News tagged ‘new version’
iPhone Dev-Team releases RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 for unlockers
The iPhone Dev-Team has released RedSn0w 0.9.6b5 for unlockers stuck at the 05.14 or 05.15 basebands.
The new redsn0w 0.9.6beta5 is out. It gives both Windows and OSX users the ability to flash the iPad 06.15 baseband on iPhone3G or iPhone3GS. It fetches the baseband files directly from Apple for now (the only IPSW you ever point it at is the stock IPSW for the FW on your iPhone right now). There may be a long delay while it’s doing this (their servers are currently getting pounded).
You can download the new version of RedSn0w here:
- Download version for Mac OS X:
- Download version for Windows:
Windows 7 and Vista users, please run redsn0w as Administrator in "XP Compatiblity Mode".
We will soon post step-by-step tutorials.
UPDATE: tutorial for iPhone 3G (Windows), tutorial for iPhone 3GS (Windows)
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
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Apple releases Safari 5.0.3, 4.1.3 with bug fixes, security updates
Early this week Apple released an update for its Safari Web browser, with version 5.0.3 for Windows, Mac OS X Leopard and Snow Leopard, and 4.1.3 for Mac users running Tiger. The updated browser fixes the bug that could prevent users from submitting web forms and establish an encrypted, authenticated connection to the Safari Extensions Gallery. New version of Safari for Mac also solves an issue that could cause Web content to display incorrectly.
Other fixes, according to Apple, include:
Apple Releases iOS 4.2.1 Golden Master to Developers
While we were all waiting for Apple to finally release iOS 4.2 to the general public, the company seeded a new golden master of iOS 4.2, known as iOS 4.2.1, to developers. Apple has instructed developers not to resubmit their applications under the new build, suggesting that this new version only fixes some minute bugs and no new features have been added.
Apple issues developers second iOS 4.2 gold master for iPad
Instead of the iOS 4.2 public release, Apple on Friday seeded a second gold master of iOS 4.2 build for the iPad, labeled 8C134b. Apple didn’t report what changes have been made in the new version, but it’s possible that they should deal with the WiFi issue that some users experienced with the pre-release build and that apparently delayed the launch of iOS 4.2.
Typically a gold master issued to developers is identical to the version that becomes the final release.
Apple Releases iTunes 10.1 with support for AirPlay and iOS 4.2
On Friday Apple released the latest version of iTunes 10.1 both for Mac and Windows. The software is required to update your iPad, iPhone, and iPod touch to iOS 4.2. The update makes no mention of AirPrint, Apple's wireless printing standard for iOS devices.
iPhone Dev-Team Updates RedSn0w With Limera1n
The iPhone Dev-Team recently has released a new version of RedSn0w for Mac and Windows. RedSn0w uses the Limera1n exploit to support more devices and adds the ability to restore custom firmware ipsws. The crew promises that now RedSn0w will work with the iPhone 3G, 3GS, 4, iPad, iPod 2G, 3G, and 4G (Not iPod 2G-MC yet).
You can download RedSn0w 0.9.6b2 from here.
PwnageTool 4.1.1 is now available
Today DevTeam released new version of jailbreak utility PwnageTool 4.1.1 for Mac OS X. This release solves some of the problems with the previous version 4.1. Many users had errors with restore process, some had Cydia crashes. If you had any problems with PwnageTool 4.1 - we recommend you try to use the new version PwnageTool 4.1.1.
You can download PwnageTool 4.1.1 here.
Here is a step-by-step Tutorial: how to jailbreak and unlock your iPhone using PwnageTool 4.1.1.
UPDATE: Please, consider reading our Jailbreak & Unlock FAQ, especially if you have questions or troubles.
New 11.6- and 13.3 inch MacBook Airs Are Finally Unveiled
Few hours ago Steve Jobs presented two new MacBook Airs, which became the result of hooking up the iPad and a MacBook (according to his words). They have neither hard nor optical drive, as they keep all the data on the solid state drive. Here is how Steve Jobs explained such an innovation:
"MacBook Air is the first of a new generation of notebooks that leaves behind mechanical rotating storage in favor of solid state flash storage. We’ve taken what we have learned with the iPad—solid state storage, instant-on, amazing battery standby time, miniaturization and lightweight construction, to create the new MacBook Air. With its amazing responsiveness and mobility, it will change the way we think about notebooks."
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Live from Apple's "Back to the Mac" event (constantly updating)

Apple's 'Back to the Mac' event is today
What can we expect today? Rumors say that there might be:
- a new version of Mac OS X (Lion)
- new tiny MacBook Airs (11.6" and 13")
- new version of iLife
- Verizon iPhone (probably not)
Don't miss it! Here's when it will start around the globe:
07:00AM - Hawaii
10:00AM - Pacific
11:00AM - Mountain
12:00PM - Central
01:00PM - Eastern
06:00PM - London
07:00PM - Paris
09:00PM - Moscow
02:00AM - Tokyo (October 21st)
Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.6.5 Build 10H555 to Developers
Apple seeded a new version of Mac OS X 10.6.5, termed Build 10H555, to its Mac developer community for testing. There are no documented known issues with the update. This time Apple asks developers to pay particular attention on testing of 3D Graphics, Printing, QuickTime, Time Machine, and USB Devices. Mac OS X 10.6.5 is expected to arrive any time in the next few weeks.
New version of Skype coming to Mac
Earlier this week new version of Skype 5.0 with Facebook integration was unveiled for Windows. But the official Skype for Mac blog claims that the next version of Skype for Mac with group video calling is "coming soon" too. The blog don’t mention Facebook integration, but it notes that the next version of Skype for Mac will be totally overhauled, have new appearance and functionality.
New version of MobileMe Calendar Is Now Available to Anyone
Yesterday calendar web-application for MobileMe exited its beta stage and became available to all members. To start using the new version members should sign in to
According to Apple, the new MobileMe Calendar is even more integrated with the calendar app in iOS devices. It is also regularly synced with a Mac or PC so the data will always be up-to-date. Any changes made by user are also automatically pushed to the mobile device.
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Apple Seeds Mac OS X 10.6.5 (10H548) to Developers
Yesterday Apple released a new version of Mac OS X 10.6.5 to developers. This Build with number 10H548 comes only two weeks after Build 10H542, which was seeded on September 14th. Apple asked developer to focus on such areas as: iCal, Mail, USB Devices, QuickTime, Time Machine and 3D Graphics
Jailbreak iOS 4.1 with RedSn0w 0.9.6 b1
DevTeam recently released new version of redsn0w to jailbreak iOS 4.1. New RedSn0w 0.9.6 b1 supports iOS 4.0 and iOS 4.1 running on iPhone 3G or iPod touch 2G.
There is only Mac OS X x86 version, that you can download here.
Redsn0w is easy to use:
- Download firmware here.
- Launch redsn0w 0.9.6 b1
- Select your stock 4.1 or 4.0 ipsw (you’ve already used this to update your device to 4.1 or 4.0)
- Select “Install Cydia” and any of the other options shown above, then click “Next”. Use DFU mode to install the jailbreak.
As usual DevTeam reminds us:
That’s because to use redsn0w at 4.1, you need to already have updated to official 4.1 from Apple. If you do that, you lose the ultrasn0w unlock (possibly forever).