News tagged ‘OS X Lion’
Mac OS X 10.7 Lion iChat supports Yahoo Messenger protocol
According to blogger iMarck90, Mac OS X Lion's iChat app supports Yahoo Messenger and can transfer text, voice and video chat over Yahoo's IM protocol.
When iChat was introduced by Apple, it was an instant messenger client for proprietary chat protocol of AOL. Later it got a Jabber/XMPP support.
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Mac OS X Lion's interface in screenshots
Along with new architectural features new version of Mac OS X also sports new look for the iCal, Mail and Finder, and some other applications look slightly different due to adoption of design elements implemented in the iPad. AppleInsider received the screenshots of new Lion's interface, and we're posting them below.
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Mac OS X 10.7 Will Get Overlay Scrollbars and Full-Screen Mode For Apps
As you may know, this Thursday Apple has released a developer preview of Mac OS X Lion and recently we took a sneak peek at its new features. However, the new version of iOS also includes some architectural changes, and we'll talk about it in this post.
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First Developer Preview of Lion Hits The Mac App Store
Apple announced alongside new MacBook Pros the first developer preview of OS X 10.7 Lion, first demoed last October.
Apple today released a developer preview of Mac OS X Lion, which takes some of the best ideas from iPad and brings them back to the Mac for the eighth major release of the world's most advanced operating system. The Lion preview is available to Mac Developer Program members through the Mac App Store, and the final version of Lion will ship to customers this summer.
Apple also outlines a number of features to be found in Lion:
Apple Awarded Patent for a ‘Safe Deposit Box’ Feature
Apple recently filed a new patent application that describes a new feature, “Safe Deposit Box”, which will appear in a new Mac OS X Lion. “Safe Deposit Box” will allow users to secure important files. Users will be able to drag a particular file to a safe deposit icon - files could be automatically encrypted and hidden from access - that then secure the file and also upload the secured file to the cloud for backup that means that important files would be stored beyond the home computer. Users could then access secured files through a safe deposit box window by selecting the safe deposit box icon and verifying his or her identity. It seems that this feature would be included into Lion’s Time Machine but, as usual, there is no guarantee.
Manuals on Amazon Suggest Late July Launch for Lion
The Amazon UK website placed several manuals for the upcoming Mac OS X 10.7 Lion that will be released late in July. That fact might suggest that the operating system will also launch around that time. It seems that the OS will be released right after WWDC, this year expected to be from July 5 to July 9. The cover of one of the Mac OS X Lion manuals makes reference to the already announced Launchpad and Mission Control features but also references the dock, most of which was demonstrated last year at the Lion announcement. Noteworthy to say that the release date of these guidebooks is a good indication of product launches. For example, Amazon information predicted the release date Microsoft Office 2011 for Mac.
New iMacs in March
As far as we know, Apple pushes out a refreshed iMac every 8 months and a major update every 27 months. The last major update was in October 2009 and the last refresh was in July 2010. So, the iMac lineup is due for a refresh this March. The update will up-to-date the iMac, prepare it for Mac OS X Lion. Moreover, Apple is expected to start bringing the MacBook Air Solid State Drive (SSD) modules to the rest of the Mac family, will add the new Intel’s microarchitecture Sandy bridge to improve graphics and resolution on the 21.5" and 27" displays. Adding this option to the iMacs will improve the readability. Perhaps, Apple will also add an anti-glare option to their iMac display offerings. This will be a minor update, with a major one expected sometime around January 2012.
Apple Considering Discontinuing More Server-Focused Products
In early November Apple announced that it would discontinue its Xserve line of rackmountable servers at the end of this month. This statement has caused turmoil among the product's fans, while Steve Jobs has suggested that poor sales were the reason for the decision. But the Xserve discontinuation may only be the beginning of a move by Apple to pare down its storage- and server-focused offerings. Xsan and Final Cut server could be among the programs being discontinued, as Apple's management would be wondering whether to continue to develop and support them in the future. Apple could opt to do away with its Mac OS X Server releases entirely, although the company is still expected to release a server version of Mac OS X Lion later this year.
New Lion Features May Hide In Latest iOS 4.3
Jonny Evans from ComputerWorld has recently published another article where he suggests what features can reveal iOS 4.3 about the forthcoming Mac OS X Lion. We gained all his ideas into this short list:
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Apple Is Shipping One Million MacBooks Per Month
According to sources close to component makers for Apple’s computers, the company ships around one million MacBooks per month in Q4 2010. Part of the new MacBook Airs is accounted to 20-25% of the volume. In the first three quarters of 2010 Apple sold about 6.88 million units, and its global notebook market share rose from 3.7% in the first quarter to 5.2% in the third. Apple’s market share in the US market surged from 6.7% to 12.6%. So, it looks like 2011 will be an interesting year for Mac users. Moreover, Apple plans to open the Mac App Store, update the MacBook Pro line and launch new OS X Lion.
Apple Begins Accepting Mac App Store Submissions
Apple sent registered Mac developers emails inviting them to begin submitting programs to the Mac App Store. Moreover, on the Apple's developer website appeared the above banner. That means that Apple has started accepting Mac Apps for their upcoming Mac App Store. The Mac App Store was announced in October as part of Mac OS X Lion's feature set. Apple claimed that it would be launched in 90 days from the time of the announcement. The Mac App Store mirrors many of the submission guidelines and policies as the iOS App Store. The Mac App developer program is $99/year just like the iOS App developer program.
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