News tagged ‘Firmware’
iFunBox for firmware 3.1
iFunBox is a Windows application to easily access iPhone file system. It allows you to manage the iPhone and the various folders via a USB connection. With iFunxBox you can transfer files or music to the iPhone or copy pictures and video from it on your PC without using an SSH connection.
The last version is iFunBox V0.9.257.241 and it is compartible with firmware 3.1 and iTunes 9.
Here is a download
Speed test: all iPhones and all iPod Touch in one table
MacWorld performed several tests between all the Apple devices: iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPhone 3GS, iPod Touch, iPod Touch 2G, iPod Touch 3G. Here are the results, all in one table:
Results are in seconds. Best results in bold. All devices were tested running iPhone OS 3.1. Peggle and Star Defense were app launch times to end of initial load screen. PCalc was launch time to calculator ready. Sunspider was the time to run the WebKit Sunspider JavaScript benchmark. Page load test was amount of time it took to load
via macworld
Mobile Substrate Update – Fixes WinterBoard Issues on 3.1 Firmware [Cydia]
Mobile Substrate has been updated to version 0.9.3043-1. According to Saurik the update; “fixes the issues some extensions (like WinterBoard) are having with the new dyld “shared cache” in iPhone OS 3.1.”. So, if you are on firmware 3.1, WinterBoard should work properly once you update to the new version of Mobile Substrate.
Avaliable in Cydia for jailbreaked iPhones and iPod Touches.
List of Cydia Apps compatible and incompatible with firmware 3.1
Some users have already performed jailbeak for firmware 3.1 and faced problems with several Cydia applications. Some work with no problems, others send the iPhone to Safe Mode. Here is a list of compatible and non-compatible apps.
Applications NOT compatible with Firmware 3.1:
- Winterboard
- Backgrounder
- Mobile Finder
- ActivateMMS2G
- Cycorder
- PasteBoardStacker
Applications partially compatible with Firmware 3.1:
- Cydia (apparently does not show the badge icon when there are updates available)
- SBSettings (everything works except the button "Restart")
- BossPrefs (everything works except the button "Respring")
Applications fully compartible with Firmware 3.1
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The DevTeam releases PwnageTool 3.1 to run the Firmware 3.1 Jailbreak
DevTeam released PwnageTool 3.1. This utility will allow users of iPhone 2G, iPhone 3G, iPod Touch to run jailbreaked firmware 3.1. We still recommend staying on firmware 3.0/3.0.1 for as long as possible. The 3.1 firmware is not worth it. But if you really want 3.1. Here are the details:
- If you are using a 3G iPhone with ultrasn0w and rely on ultrasn0w to obtain cellular service, then you should only upgrade to 3.1 with a PwnageTool created .ipsw. Never update using Apple's unmodified firmware. Stay away from Apple’s direct updates.
- This version of PwnageTool WILL NOT work for the iPhone 3GS and iPod Touch 2G/3G.
- PwnageTool WILL work for Original iPhone (1st Generation), Original iPod touch (1st Generation) and the iPhone 3G.
- It works only with Mac OS X.
- Future releases of PwnageTool and RedSn0w will be soon with more functionality.
Here is per device info:
iPhone 3G (unlocked): This model of iPhone 3G doesn’t have an Service Provider lock (aka factory unlocked) and you are able to put any SIM card into the phone and get service. Your phone is already unlocked so you do not need to worry about baseband updates, simply upgrade to 3.1 using iTunes and then use PwnageTool to create an ipsw and then use this to jailbreak your phone.
iPhone 3G (locked): You need to preserve 3.0 baseband. Create a custom firmware.
iPhone 2G (1st Generation): Use PwnageTool to do the magic and then restore with iTunes using your newly created .ipsw, you don’t need to worry about anything, the baseband will be unlocked, the phone jailbroken.
iPod touch 1G (Original iPod Touch): Use PwnageTool to create a firmware image and restore with that .ipsw using iTunes.
iPod touch 2G: Sorry, no support at this time within PwnageTool, use Redsn0w for an earlier (pre 3.1) firmware release instead.
iPod touch 3G (New iPod Touch): Sorry, no support at this time within PwnageTool.
You can download PwnageTool 3.1 in our utilities page.
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Firmware 3.0 security bug allows you to read passwords [Video]
A bug was found in firmware 3.0 that allows you to view hidden passwords. Here's the video demonstration:
As you can see it is easy, just erase a digit and shake the iPhone to see the number or character of the password. This bug had been fixed in firmware 3.1.
iFunBox for firmware 3.0

Pwnagetool 3.1 for firmware 3.1 - work in progress
After days of silence, the DevTeam has finally updated the official blog, writing a little phrase:
Update: We’re currently working on PwnageTool for 3.1, and will be sure to let you know when it’s available!
Good news! PwnageTool is a utility to jailbreak iPhone with a custom created firmware. So what we know for now is that DevTeam is creating a new version of PwnageTool for firmware 3.1. No dates or deadlines as usual. We will keep you updated.
UPDATE: PwnageTool 3.1 is avaliable
Apple released firmwares 3.1 for iPhone and 3.1.1 for iPod Touch
Apple released new iPhone 3.1 and iPod Touch 3.1.1 firmwares. Here is a quick changelog:
- Improved syncing for music, movies, TV shows, podcasts, and photos
- iTunes U content organization
- Redeem iTunes Gift Cards, codes, and certificates in the App Store
- Display available iTunes account credits in the App Store and iTunes Store
- Save video from Mail and MMS into Camera Roll
- Option to "Save as new clip" when trimming a video on iPhone 3GS
- Better iPhone 3G Wi-Fi performance when Bluetooth is turned on
- Remotely lock iPhone with a passcode via MobileMe
- Use Voice Control on iPhone 3GS with Bluetooth headsets
- Paste phone numbers into the keypad
- Option to use Home button to turn on accessibility features on iPhone 3GS
- Warn when visiting fraudulent websites in Safari (anti-phishing)
- Improved Exchange calendar syncing and invitation handling
- Fixes issue that cause some app icons to display incorrectly
iPhone OS 3.1 is available and is a free download for iPhone customers. iPod Touch users already running iPhone OS 3.0 can update to 3.1.1 for free. iPod Touch users running earlier firmware versions can upgrade to OS 3.1.1 for $4.95.
Users of jailbreaked and unlocked devices - do not update, wait for utilities updates!!
Skype is updated to version 1.2 [AppStore, Free]
Skype, the iPhone and iPod Touch application through which you can call and chat with your Skype contacts, has been updated to version 1.2. There are many updates and new features.
What's new in version 1.2:
- Set up call forwarding from your iPhone – forward Skype calls to a phone number when you're not signed in.
- Improved performance and better audio quality on Skype-to-Skype calls.
- Even easier to send text messages (SMS) - Send SMS from the Call tab.
- Calls are connected much faster.
- Status of your contacts is updated more often.
- You can now decide whether you want to stay online/offline when the iPhone is locked. We've added this into settings.
- Contact groups are now supported, making it easier to see who is online and separate your saved phone numbers.
- You can now edit the name of your saved phone numbers.
- Added support for skype: URL schemes in Safari.
- When creating a new account the country in your Skype profile is taken from the language used on your iPhone.
- Group chat profile pictures are now shown.
- You can now remove your profile picture.
- Added a 'Help' link to 'Forgot your password'.
- Improved support for proxy configurations.
If you have done jailbreak, don't worry. During first launch Skype will pop up a message showing that it works only on unmodified iPhones and iPods. But it is not true. It works just fine.
Firmware 3.1 arrives September 17?
Playing with the latest beta software for iPhone, one of iH8sn0w employees (firmware 3.1 beta 3 jailbreak utility), found that the expiry date for latest firmware is September 18.
Firmware 3.1 will be probably released 1 or 2 days before the expiration of the beta. This means that Apple might perform a release during the Apple event in September. However this event is dedicated to the music, so we cannot be sure.
The only certain knowledge is that by the middle of next month we will see either 3.1 beta 4 or 3.1 release.
Firmware 3.0.1 jailbreak
Good news is that you can still use redsn0w 0.8 to jailbreak firmware 3.0.1. Here's the step-by-step plan:
- Download both firmware 3.0 and firmware 3.0.1 (link).
- Download redsn0w 0.8 (link).
- Update or restore to official 3.0.1 in iTunes.
- Run redsn0w.
- When redsn0w asks you to identify the IPSW used, point it at the 3.0 IPSW instead of the 3.0.1 one.
- Follow the instructions.
- After the jailbreak, reinstall ultrasn0w 0.9 if you need the unlock.
iPodPop 2.0: control the iPod from any application [Cydia]
iPodPop is a quite useful tweak. It's purpose is simple - it allows to call and use the iPod controls from any application running, avoiding the interruption of our work and / or game.
The iPod controls apper with double-tap of the Home button. In Settings we can decide whether to activate or not the tweak. iPodPop is compatible with firmware 3.0 and is available via Cydia (BigBoss repository).
Apple released firmware 3.0.1
It looks like the changelog is quite simple. This iPhone OS update addresses the SMS vulnerability issue. Go ahead and update.
Firmware 3.1 beta 3: what's new?
Here are couple more facts about new firmware 3.1 beta 3:
- Looks like the limit is 15MB for sending photo and video via emails.
- Usage now shows separate “Cellular Network Data” and “Tethering Data”. This is on a standard 3.1 beta 3 install, no hacks.
- iPhone no longer vibrates when going into the edit home screen icon mode.
- Button 123 is now _123:
- Fixed problems with databases in different applications: Messages, Mail, Address Book etc.
- In terms of API there are changes in UIKit (UIImagePickerController, UIVideoEditorController) and Audio Toolbox (AudioConverter, AudioSerives, ExternalAudioFile).
- It still updates the Baseband (modem) to version 05:11:04.
- Added the translation of labels "original size" and "Save as a new clip" when editing video.
- Translated the string "ask to join network" in WiFi.
- Enhance in sending and receiving SMS and MMS: In the previous beta it often returned an error when under conditions of a weak signal. Now everything seems to work in the best possible way.