News tagged ‘app’
The first video clip JOBS with Ashton Kutcher in the role of Steve Jobs
According to news reporting that film JOBS, in which Ashton Kutcher appears as Steve Jobs, will open in theaters on April 19. has released the first video clip from the movie. A brief clip illustrates Kutcher as Jobs, who talks to Josh Gad as Steve Wozniak.
Tim Cook congratulates Apple employees with the record for the first quarter
Yesterday were the reports about record profits of the first fiscal quarter of 2013, which had not met the expectations of analysts. Apple CEO Tim Cook e-mailed to employees (via 9to5Mac) congratulations, noting their performance and announced the planned meeting only for employees.
Robust growth of Cloud-based services remained in the shadow, along with Apple's financial results
While the media responses about flatline growth in financial results of Apple have a dominating position, the massive growth of cloud-based services Apple are reportedly remains largely unnoticed.
In 2012, reports iPodNN, the number of iCloud users grew from 85 million to more than 250 million. The number of iTunes users has exceeded 500 million, with a record profit of 2.1 billion dollars for the quarter.
Apple expands support for LTE connectivity in 36 countries
During the Conference on financial results, Apple CEO Tim Cook announced that the 36 additional providers will support LTE connectivity for the iPhone and iPad next week.
Tim Cook explains the situation on Apple's supply chain
Tim Cook commented on the recent rumors that Apple may reduce the supply of iPhone 5 because of weak demand. It should be paid special attention to the significant changes in the prices of Apple's shares.
Tim Cook is not focused on any particular rumor, but warned against attempts to interpret the data points, even if they happened to be exact.
In China Apple Sees The Highest Growth, Revenue Is Up 67%
During today’s 1Q 2013 earnings call, Peter Oppenheimer said that Apple focused on creating a new operating segment for Greater China, which includes Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China. He said:
"We have established a new operating segment for China, given the contribution of that region to our business".
Apple Announced Best Quarterly Results In Q1 2013
Today Apple
Photo sharing app 500px deleted from App Store for nude pictures
According to TechCrunch, Apple removed the 500px app for iOS from the App Store because of the nude pictures. The recent acquisition of ISO500 to 500px from Pulpfingers also removed from the App Store, but is still available for download.
Digitimes changes the information about large and cheap versions of the iPhone
Digitimes reported that Apple was planning to launch a larger and cheaper iPhone in the second half of this year, seeking to strike a blow in the emerging markets, as well as to compete with the increasing size of the screen that is inherent to Android devices.
How Apple Prevented Verizon From Adding Siri To Droid handsets
According to a
The carrier signed a contract with the startup company in 2009 to include its functionality to Droid smartphones, and it even filmed commercials showing Siri as an Android add-on. But the deal with Big Red fell apart when Apple purchased what has become one of the iPhone’s most popular features, which subsequently stopped competitors from adding the service to their devices. The report said:
Planetbeing Declares 'The Future is Looking Bright for Jailbreaking'
Another progress on the public jailbreak is reported by hacker planetbeing recently. Planetbeing has given us hope that a public jailbreak is near with his latest tweet.
Tons of progress the last few days. I think the future is looking bright for jailbreaking.
Here's how a larger 4.8-Inch iPhone could look like [Video]
Here's a mockup of what a larger 4.8-inch iPhone might look like if Apple did decide to manufacture such a device.
Amazon Expands In-App Purchase Service To Include PC, Mac And Web Apps
Today Amazon
Apple Is Investing $3M To Open Its First Retail Location In Indonesia
The culprit that robbed Steve Jobs' family home, was sentenced to seven years in prison
IDG News Service reports that Kariem McFarlin, the robber who stole Apple products and other items of equivalent value at $ 60.000 from the home of Steve Jobs' family in last July, has been sentenced to seven years in prison. McFarlin broke into the house, which was in repairing, and stole two iMacs, three iPads, three iPods, Apple TV, jewelry and other items.