News tagged ‘прошивка’
RedSn0w is able to jailbreak iOS 4.1 beta 2
MuscleNerd tweeted today that the recent redsn0w utility is able to jailbreak the iOS 4.1 beta2 on iPhone 3G and iPod Touch 2G. This is useful for developers only, however good news for everyone.
Here's some info from the DevTeam wiki page:
iOS 4.1 Beta 2 Released
MuscleNerd: iPhone 4 jailbreak+unlock not today
MuscleNerd, hacker from DevTeam, commented via twitter on recent rumors that universal jailbreak (all iPhones and all firmwares, including iPhone 4 and iOS 4.0.1) will be released today. The basic answer is no, there will be no jailbreak today.
Not to make it a daily thing, but since somehow people thought it would be today: the new JB+unlock won't be out today
(there are issues with important apps like Facetime that need to be figured sense releasing a half-broken JB)
How to jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3G with firmware iOS 4.0.1
There is no official jailbreak utility for iOS 4.0.1. However you can still jailbreak and unlock iPhone 3G. Just do the following:
- Download the latest RedSn0w 0.9.5-b5 in our utilities page here.
- Download firmware images for iOS 4.0 here.
- Run RedSn0w and point it at the 4.0 IPSW. (Yes – point it at the 4.0 IPSW even though you're at 4.0.1). This will also hacktivate your iPhone3G at 4.0.1 if you haven't already been activated by iTunes.
- Install ultrasn0w in Cydia (add repository if you need a carrier unlock (and in the USA, remember to turn off 3G mode in Settings→General→Network).
Here's what hackers say about new firmware iOS 4.0.1
Here's what hackers tweeted about new Apple firmwares 4.0.1 for iPhones and 3.1.2 for iPad:
As with *any* new FW, jailbreakers + unlockers must avoid this upcoming 4.1 update until our tools are updated
3GS, ipt3G, iPhone4 users (regardless of current FW or JB status) should backup 4..0 SHSH blobs soon
Obviously avoid today's 4.0.1 update until JB tools are updated. Luckily, no baseband change so ultrasn0w lives on
each FW version has unique blobs. But using you can get 4.0 blobs on PC while you stay at 3.1.2
Hah for those iPhone3G or ipt2g(non-MC) users at 4.1beta1: use redsn0w from 2 wks ago to JB
iOS 4.0.1 SDK Released
Following the release of the 4.0.1 firmware for iPhone and 3.2.1 for iPad Apple has released the SDK to go with it. Although the update seems like nothing, and is really is nothing, developers need to update in order to run their apps on new iOS 4.0.1 iPhone or 3.2.1 iPad.
Apple releases new firmwares: iPhone iOS 4.0.1 and iPad 3.2.1
Apple has just released iOS 4.0.1 for iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4. The free update fixes the issue with signal indication - the math formula to display the iPhone's service signal bars. Official changelog for iOS 4.0.1:
- Improves the formula to determine how many bars of signal strength to display
The updates for the iPad OS 3.2.1 are:
- Improved Wi-Fi connectivity
- Fixed an issue that could prevent copy and paste of single-page PDF attachments in Mail
- Addressed an issue that could cause video playback to freeze
- Improved reliability of video-out when using iPad Dock Connector to VGA Adapter
- Added Bing as an option for Safari's search field
You can get the update right now via these links:
Here is a screenshot of the new signal bars:
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Antenna Issue Was Reproduced in the iOS 4.1 beta
Here is a video of a guy who tried to reproduce the antenna issue on the iPhone 4 with a latest iOS 4.1 beta. As you see, the smartphone loses two bars when he holds it with a "death grip", so it looks like the problem with antenna wasn’t actually fixed.
What's new in iPhone iOS 4.1 beta
Apple released iOS 4.1 beta and SDK for developers. Here is a quick look at the changes:
- Larger signal bars.
- New look of Game Center.
iOS 4.0.1 may be released today
Guys from report that iOS 4.0.1 may be released today. Such information was received from some "reliable" source, and it looks like true as earlier this site has already been proven to be reliable channel of information.
iPhoneRoot performed iPhone research for Wall Street Journal
Last week our site was contacted by Wall Street Journal journalist to comment on recent iPhone antenna and signal issues. We certainly shared our thoughts. After interesting conversation we agreed to perform a research of the latest iPhone iOS 4 firmware. As a result WSJ published two interesting articles covering iPhone, antennas, signals and bars. Take a look:
We will soon post detailed data from our research.
Future iOS 4 jailbreak: all devices, all bootroms, painless install
Here is a small comment from MuscleNerd about the upcoming iOS 4 jailbreak:
the next jailbreak from @comex is like first Spirit..all devices, all bootroms, latest FW, painless install
Sounds nice!
Unofficial iOS 4 for iPhone 2G is ready
iPhone 2G and iPod touch 1G do not officially support iOS 4. However there is a project called WhiteD00r that aims to bring iOS 4 functionality to iPhone 2G users with a custom firmware bundle.
This bundle is created by Matteo Morando and is based on firmware 3.1.3. It is built with PwnageTool. It incorporates several utilities to adds iOS 4 features such as multitasking, wallpaper, tethering, sms count, and more.
There are 3 different versions - Lite and Full for iPhone 2G and one for iPod touch 1G. Here is the complete feature list:
Take a look at video demo:
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Tethered iOS 4 jailbreak for iPhone 3GS with new bootrom
iH8Sn0w has successfully performed a tethered jailbreak for iPhone 3GS with new firmware iOS 4 and the new bootrom. Unfortunately this jailbreak requires users to have 3.1.2 SHSH blobs saved.
Alright... If anyone has their 3.1.2 SHSH blobs, NOT 3.1.3. Then I'll see if I can produce a tool that will do this job...
Here is a video demo posted by AKinGdom1:
The utility will be available soon. Might be as soon as tomorrow.
iPhone 3G iOS speed test: 4.0 vs 3.1.3
Here is an interesting video, that compares two iPhone 3G firmwares - 4.0 and 3.1.3. The recently announced iOS 4 seems to be much slower.
Left: iPhone 3G running iOS 4.0 (8A293, upgraded as restore, without final restore from backup)
Right: iPhone 3G running iPhone OS 3.1.3 (7E18)
However many users report that they have the speed of 3.1.3 on iOS 4.0.