News tagged ‘news’
iPhone 5 To Get A Curved Cover Glass?
Today DigiTimes
The publication's industry sources revealed makers of cover glass will reluctantly invest into glass cutting equipment because of the high capital involved. They also told Apple has already purchased approximately 200-300 cutting machines for glass makers. However, the company hasn't yet created a timetable for iPhone 5, as it is still working with suppliers to improve yield rates.
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Survey Reveals How Consumers Use Their iPad
Business Insider conducted an extensive survey having asked more than 850 people questions that surround the iPad and how it is used. Their survey revealed that for about 70% of respondents, there was only 1 iPad in their household and only about 23% has 2 in the one household – less than 7% had 3 or more iPads in their household. Nearly 40% had downloaded between 20 and 50 apps, whilst 30% had downloaded more than 50 apps – with few paying for more than 20 of those apps and only 6% paying for none. Below are some of the other more interesting results:
Foxconn Workers to Sign ‘Anti-Suicide Pledge’
Harsh working conditions at the Foxconn factory in Shenzhen, China, have long been the center of attention. A recent investigation at the Foxconn factory revealed that employee overtime was excessively above the legal limit of 36 hours per month. One employee payslip showed 98 hours of overtime in just one month. Workers are banned from talking to their colleagues and must stand for the duration of their 12 hour shifts.
Foxconn Now Wants To Start Building iPads In Brazil In July
Last month, we reported that Foxconn plans to invest $12 billion to start producing and assembling mobile devices in Brazil throughout the next five years, including Apple’s iPad — currently assembled by Foxconn in its Asian facilities. Whilst the original reports claimed Foxconn was planning to start building iPads in Brazil this November, Reuters reports today the company has moved the estimated date to July. Reuters also reports Foxconn will initially import components from Asia to assemble devices in Brazil, shifting the manufacturing chain to local production in the next few years.
Apple to Move from Intel to ARM Processors in Future Laptops
SemiAccurate reports that Apple will implement to ARM processors, instead Intel ones currently used, in its new laptops in the not too distant future.
The short story is that Apple is moving the laptop line, and presumably desktops too, to ARM based chips as soon as possible.
The site seems to believe that the transition will take place after ARM has moved to full 64-bit cores which won't likely be until at least mid-2013. Apple has made a heavy investment in the ARM architecture which presently powers their iOS line of products.
Newspaper thinktank predicted the iPad in 1994
In 2007 the Paleofuture blog posted the video below, where Roger Fidler and his team at Knight-Ridder describe an electronic newspaper running on what might as well be an iPad. But the video was shot in 1994.
"We may still use computers to create information, but we will use the tablet to interact with print, video and other information," the video explains. It also goes on to describe personal "profile pages," "interactive maps" and sharing links with friends. It even seems like Fidler is channeling Steve Jobs at some points, saying "Nobody needs a manual for their daily newspaper". Amazingly, he even seems to describe iAds.
Check the video below:
iPhone 6 To Use Next-Gen Thinner Displays from Sharp
Nikkan, Japanese newspaper, reports that Apple and Sharp may have entered into agreement on manufacturing displays for the sixth-generation iPhone. Rumors are based on the fact that Sharp has already begun preparation for the start of manufacturing in Spring next year at its plant in Japan for an iPhone display using next-generation technologies.
Android Enthusiasts Accused Apple in Copying Samsung
The image you can see above was created by Android fans, who believe it was Apple that actually had stolen Samsung's ideas from the beginning. After the release it immediately went virally on message boards. However, actually Samsung showed its F700 phone for the first time only in February 2007 at the 3GSM World Congress, which was held a month later than iPhone debuted. And that was only a demonstration; the device didn't go on sale then.
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Apple's Stock Falls Down For The 2011
In today's early morning trading Apple's stock was down more than 7$ or 2,2%. As you may know, this Wednesday the company is expected to report new record earnings and such news usually increase company's stock price. However, Jay Yarow from BusinessInsider sees few reasons for the contrary effect:
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Untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3.2 will be available soon
I0n1c has confirmed that his untethered jailbreak exploit is still working for iOS 4.3.2. This is good news for all jailbreakers.
Here are his recent tweets:
Apple has been nice. I just verified that the untether vulnerability is not fixed in iOS 4.3.2 - my Ipad 1 is running untethered jailbroken
Of course the public untether binaries will not work with iOS 4.3.2 - I have to generate new untether binaries with new dyld/kernel offsets
I won't be able to create all the untether binaries before sunday, because I will be on planes, ...
The dev-team cannot produce the untether binaries on their own, because they don't have the source code to the untether exploit.
Well from what I hear lots of the problems people had with 4.3.1 (like wifi, 3g, ...) are gone in 4.3.2
The new version of iOS 4.3.2 jailbreak tools RedSn0w and PwnageTool will be released by the iPhone Dev-Team quite soon.
Microsoft Releases Bing for iPad
Microsoft released its first application for tablets, Bing for iPad that is now available on the US App Store. It looks really beautiful on the iPad large screen. The first thing you’ll notice in the application is the daily image. The application gives you information about Weather, News, Movies and more. Like the iPhone app it features a Voice Search alongside with the search by text and Bing Maps that let you search for address or business. The iPad app is curiously only available in the US iTunes App Store which is certainly odd considering the web version does have international editions, that even have a different daily picture.
Apple ordered 12 petabytes of storage to support iTunes video offerings reports that Apple has placed a order for about 12 petabytes of storage from Isilon Systems. According to an inside source, the company will use this storage to support iTunes video downloaded by its customers. This order will make Apple the largest Isilon’s customer.
A petabyte of data is a huge amount of data; it's 1024 terabytes. Consumer hard drives nowadays top out at 3 TB. If you tried to store a petabyte of data on dual-layer Blu-ray discs (50 GB each), it would take almost 21,000 discs to fit it all... and Apple just bought 12 of those. It'll be interesting to see what they do with all of that storage
iOS 4.3.1 jailbreak news: Apple closed comex kernel exploit
Comex, famous iPhone hacker, tweeted today that the kernel exploit for jailbreak he had found long ago was closed by Apple in recent iOS 4.3.1. This exploit could be used to jailbreak iPad 2.
As noticed by @0naj, my kernel exploit was fixed in 4.3.1.
I try not to be paranoid, but it is really hard to explain this as anything but a leak.
The funny thing is that my "new" kernel exploit is actually the kernel exploit used by JailbreakMe 2.0. It was never properly fixed.
It stayed there from 4.0.2 through 4.3, but was magically found in time for 4.3.1. well, go go @MuscleNerd and @i0n1c I guess
This is not good news. However we have recently seen working untethered jailbreak video. There are other vulnerabilities in iOS 4.3.1.
iOS 4.3.1 is still vulnerable to jailbreak
We still have not seen good untethered jailbreak for iOS 4.3. However hackers already confirm, that future iOS 4.3.1 is still vulnerable to jailbreak. Good news, but where is our jailbreak?
iPhone 4 unlock news - no unlock yet
MuscleNerd recently tweeted some news regarding iPhone 4 unlock. Unfortunately:
Sorry, there's no news on the i4 unlock for those who lost 01.59 (or never had it). It's taking longer than we wanted
This means that users have to wait more. No due date was given. If you need unlock just remember to save your SHSH keys using Cydia or TinyUmbrella and do NOT update to iOS 4.3.
This news are for users with locked iPhone 4 with baseband 02.10 or 03.10, iPhone 3G/3GS with baseband 05.14 or 05.15. For 05.14 and 05.15 there is a possibility to update to 06.15 and unlock, but there are special risks.
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