Archive for December, 2012
Intel To Launch Set Top Box And Cable TV Service At CES 2013
The crime rate in New York City has been increased due to aggravating thefts of Apple devices
The New York Times reports that today the Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg has published data on crime at the end of 2012, noting a slight increase in the rate of major crime in the city, which may be a consequence of increased theft of iPhone and iPad.
Apple To Update MacBook Air And MacBook Pro In June 2013
Intel And Apple Are Working On Smart Watch with Bluetooth Support
Pebble e-paper watch (right) and Sony SmartWatch (left)
Apple Will Shift Mac mini Production To U.S.
According to a
“Apple is reportedly set to move its Mac mini production lines back to the US with Foxconn Electronics (Hon Hai Precision Industry) to be responsible of handling establishment, according to sources from the upstream supply chain”.
Apple Exploring Possibility Of Using IGZO Displays In iPad, iPhone And iPad mini
According to a new
“The sources said Apple is in further discussions with Sharp over IGZO panel production capacity estimates for 2013 and is also inquiring about whether AU Optronics' (AUO) L5C line could be used to produce the technology”.
In China Number Of 3G Subscribers Grew 88% Year Over Year
This week analyst Brian White from Topeka Capital provided a closer look at the latest statistics on mobile subscribers in China, noting that total number of 3G subscribers in this country reached 222 million last month, up 88% year over year. He also noted that 3G subscriber growth in China Mobile has been slowed because the company does not offer iPhones.
Steve Jobs' "Venus" is no longer impounded
Last Friday, it was noted that the Jobs family's new yacht had been confiscated by the authorities of the Netherlands as a result of the dispute over design payment in favor of the famous French designer Philippe Starck. Stark asserted that he should have received the payment in the amount of 9 million euros for designing yacht, however the Jobs family reported that agreed rate was equal to 6% of the yacht valued in the 105 million euros. Stark said that his fee will be lower by about 3 million euro.
Apple is in talks about acquiring a home automation system from R2 Studios
According to information from the Wall Street Journal, Apple, Microsoft and Google are potential buyers of home automation system firm R2 Studios, part of the id8 group, founded by Blake Krikorian. He was the founder of Sling Media, maker of the SlingBox, which was subsequently sold to EchoStar/Dish Network.
Users complain of the rapid consumption of the battery after upgrading to iOS 6.0.2
The recently released update of IOS 6.0.2 for the iPhone 5 and IPad mini, could solve some of the issues associated with Wi-Fi, but some users say that the software reduced battery life.
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Steve Jobs's yacht is confiscated on the case of payment of 3.6 million dollars over design notices in articles of the Dutch mass-media that Steve Jobs's yacht "Venus" started couple of months back, has been confiscated by the authorities because of dispute over a payment for the design executed by well-known French designer Philippe Starck.
Redesigned iOS App Switcher Will Soon Come To Cydia
Apple has given little attention to updating the app switcher in its iOS since its introduction in iOS 4, so interface designer @Sentry_NC has tried his hand at developing a new concept for fast app switching in iOS.
In October, he introduced a mockup of iOS app switcher on
Google Is Developing Smartphone To Compete With Samsung And Apple
According to a
Apple Sets Record High With 53,5% Share Of U.S. Smartphone Market
In late November, research company Kantar Worldpanel reported that strong debut of the iPhone 5 allowed Apple to retake the lead in the U.S. sales from Android. Over the August-October timeframe, Apple's share of the market was assessed at 48.1% compared to Android's share of 46.7%.
At the time, the company predicted that IOS share would continue to increase and Apple would hit a record high for market share on the strength of iPhone 5 sales over the following two 12-week periods.
Apple began building an operational Center in the Austin covering 1 million square feet
Apple began construction of a new operational center covering an area of 1 million square feet in Austin, Texas, which will contain nearly 3600 new jobs.