
Siri to Support 9 New Languages Soon?

Siri may soon start supporting 9 new languages. According to the job listings found on Apple's official website, the guys from Cupertino are looking for "Siri Language Engineers".

This means Siri will soon learn portuguese, Arabic, Brazilian Portuguese, Danish, Dutch, Norwegian, Swedish, Thai, Turkish and Russian. These people will work on expanding the functionality of Apple's virtual assistant.

Aside from adding the support of new languages, Apple plans to hire people fluent in Australian and British English, Cantonese and Japanese to make Siri's speech as natural as possible.

All listings ask not only for fluency, but for native speakers to handle colloquialisms locals may use when speaking to Siri. Apple also strives to make Siri's own speech as natural as possible, meaning the potential hires will likely be working on responses to user queries.

Apart from being fluent in languages, the candidates should also have good programming skills as their work will be closely connected with speech recognition and implementation of new functionality to Apple's virtual assistant.


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Written by Andrey

Tuesday, June 24, 2014. 17:56

5 Responses to 'Siri to Support 9 New Languages Soon?'

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  1. Что-то мне подсказывает, что русский всё равно будет работать как-то так:
    -Позвонить Маше.
    --Погода в Иркутске. Открываю.


    Nick Reply:

    У меня и с англ так ))


    Jack Reply:

    Дак я о чём и говорю. Если английский так тупит, то от русского многого ждать не стоит...(:


    Nick Tarasenko Reply:

    ... Тем более, что работу над добавлением русского языка только начинают.


    Jack Reply:

    Будет "нечто" на подобие гугл-бабы :D



    24 Jun 14 at 6:41 pm

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