The evad3rs team released evasi0n7 1.0.1 with the removal of TaiG App Store from the installer. No word on any other changes in the 1.0.1 version of evasi0n7. You can download the new version here.
Pod2g announced the news on twitter:
We have heard the community. Evasi0n 1.0.1 is available on TaiG has been removed from the package. Merry Christmas!
Apple has recently seeded a new iOS 7.1 beta to developers. You already know this, however, there’s something you don’t. According to the latest news, the company from Cupertino will officially release iOS 7.1 in March.
A Chinese company reportedly paid evad3rs $1 million to install its third-party mobile application - Taig store. This app replaced Cydia on devices with default language set to Chinese. As to the hackers, they confirmed that they had received a kind of compensation from Taig. Take a look at the open letter posted on evad3rs' official website:
H8sn0w has announced the release of an untether package for the old devices running iOS 6.1.3 - 6.1.5. This includes iPhone 4, iPhone 3GS, and iPod Touch 4G.
With the unexpected release of the evasi0n7 jailbreak, we are finally able to release the 3GS/A4 6.1.3 + 6.1.5 untether Cydia package.
Good news for all those who have an iPhone, iPad or iPod touch running iOS 7 - all of a sudden, evad3rs released an untethered jailbreak for the seventh version of Apple’s mobile operating system. Evasion 7 jailbreak utility was released December 22nd. A kind of a Christmas present from hackers, huh?
According to numerous user reports, Apple has blocked the ability to install iOS beta firmware for all the non-authorised devices. Now if you want to update to the latest beta your iPhone or iPad should be registered on an Apple Developer account.
Apple on Friday seeded the second iOS 7.1 beta to developers. According to AppleInsider, this security and maintenance update for both iPhone and iPad contains numerous bug fixes and improvements for iTunes Match, iPhone 5s’s Touch ID fingerprint sensor and more.
iClarified reporters have recently come up with an idea of comparing the boot speed of all the existing iPads, namely, iPad 1, iPad 2, iPad 3, iPad 4, iPad Air, iPad mini (1st generation) and iPad mini (2nd generation). The result of their creative tablet testing is available at the video below.
iOS 7, released this fall, demonstrates probably the highest level of adoption, at least among the North American users. This is what the analytics firm called Chitika claims. According to the data, collected by the experts, about 74% of the internet traffic from iOS devices comes from those with iOS 7 on board.
Another patent that deals with Touch ID was granted to the company from Cupertino. It explains how gestures could be identified by the fingerprint sensor and used for navigation through various apps and menus.
Apple launched an Apple Store app for iPad earlier today. This happened nearly three and a half years after the same application had been first released for iPhone. If to speak about me, I honestly don’t understand the reason for such a delay. Anyway, better later than never, right?
Logitech officially released its new iPhone game controller called PowerShell earlier today. Below you may take a look at what the guys from Switzerland came up with. The new gadget uses iPhone’s MFi game controller program. This program offers a standard framework that allows developers to create iOS 7 compatible gaming accessories.