
Archive for 2010

One more way to destroy the iPhone - let Sun burn it

We know this is crazy, to burn the iPhone using big lens :) Let's watch:


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Written by admin

Thursday, July 1st, 2010. 1:25

App Store will no longer support iOS 2.x apps

Apple announced yesterday that applications targeting to iOS 2.x will no longer be supported. This means that apps for iOS 2.x will be rejected during approval process. Developers are encouraged to re-build their apps in Xcode and set the target to iOS 3.x or later so they will not run into submission or app removal issues.


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Written by admin

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010. 20:54

RedSn0w 0.9.5b5-5: iOS 4 jailbreak updated

DevTeam updated iOS 4 jailbreak utility redsn0w to version 0.9.5b5-5. That should fix any APN or MMS issues that users were seeing. It’s safe to re-run it on an already jailbroken iPhone without restoring. Just deselect "Install Cydia" if you do that.

Supported devices are still only iPhone3G and iPod Touch 2G (not MC)

You can download the latest version here.


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Apple's internal iPhone 4 antenna troubleshooting guidelines leak

BGR have got internal Apple docs related to iPhone 4 antenna problems. So here's what Apple representatives are supposed to follow when you call about your reception troubles:

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Hulu Plus for iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch released (video walkthrough)

Hulu officially announced their Hulu Plus service for iOS Devices. The application is available via AppStore for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch. With Hulu users will be able to stream in HD entire current seasons of shows such as Glee, Modern Family, The Office and 30 Rock as well as the entire back library of many other shows, such as Arrested Development, The X-Files and Heroes. These can be viewed on TV, computer, iPad, iPhone or iPod Touch over Wi-Fi or 3G.

Below is a short walkthrough of the application:

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Steve Jobs: iPhone 4 Won't Be Delayed in Canada


More news from Steve Jobs’ outbox: even due to the very high demand for the iPhone 4 in the U.S., the device launch won’t be delayed in Canada.

A customer has sent an e-mail to Steve Jobs, asking

Has the Canadian iPhone 4 release date been pushed back to august due to such high demand in the U.S.?

Steve Jobs’ laconic reply was negative.

Good news!


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Written by SimplyMax

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010. 1:46

iPhone 4 Mocked by Nokia


Nokia has grabbed its chance to post a cheeky blog entry entitled “How do you hold your Nokia?” Whatever can they mean by that?

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Written by SimplyMax

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010. 1:41

Price of the iPhone 4 - $187.51


iSuppli, a market research company, has figured out that a single iPhone 4 16GB cost $187.51 to produce.

The most expensive part of the device is the “retina display”, with its price standing at $28.50. According to iSuppli, it may have been produced by LG Display. The iPhone 4’s A4 processor cost about $10.75 and was made by Samsung Electronics.

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New Google Docs Viewer for iPhone and iPad


A new version of the Google Docs Viewer has been launched by the company for the iPad, Android and iPhone to let you view PDF, doc, docx and ppt file uploaded to your documents list without needing to download the file itself.

With our mobile viewer you can switch quickly between pages and pan/zoom within a page. On your iPhone and iPad, you can pinch to zoom in or out. You can try it out by going to docs.google.com on your Android-powered device, iPad or iPhone and select any document in these formats that you've previously uploaded.

A new version of the Google Docs Viewer has been launched by the company for the iPad, Android and iPhone to let you view PDF, doc, docx and ppt file uploaded to your documents list without needing to download the file itself.

With our mobile viewer you can switch quickly between pages and pan/zoom within a page. On your iPhone and iPad, you can pinch to zoom in or out. You can try it out by going to docs.google.com on your Android-powered device, iPad or iPhone and select any document in these formats that you've previously uploaded.


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Written by SimplyMax

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010. 1:31

1.7 million iPhone 4s sold in 3 days


According to Apple’s statement, the company has now sold 1.7 million iPhone 4s starting from Saturday, June 26 – the day of the official launch of the device.

Steve Jobs says,

This is the most successful product launch in Apple’s history. Even so, we apologize to those customers who were turned away because we did not have enough supply.

Come to think of it, it’s almost crazy: 1.7 million with not enough stock to satisfy those who turned up without any reservation, with ordering problems, a rather sluggish advertising campaign and a launch limited to just a couple of countries worldwide.

The iPhone 4 is indeed a something of a miracle.


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iOS4 Secrets Video (part two)

CNet specialist will talk about data protection, folders and new music playlist feature. Let's watch:

You can watch part one of this here.


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Written by admin

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010. 1:17

iOS4 Secrets Video (part one)

CNet specialists will show us how to turn off cell phone's data, enhance sms experience and couple photo tricks. Let's watch:

Do not forget to take a look at part two.


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Written by admin

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010. 0:52

Another Smartphone Launch from Apple - $99 iPhone 3GS


Although it was for the most part overshadowed by the hysteria over the new iPhone 4, Apple had another “new” launch last week – the $99 iPhone 3GS 8GB with iOS 4 support.

Well, obviously it’s “last year’s model”, but just a couple of days ago it was still the best iPhone in the world quite capable of competing with much newer devices. Now with the help of iOS 4 iPhone 3GS supports folders, multitasking, and other cool features, and it’s only for $99.

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iPhone 4 Signal Problems Were Predicted 2 Weeks Ago


Professor Gert Frølund Pedersen probably has a new catch-phrase these days – “I told you so”. The expert from Denmark's Aalborg University actually predicted Apple’s signal loss problems 2 weeks before the iPhone 4 was even released! In his interview recorded on June 10th the Danish professor said that he wasn’t too impressed by Steve Jobs’ claims that the new device would have better reception, and predicted that the contact with flesh would lead to undesirable consequences in the signal quality. Here’s the quote:

The human tissue will in any event have an inhibitory effect on the antenna. Touch means that a larger portion of antenna energy becomes heat and lost.

Research results from Aalborg University have already proven that more than 90% of any antenna signal can be easily blocked by holding it in a certain place, and direct skin contact might only make matters worse. The best solution is to have 2 antennae in different parts of the phone so that when one of them is blocked, the other can still pick up the signal.


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Written by SimplyMax

Monday, June 28th, 2010. 2:42

iPhone 4 has been successfully hacked (jailbroken)

Congratulations to all iPhone users. iPhone 4 has been successfully jailbroken. iPhone hackers @planetbeing and @chpwn has managed to get root access on the device using @comex’s userland jailbreak method. However do not expect new jailbreak utility soon. @p0sixninja has confirmed that it cant be released in its current shape because it contains some of Apple’s proprietary code:

@i_Enthusiast the jailbreak shown is a more of a stepping stone for us, it can’t be released because it includes some of apples software

You should not expect the carrier unlock soon too. This is because iPhone 4 uses a new baseband OS, which will require a complete rewrite for ultrasn0w unlocking tool:

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