
Archive for 2010

Wal-Mart Will Start Selling iPhone 4 On June 24


According to CNET, Wal-Mart had confirmed information about carrying new iPhone in its stores beginning on June 24. It is a first time when Wal-Mart will start selling Apple's device on its official launch day. The price will be slightly undercut - $197 and $297 for 16GB and 32GB versions respectively.

Wal-Mart has gained much attention recently when it was announced that after iPhone 4 launch the company will start selling 16GB iPhone 3GS with a two-year contract for only $97. Currently it is unknown whether Wal-Mart will continue to sell 8GB versions of 3GS model in the next quarter or not.

The growing list of retailers in the U.S. also includes RadioShack and Best Buy, which will also be carrying iPhone 4 at launch.


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New iPhone's Display Provoked Hectic Discussions


In previous post we talked about new glass cover on iPhone 4. This time our attention was attracted by its new "Retina" display, which became a target of criticism for different industry watchers and rivals.

This Monday Steve Jobs claimed on his keynote that new iPhone’s display has a resolution higher than "the limit of the human retina", which he specified as 300 ppi for 10-12 inches distance between the phone and user's eyes. But display expert and DisplayMate Technologies president Dr. Raymond Soneira is ensured that the distinguishable resolution of the human retina is actually 477 ppi for 12 inches distance. That means the new iPhone's display may be retina display if only it was created to be held at 18 inches distance from the eye.

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New iPhone's Glass May Not Be So Durable as Declared


Third-party solutions provider iFixYouri somehow obtained a complete iPhone 4 shell without any internal components to test its glass face. After third attempt of dropping the device from 3,5 feet the glass panel was totally shattered as it may be seen on the photo above.

It is interesting that the surface onto which the handset was dropped was not revealed. It is also likely that the device will be more susceptible to damage with internal hardware presence.

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Written by SimplyMax

Friday, June 11th, 2010. 20:18

Hulu Comes to iPad


New report published by Reuters reveals that Hulu is finally coming to the iPad and a bunch of other non-PC devices.

Unfortunately, there is little information other than that, but previous rumors indicated that the service will be subscription-based for those who want to have an access to a library of older content, and a library of newer episodes and randoms will be free.

It is likely that Hulu for the Xbox 360 console will be presented at next week's E3 gaming expo.

As you remember Hulu is a service that offers commercial-supported streaming video of movies and TV shows for users in the U.S.


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Written by SimplyMax

Thursday, June 10th, 2010. 16:53

Skype and Google May Be Interested in FaceTime


As you remember, this Monday Apple unveiled iPhone 4 and its new feature, which allows Wi-Fi video chatting via iPhone's cameras. It's called FaceTime and the company is going to make it an open industry standard to allow communicating with other devices and services.

This news made major online chat providers like Skype and Google to express interest in the new technology, but at the moment they decided to take wait-and-see strategy.

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AT&T servers had been hacked


A group of hackers found a security flaw on the web servers of AT&T and after obtaining users’ 3G iPad SIM addresses (also known as ICC ID) from the web made an automated script attack to receive their email addresses.

According to Gawker report, now hacked users may "be vulnerable to spam marketing and malicious hacking". SIM addresses are easy enough to obtain, because many people have already posted their ICC ID numbers in photos published on Flickr for instance. But most of them have their e-mails published too, so it is likely that they have already received such spam.

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Unofficial PwnageTool to jailbreak iOS 4.0 on iPhone 3GS

Hacker msftguy created unofficial PwnageTool which allows to upgrade to the pre-release of iOS 4.0 GM while keeping your jailbreak and old baseband.

This is not an official release by Devteam, so we recommend to wait for the final versions of both iOS 4.0 and PwnageTool.

For the advanced users who want to experiment here is a link.

Msftguy also provided a video:


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RedSn0w 0.9.5 Beta4 can jailbreak iOS 4.0 GM

Apple recentrly released new version of iPhone OS 4. it is called iOS 4.0 GM. Here is an update from DevTeam about iOS 4 jailbreak:

For those who can legitimately activate to the iPhone3G 4.0GM seed, the “point to previous IPSW” redsn0w trick works and will jailbreak your 4.0GM. The “trick” is to point redsn0w at the 4.0beta4 IPSW instead of 4.0GM (do this after you've updated to 4.0GM and activated through the new iTunes 9.2 on your Mac). Since the carrier unlocks aren't yet supported at 4.0, don't do this if you use yellowsn0w/ultrasn0w/blacksn0w. Many JB apps are still pretty buggy in 4.0, so again this is mostly useful only for developers of those JB apps.

Note: If you're experiencing MobileSafari crashes, double check that you're running the version at the bottom of this page.

For those without legit iPhone3G 4.0GM seed access, please wait until the full public 4.0 release for updates to the jailbreak tools.

You can download redsn0w 0.9.5.b4 here.


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No time to watch WWDC Keynote? Here's 5 minute version!

We've published the complete uncut WWDC 2010 Keynote video, where Steve Jobs introduces iPhone 4. It is worth seeing but quite long - 1 hour and 52 minutes. Just in case you don't have time, here's a smaller version - less than 5 minute long:


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Wall Street Analysts Comment on New iPhone


After yesterday's introduction of iPhone 4 most of the Wall Street analytics expressed their opinions about new device. Everybody is satisfied and certain about new handset's upcoming popularity and that it will boost sales for Apple again. Here are the words of people to whom we are referring frequently.

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WWDC 2010: Full keynote video is available now

Apple has published the entire WWDC 2010 keynote video. It is available via Apple website (in QuickTime format) and via official Apple youtube channel:

Apple CEO Steve Jobs introduces iPhone 4, with FaceTime, Retina display, multitasking, 5-megapixel camera with LED flash, and HD video recording and editing. All on the world's thinnest smartphone.


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Watch the Apple Keynote's network outage

WWDC keynotes are usually carefully orchestrated. However Steve Jobs faced some network troubles.

Apple attempted to do their demo over Wi-Fi, but as you can see couldn't manage to get things up and running due to overload. So Jobs had to ask everyone in the audience to shut off their Wi-Fi so the show could go on.


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Written by admin

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010. 4:52

This is how the iPhone 4's photos look like

This is a photo taken with the new iPhone 4's backlit sensor camera. Click to enlarge to its original resolution 2,592 x 1,936. We can see that the quality in optimal conditions is very good. Apple claims the photo is real and was not modified.

This is the EXIF data:

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Written by admin

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010. 4:40

42 photos of white iPhone 4

We've published the black iPhone 4 photo gallery. Here are several photos of the white iPhone 4 directly from WWDC 2010:

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Written by admin

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010. 4:06

20 photos of black iPhone 4

Here is a nice gallery of the black iPhone 4 directly from WWDC 2010:

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Written by admin

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010. 4:02