
News tagged ‘app’

Nielsen: Android And iOS Hold The Lead On The Smartphone Market


Today research company Nielsen published its survey on mobile users for the third quarter, which confirmed that Android and iOS remain two main player on the smartphone market. Android platform increased its share of the US smartphone market by 4%, from 39% to 43%. During the same period iOS remained flat with 28% share.

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Jailbreak for iOS 5.0.1 beta released


The iPhone Dev-Team has updated RedSn0w with support for jailbreaking iOS 5.0.1 beta which was recently released for iOS developers. (UPDATE: iOS 5.0.1 released)

RedSn0w 0.9.9b8 recognizes 5.0.1 beta and you don't have to "point at 5.0 IPSW" any more. Since the IPSW isn't public, you'll still need to provide it once to redsn0w (Extra -> Select IPSW).

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CEO Tim Cook looks to mold a more streamlined Apple


Two months has already gone since the moment when Tim Cook was appointed Apple’s CEO. The Wall Street Journal decided to take a look at his management strategy and found out some differences between his style and that of Steve Jobs.

In recent weeks, Mr. Cook has tended to administrative matters that never interested Mr. Jobs, such as promotions and corporate reporting structures, according to people familiar with the matter. The new chief executive, 50 years old, has also been more communicative with employees than his predecessor, sending a variety of company-wide emails while addressing Apple employees as "Team," people close to the company said.

Cook made significant changes in Apple’s education division. As a result the division was divided into marketing and sales divisions and then reintegrated with the company's broader arms focused on those aspects of the business. Another corporate-level change is recently-announced charitable matching program that calls for Apple to match employee donations up to $10,000 per year, a change from the Jobs who was reportedly against giving money away. Cook seems to recognize quickly expertise and achievements of his employees, and ready to promote them, such as with the promotion of Eddy Cue.

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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011. 16:07

Apple Pushed Implementation Of Sandboxing Requirement In Mac App Store To March


Among the user-interface changes in OS X 10.7 (Lion), Apple also included a number of changes in the security model that may affect customers of Mac App Store in the near future. One of them is a sandboxing system which can prevent third-party apps from causing damage.

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Written by maxim

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011. 12:31

Next iPad Coming March, But "Real iPad 3" Not Until Q3 2012


Digitimes suggests that Apple's next iPad should enter mass production soon with a launch set for March 2012. But this new product won’t be a “real” iPad 3 rather an updated iPad 2. The “real” iPad 3 is expected to be launched no earlier that the third quarter of 2012. Although Digitimes does not provide any distinction as to what qualifies as a "real iPad 3", the site claims that it would be thinner than the iPad 2 and offer longer battery life.

The most obvious difference between the updated iPad 2 and the “real” iPad 3 is an ultra-high resolution Retina display that is rumored to be implemented in the iPad 3. Rumors about Apple’s plans to build in such display in their devices have been circulating for months. But the most recent reports indicate that Apple's suppliers are finding it challenge to produce such high density displays. Anyway Apple could change their plains at any moment.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011. 11:42

Apple released iOS 5.0.1 beta to developers


Apple has just relased iOS 5.0.1 (9A402) to developers. The new update features battery life fixes, multitasking gestures on the original iPad, improves Voice recognition for Australian users, and features other bug and security fixes. The update is about 811MB. Developers can download it from the Developer Center.

iOS 5.0.1 beta also introduces a new way for developers to specify files that should remain on device, even in low storage situations.


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Written by admin

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011. 3:28

Tests Revealed Parallels 7 Is The Virtualization Performance Winner On The Mac


These days there are three main players at Linux/Windows Virtualization on Macs. One of them is a basic emulator VirtualBox that was acquired by Oracle as a part of Sun in 2009. Oracle isn’t very interested in development of free Open Source projects so it is unlikely that it will become much better in the near future.

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Written by maxim

Thursday, November 3rd, 2011. 2:33

Samsung Request Depositions From iPhone Designers, Including Jony Ive


The legal conflict over copycat of mobile devices between Samsung and Apple continue to escalate in different countries and now Samsung requests testimonies from Apple’s designers working on iPhone, including senior vice president Jonathan Ive. Also Samsung wants to receive source code of iPhone 4S and details of agreements between Apple and Australian carriers.

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Tests Showed That Siri Doesn’t Consume Much Network Data


Siri, exclusive to iPhone 4S digital assistant, requires a network connection to interact with Apple cloud in order to get answers, the company said at the iPhone 4S unveiling. In order to find out how much traffic does Siri consume, Ars Technica conducted eleven tests, using Siri to make five network operations such as searching information on Wolfram|Alfa and other sources and six local tasks, including setting up reminders, alarms, dictation and other.

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Written by maxim

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011. 18:48

South Korea repeals ban on iOS games ahead of iPhone 4S launch


The Next Web reported that South Korea had removed a ban blocking App Store games a week before the iPhone 4S launch. Korea opened up the local App Store earlier today. The Store had been closed for about two years. Of course, such ban cannot but affect Korean game developers. The selection of available games in the Korean App Store is limited for now, but it is expected to improve quickly.

The iPhone 4S is believed to face with tough competition in the region from the local giant Samsung, especially from the latest Galaxy Nexus. But Apple will obviously achieve success, predicting huge demand for their newest smartphone. Moreover, worldwide sales of the iPhone 4S are breaking all records. In the first three days of availability Apple sold four million units.

Nevertheless, Samsung intends to target Apple with new patent suits after iPhone 4S launch in Korea, even despite the fact that all their previous attempts were unsuccessful.


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Samsung requests iPhone 4S firmware source code


SmartOffice reports that Samsung is requesting Apple to provide them with the source code for the iPhone 4S firmware. Samsung doesn’t abandon their attempt to ban the device in Australia, trying to find any loophole to achieve success. Moreover, Samsung wants to know details of subsidy agreements with all Australian carriers.

“It goes to show that since the iPhone 3G was made available in Australia in July 2008, the impact on the market for every iPhone product has been significant, and has lead to a substantial increase … in market share by revenue. If subsidies are given for the iPhone 4S, there are less to go around for my client’s products,” - Samsung counsel Cynthia Cochrane told the federal court.

As for the source code Apple denies any infringement. The Company claims that Samsung agreed to license the three wireless 3G-related patents in question under FRAND agreements. Samsung thinks that agreement doesn’t cover Apple in Australia and claims Apple denied previous attempts to extend the license internationally. But it seems that all Samsung’s attempts will be unsuccessful, because the case will be handled by Justice Annabelle Bennett, who handed out the injunction against Samsung’s Tab 10.1.


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This Thursday Apple Will Launch Two New Programs In Its Retail Stores


This Thursday, Apple will implement some interesting changes in its retail stores. These changes are self-check capability and expansion of the system allowing to pick-up online orders in Apple Stores. New features will be launched in the form of update to the Apple Store App.

Pickup of standard items will be available in about 12 minutes after placing online orders. During this time system will send the order to the retail store and employees will set aside them for pickup. Customers can skip the line and just have to sign for the item and leave.

Engraved and build-to-order devices and other out-of-the stock products, will be shipped to the local Apple Store free of charge. Then the system will let you know the date of pickup and push notification in the App will inform you about arriving it to the store. The item will be available for pickup in 12 minutes after receiving the push notification.Apple expects that most customers will finally use in-store pickup system for buying products.

Another interesting feature that Apple is going to launch will streamline the retail experience at Apple Stores. Customers will be able to buy cheaper items, like cases, without even talking to an employee. That is how it will happen: after finding the product you want to buy, like a case, you open the Apple Store app that will offer an option to buy an item in the store. In the app you will scan the item with the camera of your device, click buy and the system will charge the credit card linked to your Apple ID.

Self Check Out and In-Store Pickup will launch on this Thursday worldwide.


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Written by maxim

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011. 12:51

Posting negative comments on social media sites will get you fired at Apple


Apple always cares about its image. Such control spreads even on social networks, especially Facebook. Of course, Apple has its own Facebook pages and Twitter channels to share news, product updates, support documents, etc. But the company seems to control pages of its employees in social networks : Tweet/post/blog negatively about Apple and you’ll get fired.

One of Apple’s employees in the UK left negative comments about Apple on Facebook. He claimed that the post were not public. But he was fired for “gross misconduct”. Apple does warn potential employees in advance to refrain from commenting on the brand. It seems that commentary on Apple products, or critical remarks about the brand are indeed strictly prohibited, because such action could be damaging for Apple’s image and commercial reputation.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011. 11:09

Retail chief Ron Johnson officially leaves Apple


In June, Ron Johnson, Apple’s senior vice president of retail, announce his transition to J.C. Penney as CEO of department store chain. Yesterday Apple removed Johnson from the list of senior executives.

After working as a key merchandising executive at Target for 15 years, Johnson was personally lured away by Apple's Steve Jobs in 2000. Having joined Apple, he became responsible for the launch and strong growth of Apple's retail store segment.

The international component of Apple's retail business will be the most crucial element going forward. The company already announced that it intends to open forty new retail stores during fiscal 2012, with 75% of those locations coming outside of the United States.

Johnson also pioneered the successful "Genius Bar" concept that has become a staple of Apple's stores - a concept that Jobs himself was initially against.

Apple has not announced Johnson's successor yet. It is believed that Johnson’s position will be taken be the current Apple vice president for retail Jerry McDougal, who served under Johnson for over ten years. But Apple seems to be still looking for the best possible candidate. After Johnson’s announcement about his departure, Apple started "actively recruiting" for a new retail chief and in August the company took its search abroad in hopes of finding a replacement.


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Written by Svetlana Osipova

Wednesday, November 2nd, 2011. 10:31

iOS Has Reached 60% Share Of Mobile Web Traffic


Net Applications have published its latest data on web traffic from mobile devices, which show that Apple’s iOS took advantage of iPhone 4S launch and continuous iPad momentum to reach a 60% share of mobile web traffic. During October iOS has accounted for  61.64% of the web traffic.

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