
News tagged ‘Twitter’

Flipboard Will Offer TV Shows And Will Be Available For iPhone


According to Reuters, the Palo Alto, California-based Flipboard Inc wants to land deals with studios for obtaining rights to offer episodes of TV shows and movies through its social magazine app.

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Written by maxim

Wednesday, August 31st, 2011. 17:37

Video: 10 iconic Steve Jobs moments

The career of one of America’s most innovative businessmen has been more than just a string of moments, but these 10 peeks at Steve Jobs’s formidable presence will remind you of why his resignation is such a momentous event.

1. Steve Jobs demos Apple Macintosh, 1984

Steve Jobs introduces the Macintosh to the world. Computing would never be the same.

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JailbreakMe Founder Comex Is Joining Apple As An Intern


The founder of Jailbreakme.com Comex has said on Twitter that he is joining Apple as an intern. Site JailbreakMe.com greatly facilitates jailbreaking for users. He said about the hiring on Twitter:

“It's been really, really fun, but it's also been a while and I've been getting bored. So, the week after next I will be starting an internship with Apple”.

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Written by maxim

Friday, August 26th, 2011. 17:50

Apple Reduced iPhone Orders Due to the Economic Worries


This week Digitimes made a report opposite to the last week statement. where it is said that Apple isgoing to decrease iPhone orders in the fourth quarter over the global economic conditions.

Here what Digitimes writes about it this time:

“While most smartphone vendors are likely to reach their shipment targets for the third quarter, they have begun to reduce orders for parts and components for the fourth quarter in preparation for a possible impact from changing economic conditions”.

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Written by SimplyMax

Saturday, August 20th, 2011. 17:42

Bridesmaid Used iPad To Attend The Wedding


This was the only case when a bridesmaid put on white clothes, stood behind the bride and nobody had objected.

Renee Armstrong couldn’t get at the wedding’s place and decided to use her white iPad and FaceTime service to attend it virtually. The bridesmaid stood by for the wedding ceremony and managed to get into the wedding’s photos as the groomsman always held the iPad in the public eye.

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Written by SimplyMax

Friday, August 19th, 2011. 13:47

DevTeam released tethered jailbreak for iOS 5 Beta 5


The iPhone Dev-Team released RedSn0w 0.9.8b5 that supports tethered jailbreak for the most recent iOS 5 beta 5:

redsn0w has been updated to 0.9.8b5, adding support for Apple's new iOS5 beta5 (point it directly at the beta5 IPSW). Please use this only if you're a jailbreak app developer with a legit Apple dev account, and remember it's a tethered jailbreak for now!

You can download RedSn0w 0.9.8b5 for Windows and Mac OS here.


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New iPhone 5 Part Was Found On The Internet


Yesterday @chronic revealed in his Twitter that at least one reseller got another part of iPhone 5, which appears to be an iPhone 5 proximity light sensor flex cable. You can see it on the picture above.

Kyle Wiens form ifixit.com told MacRumors about the differences. He revealed that resembling iPhone 4 part includes a power button, noise removing mic and light sensors. But this iPhone 5 part does not include the same mic and that’s why it will be somewhere else on the iPhone 5.

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Amazon Removed External Links From Its Kindle App

Kindle app

This week Amazon updated its Kindle app for iOS in order to meet Apple’s in-app purchase terms and keep its place in the App Store. Apart from removing links to the Kindle Store, new update introduced about 100 newspaper and magazine subscriptions for iOS.

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iPhone 4GS prototype photos leaked


Taiwanese site Apple.pro republished some photos originally posted to Weibo, a Chinese microblogging service similar to Twitter. The images claim to be a future "iPhone 4GS" test model. While we doubt this is real you can still look at the photos:

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Written by admin

Monday, July 18th, 2011. 16:56

There will be no untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.4


Famous iPhone hacker Stefan Esser, also known as i0n1c, recently wrote on twitter that we should not expect untether jailbreak for iOS 4.3.4 anytime soon. i0n1c was the one who created untether for iOS 4.3.3 firmware.

Our advice is simple - save your 4.3.3 SHSH keys asap. With these SHSH keys you will be able to restore to iOS 4.3.3 anytime, without - only iOS 4.3.4. Here are tutorials for you.


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Journalist Neal Augenstein Gave Handy Tips On How To Use iPhone In The Work

audio editing app

After visiting a webinar of Neal Augenstein, who is a well-known radio reporter for WTOP in Washington D.C, the IJNet described his most useful advices on editing and recording audio and video using your iPhone.

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The Pope sends his first tweet using an iPad

Pope Benedict XVI made his first tweet today. He sent it using Apple iPad.


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Written by admin

Wednesday, June 29th, 2011. 18:56

Comex Found Out How To Improve Jailbreak Time


Today Comex revealed in his Twitter that he found a way to drastically decrease the time it takes to jailbreak and learned how to utilize unionfs and thus get rid of the Cydia's 'Reorganizing FileSystem' process.

New approach will reportedly be used in his next jailbreak for iPad 2.

If you want to know more details on Comex's new approach, check his long tweet.

Earlier Musclenerd stated that it won't be necessary to move Apple apps anywhere if unionfs will be used. That also means that apps will keep their entitlements and thus simplify the sandboxing problem.


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iPhone May Help In Looking For New Friends In Future


So actively developing Facebook and Twiiter suggest that social networking has been the most growing trend in the recent years. Apple has already tried to enter into this market with its iTunes network Ping, but without any great success.

Based on content of a new patent application publised today,  it is possible to suggest that Apple has been making much more ambitious plans using the iPhone location-based functions and interest matching. The result is the possibility of finding you your next date, friend or business partner by your iPhone.

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Yahoo! Unveiled Its Search Engine Gor iOS Apps


Today Yahoo! revealed new tools that can help in seeking apps for your iOS device. It's a dedicated search engine Yahoo! App Search and iOS app called Yahoo! App Spot.

Besides using standard app descriptors the tools also introduce and utilize rich categories, personalized recommendations, user reviews on the web, different ratings and so on.

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