
Archive for 2010

iPhone 4 will be avaliable in two colors - black or white

Taiwanese site Apple.pro published several photos of the next-generation iPhone front panel. Surprising absolutely no one at all, Apple seems to offer the next iPhone in black and white configurations.

Here is a photo of the front panel from the other side:

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iPhone OS 4.0 beta 4 Has Been Released


Today Apple released iPhone OS 4.0 beta 4. New firmware is available for download at its developer's center. There is no changelog, but we already have some information about new features in it.

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Happy Birthday Gameloft

Here is a video 'Shaping Digital Gaming' about the evolution of Gameloft company which is celebrating their 10th anniversary:

It 's a really great video. It starts with Nokia black and white, you see Java apps, than it goes to Palm Pre, iPhone and iPad. The graphical improvements are evident. We wish Gameloft other 10 years and more.


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All iPhone HD features summarized in one image

After several weeks of rumors concerning the future iPhone 4G (iPhone HD), it's internal components, memory and all the features, the guys from AppAdvice decided to create an image that sums up everything we know so far.

The iPhone is called iPhone HD and the specs are placed on a page similar to the Apple site.

iPhone HD will have a display with higher resolution of 960×640 pixels, 5 MP camera, flash, autofocus, video recording at 720p, iChat with a 2 MP front camera, 256 or 512 MB of RAM, better connectivity and more battery life.


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Foxconn will ship 24M iPhone 4G/HD in 2010

According to Digitimes senior analyst, Ming-Chi Kuo, the iPhone 4G (iPhone HD) manufacturer Foxconn will ship at least 24 million units of the device this year. The shipments will start in June.

4.5 million units are scheduled for the first half and 19.5 million units for the rest of 2010. Apple is expected to present the new iPhone on June 7, 2010 during Apple's Worldwide Developers Conference.

The new device will adopt IPS (in-plane switching) panels with FFS (fringe-field switching) technology and a 960x640 resolution, Kuo said, noting that LG Display and Prime View International are the panel suppliers. By incorporating FFS technology, which enables a wider viewing angle and clearer visual quality under in sunlight, Apple is aiming to improve the handset's e-book reader features and promote its iBooks Store.

As for internals the iPhone 4G will run on the Arm Cortex A8 processor and will have 512MB memory module from Samsung Electronics, doubling the memory capacity to enable better multi-tasking.

iPhone 4G will have a bigger battery supplied by Simplo Technology and Dynapack International Technology. This will be achieved by reducing the panel width by 33%.


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Two new videos of the iPhone 4G/HD prototype from Vietnam

Here are two more videos and couple photos of recently leaked next-gen iPhone. They come from May Guyen. This still might be fake. Take a look:

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Lost iPhone Prototype Affidavit Revealed - Totally New Details


This Friday Judge Clifford Cretan from San Mateo County in California unsealed the affidavit of the lost iPhone prototype case. Cnet was first who studied the document and concluded that Steve Jobs personally called Gizmodo editor Brian Lam to return iPhone:

"Jobs requested that Lam return the phone to Apple. Lam responded via the e-mail address...that he would return the iPhone on the condition that Apple provided him with a letter stating the iPhone belonged to Apple."

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Wi-Fi Sync Is Now Available on Cydia


You may remember our post about "Wi-Fi Sync" app that allows you to sync your iPhone/iPod touch with iTunes via Wi-fi. Well, this week Apple rejected it. But its developer Greg Hughes submitted it to Cydia (an unauthorized source of different software for jailbroken iDevices), and now it is available there for $9.99.

Greg also told Engadget that he talked to Apple representative and he said the case was not about any violations.

"While he agreed that the app doesn't technically break the rules, he said that it does encroach upon the boundaries of what they can and cannot allow on their store. He also cited security concerns."

"Wi-Fi Sync" is currently available only for Mac users, but Hughes promises to release version for Windows.


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iPhone OS 4 Is Rumored To Have Facebook Features


According to a new report revealed by Silicon Alley Insider on Wednesday iPhone OS 4 may possibly have built-in integration with Facebook.  The feature will probably be presented on June 7 at the annual Worldwide Developers Conference conducted by Apple.

An author of the report Dan Frommer says he doesn't have any details on how it works.

"...We also hear that Apple could be integrating Facebook Connect directly into its software developers kit so programmers can more easily add Facebook 'social' features to their apps".

There is also information about bringing Facebook messaging features to the upcoming versions of iPhone OS making it possible to send messages via Facebook Chat as easy as sending an SMS.

An idea of integration with Facebook was already implemented by Google in its OS Android 2.0. Windows Phone 7 is also expected to support strong Facebook connectivity.


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Written by SimplyMax

Saturday, May 15th, 2010. 3:06

HTC Accuses Apple in Violating of 5 Their Patents

HTC logo

This Wednesday HTC accused Apple in infringing of five their patents. The countersuit was filed with the International Trade Commission and now asks to halt the importation of the iPod touch, iPhone and iPad into America.

Vice President of HTC in North America Jason Mackenzie says the action was taken to protect its partners and customers.

"HTC believes the industry should be driven by healthy competition and innovation that offer consumers the best, most accessible mobile experiences possible".

The press release given by HTC underlines that the company created the most advanced smartphones in the world for the last 10 years.

At this moment there are twelve HTC phones available in America, including the HTC HD2 for T-Mobile, the HTC EVO 4G for Sprint and the Droid Incredible for Verizon.

Still there is no information revealed about the patents that are involved in the suit.


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Adobe Published A letter Of Response to Apple


An open letter published by Adobe co-founders John Warnock and Chuck Geschke reveals their true position to Apple. They say Apple wants to "undermine the next chapter of the web". They also believe that the consumers must have a free access to the content regardless to their computers, browsers or any other stuff.

"No company - no matter how big or how creative - should dictate what you can create."

In answer to Jobs' saying that Flash is a closed system Adobe co-founders informed that specifications for Flash are published and available for free so anyone can make their own Flash player. What Apple does is creating walls for their applications and content, thus creating a threat to a future of free Internet, which actually cannot be controlled by anyone. The letter ends with these words:

"What we don't love is anybody taking away your freedom to choose what you create, how you create it, and what you experience on the web."

It is interesting to notice that Adobe also started new advertising campaign on popular tech news sites and in newspapers. Their ads list technologies they "love". One of them even contains the tongue-in-cheek inscription "We [heart] Apple".


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iPhone 4G Photos Leaked Again!


This time French site BeGeek.fr posted new photos of the the 4th-Generation Apple iPhone. As you see, it looks like the Vietnamese prototype (which photos were posted earlier here). The site didn't reveal any information on the source of the images.

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Written by SimplyMax

Thursday, May 13th, 2010. 19:26

Steve Jobs Feels Fine In a Year After Liver Trasplant


New information received by BusinessWeek from anonymous Apple employee reveals that Steve Jobs began to regularly visit Cupertino's office only in January, 2010, though he returned to work after liver transplant in June 2009.

BusinessWeek sought comments from Apple co-founder Steve Wozniak, and he said that he frequently speaks with his friend Steve Jobs and he looks healthy.

"Every time I hear him, he's doing a lot of work and a lot of thinking that's involved in that work, and those things sort of go away if you're very worried about your health".

Jobs announced about his temporary leaving in June 2009. He explained that the reason was about private matter. In September Jobs appeared at Apple's annual music event to present new iPods. It was his first appearance that year and that time he especially underlined his gratitude to a liver donor, who died in a car crash in his mid-20s.

After that Jobs was focused on iPad, and it is reported that he was personally involved in its development.

At this moment he is back at work and experts from Creative Strategies consulting firm say it is good news:

"Except for the fact that he's lost a lot of weight, he's the Steve Jobs of old. At the visionary level, technology and design level, he seems to be working at the same level he was before he was sick."


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Written by SimplyMax

Thursday, May 13th, 2010. 15:57

New iPad ad: "What is iPad?"

Apple posted a new ad to its website today. The ad is called "What is iPad?". Take a look:


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Written by admin

Thursday, May 13th, 2010. 15:49

More Vietnamese iPhone 4G Hardware Details Revealed


Hours before we posted photos of another iPhone 4G prototype that were obtained by someone from Vietnamese forum Taoviet. It was revealed that device has a SoC with Apple A4 processor and 256 Megabytes of Samsung DRAM. According to iFixit, the marking "APL0398 339S0084" indicates the A4 processor, and "K4X2G643GE" goes for 256 Mb Samsung RAM.

"Our engineers are not surprised by this finding. We were very impressed by the extraordinarily low power consumption of the iPad, and remarked at the time that its power consumption and board design was much more in line with handheld devices than laptop computers."

So now we're sure that new prototype has the same hardware as in Apple's iPad. By the way, iPhone 3GS has also 256 Mb of DRAM.

It is also examined that the leaked device has a 16 GB capacity instead of Gizmodo's "XXGB", and there are no visible screws on its sites. The new iPhone has a micro-SIM port on its side. A video reveals that new device was turned on but it wasn't running the iPhone OS.

More photos of iPhone 4G hardware are posted below and here.

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