Archive for 2013
Low-Cost iPhone version in plastic cover will appear in the second half of 2013
The cellular version of the iPad Mini and fourth generation iPad will appear in China on Friday
Apple today announced that celluar version of the iPad mini Wi-Fi and fouth-generation iPad will appear in China this Friday. The iPad mini and the new iPad are now available in more than 100 countries.
Apple cut iPhone 5 component orders due to reduced demand
The Wall Street Journal reports that Apple has cut a part of the orders for iPhone 5 this quarter due to weaker than expected demand.
"Apple's orders for iPhone 5 screens for the January-March quarter, for example, have dropped to roughly half of what the company had previously planned to order, two of the people said.
The Cupertino, Calif., company has also cut orders for components other than screens, according to one of the people.
Apple notified the suppliers of the order cut last month, the people said."
Oracle Released Java 7 Update 11 To Fix Security Vulnerability
On Friday, we reported that Apple had used its anti-malware system in OS X in order to disable Java 7 browser plug-in over a security vulnerability that was widely exploited in the wild.
Apple's anti-malware tool is able to enforce minimum version numbers for such plug-ins as Flash and Java, and the company simply updated its blacklist to require that computers be running higher version of Java 7 than was publicly available.
Analyst Claims Next-Generation iPad Mini And iPad Will Launch In March
Today Brian White, analyst from Topeka Capital Markets, released a new report based on information obtained from sources at CES currently held in Las Vegas.
Apple Disables Java 7 Plug-in On OS X To Address Security Threat
27-inch iMac production can be improved in the next month
Apple's 27-inch iMac continues to be in short supply, as Apple sets deadline for delivery of new online orders 3-4 weeks. 21.5-inch models have been delivering within 7-10 days. Even before the launch of the new iMac, it was expected that the device will be in short supply in the 2013, in connection with questions on assembly of new displays. The process involves laminating the screen directly on device's glass.
Phil Schiller Seems To Deny Rumors About Cheap iPhone
Shanghai Evening News
Apple Locking Screenshots For Apps Submitted For Approval
Yesterday Apple announced on its Developer Portal that appscreenshots will be locked in iTunes Connect after the app has been approved.
“Beginning January 9, app screenshots will be locked in iTunes Connect once your app has been approved. New screenshots may be uploaded when you submit a binary for an update to an existing app or a new app”.
Walmart and Straight Talk Wireless offer iPhone 5 on special terms
Walmart and Straight Talk Wireless are now offering iPhone 5 with $ 45 rate plan with unlimited calls and data without contract. It was reported earlier from That's It Guys. Straight Talk is a subsidiary company of TracFone, and buyers of the iPhone will use network of the AT&T. There is no evidence that the phones will support LTE network.
AT&T previously announces the results of iPhone sales in the fourth quarter of 2012
Before the official announcement of earnings for the fourth quarter of 2012 to be held this month, AT&T reported that it has sold more than 10 million smartphones during the quarter, including "best-ever" sales of iPhone and Android devices.
Kensington Proximo System Helps Keep Track Of iPhone 4S/5
Today Kensington introduced an app-enabled system called “Proximo” that allows iPhone 4S and iPhone 5 users to keep track of their devices 24 hours a day. The press release
Apple Will Launch Low-Cost iPhone For Emerging Markets This Year?
According to a
COOKOO watch allow connection to iOS devices via Bluetooth Smart technology
One technology that has become common in iOS accessories, currently known as Bluetooth Smart. Low-power devices technology lets pursue long-term link between iOS devices and accessories. E-paper Pebble watch, which developed with support from Kickstarter generated enormous interest. Sales revenue by arrangement amounted to more than 10 million dollars.
Belkin removed eSATA support in anticipated Thunderbolt Express Dock, the price dropped to $ 299
In September 2011, Belkin unveiled a prototype of its Thunderbolt Express Dock offering users a wide range of connectivity options via a single Thunderbolt cable. By 2012 year, the product had been improved in design and got a launch date of September 2012 with a price tag of $ 299.