% of the market. But the 14-month-old iPhone 4 is continuing to lead the market in sales, and the 8 GB 26-month-old iPhone 3GS takes the second place, perhaps, because its that price now dropped to $49.

Here are the top five best-selling phones during Q2, via NPD’s Mobile Phone Track service:

  1. Apple iPhone 4
  2. Apple iPhone 3GS
  3. HTC EVO 4G
  4. HTC Inspire 4G
  5. Samsung INTENSITYII


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Download links for iOS 5 beta 6


iOS 5 beta 6 has been released recently. It is available only for Apple registered developers. But you can try it too. Remember that you do it at your own risk. Remember your UDID must be registered at Apple in order to activate your device after install.

You can download new iOS 5 beta 6 firmware and iTunes 10.5 beta 6 using the links below:

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Along with iPhone 5, Apple Is Going To Launch Cheaper 8 GB iPhone 4

iphone 4

Reuters reports, citing people familiar with the matter, that Apple is preparing to launch a cheaper 8GB version of the iPhone 4 this fall.

A Korean company is currently manufacturing the flash drive for the 8GB iPhone 4, as one of the sources said on Tuesday, refusing to name the company. At present, Apple sources its flash drives from South Korea's Samsung Electronics and Japan's Toshiba.

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Apple Releases iTunes 10.4.1 with Assorted Bug Fixes


Yesterday Apple released iTunes 10.4.1 with bugs fixed, including media keys on third-party keyboards, artwork addition, movie purchasing, responsiveness, and VoiceOver.

iTunes 10.4.1 provides a number of improvements, including:

  • Fixes a problem where the media keys on some third-party keyboards work inconsistently with iTunes
  • Addresses issues with adding artwork to songs and videos
  • Resolves an issue which may cause iTunes to become unresponsive when purchasing an HD movie
  • Fixes a problem where iTunes may take longer than expected to open after waking your Mac from sleep
  • Addresses issues with VoiceOver support


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Tuesday, August 23rd, 2011. 14:59

Apple Planning Entirely New Mac Product Line


Japanese site Macotakara reports that Apple may be planning on unveiling an all new Mac that is “absolutely different from current products” and potentially set for introduction by the end of the year. The site also claims that  the product will be so different from current product lines that it will indeed be given a new name.

According to anonymous source in Asian supplier company, Apple seems to be preparing project to release new Mac line-up which is absolutely different from current products until end of this year.

Though this source does not told in detail, this new Mac line seems to be clearly different products from current ones, so new product name could be given.

It’s a possibility these are the ultra-thin air-like MacBooks, or perhaps Apple is designing an all new product that will see a platform switch from Intel to ARM processors.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Monday, August 22nd, 2011. 22:30

Microsoft Exec States Tablets And Smartphones Will Not Replace PCs

ipad vs pc

Frank Shaw, Microsoft's Corporate Vice President, said that now industry is in a “PC plus” era and rejected that “Post-PC” era has begun.

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Written by maxim

Monday, August 22nd, 2011. 17:31

Early Earthquake Warning System in iOS 5 for Japanese Users


References to a "Quake Alert" notification was found in iOS 5 for Japanese users. It seems that Apple has added a new early earthquake warning notification option to iOS 5, following the devastating earthquake in Japan earlier this year.  So, Japanese users will be able to turn on early earthquake notifications at the very bottom of the iOS 5 Notification Center settings pane. The system gives warnings from seconds to one or two minutes before the earthquake hits.

Japan has the most advanced earthquake early-warning system in the world. A nationwide online system launched in 2007, it detects tremors, calculates an earthquake’s epicenter and sends out brief warnings from its 1,000-plus seismographs scattered throughout the country, one of the most earthquake-prone nations on the planet.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Monday, August 22nd, 2011. 12:16

Apple now worth as much as all euro zone banks combined

apple worth

Technology company Apple is now worth as much as the 32 biggest euro zone banks. That's the result of the DJ STOXX euro zone banks index fall, driven by sharp declines in the share price of big banks such as Spain's Santander, France's BNP Paribas, Germany's Deutsche Bank and Italy's Unicredit. Earlier on Friday the DJ STOXX euro zone banks index fell 4 percent, valuing its 32 members at $340 billion. That's based on the market capitalization of their free-float shares, which for some French banks in particular is less than 100 percent. In contrast, Apple's market capitalization has soared to $340 billion on the back of the success of innovative technology products like iPods, iPhones and iPads.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Sunday, August 21st, 2011. 22:23

Apple Testing LTE in iOS 5 and Hiring More LTE Engineers


Early last week there appeared some rumors that Apple has been testing a 4G LTE-enabled iPhone with carriers. In an "internal iOS test build" was found a property list file (.plist) for LTE. This might mean that Apple was already testing LTE hardware. This LTE.plist file, however, was found only in some of the builds (GSM iPhone 4, CDMA iPad 2) and it was related to Apple's internal "Fieldtest" application.

LTE is the term the next generation wireless broadband network that is currently being deployed by both Verizon and AT&T. Data speeds for LTE should be significantly faster than the iPhone's existing 3G network.

Other rumors suggest that it is unlikely that Apple will make the jump to LTE so early with the iPhone 5, because, as Apple's Tim Cook said, the first generation of LTE chipsets forced a lot of design compromises, and Apple was unwilling to make those compromises. Such compromises could include very short battery life for mobile phones.  But, as far as we know, AT&T had installed 4G LTE equipment in a major Apple retail store and Apple had put out a job listing for field test engineers with expertise in LTE.


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